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Everything posted by sweetiecat

  1. Good luck with your first fitting! I bet you'll love the dress even more on Saturday than when you picked it out. Good luck also with the honeybun ban! I know how that is - we made a batch of cupcakes this week and I couldn't stop eating them.
  2. They look awesome! I especially love the shells in your colors. Your guests will be so excited when they arrive.
  3. Everyone's ring pictures are so pretty! I wanted to add a suggestion that if you are looking for some more ring shots, you can look at this website dedicated to (mostly diamond) jewelry: Diamond Jewelry - Engagement Rings, Diamond Rings, and Wedding Bands Forum. They have a lot of close-up creative pictures of their rings in flowers, on trees, etc.
  4. They look great! I'm sure your guests are getting very excited for your wedding after getting those invites in the mail!
  5. Everything looks great. I love your colors, and your mugs are awesome!
  6. Everything looks great, and your dress is so pretty!
  7. They are absolutely beautiful! I'm sure your guests will use them after the wedding. The zip up cooler for the guys is a great idea as well.
  8. Welcome to the forum! Your day will be here before you know it! Have fun finalizing the details of your day; the forum here is full of helpful advice.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica My biggest stress so far is hoping that everyone will be able to afford the trip. We have paid the deposits, but until everyone pays in full by March, I won't be able to be stress-free. Its just a small group, but its our close family and friends, so I'd hate for any of them to not be there! I totally agree with this one! I keep saying that we really just need our parents and siblings to be there and anyone else will be a bonus. I really don't want anyone to feel pressured to come, but I would be thrilled if I could have 15-30 there. I'm planning on talking to some relatives over Thanksgiving and have been calling some friends now that I'm officially engaged, so hopefully I can put the word out without sounding bossy.
  10. Since you are in Baltimore, you are also close enough to travel to the main US State Dept. passport office in D.C. If the passport hasn't arrived by 2-3 days before you are set to leave, you can go there to get the passport processed the same day.
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! The women here are very helpful with almost any question you can come up with.
  12. I have been reading some reviews on Beaches Negril on TripAdvisor, and it has been mentioned a few times that the Santa Cruz block is the most quiet area (near the watersports area), and Montpelier is more centrally located but noisier - so it would be your preference whether you wanted to be closer to the action or near peace and quiet. I haven't seen anything about how the rooms are different other than levels of noise and location. I think you can ask your TA to request the room block, and then you would request it again at check-in. I don't think it can be guaranteed, but I could be wrong.
  13. They look awesome so far! I can't wait to see more, especially of the paint shots.
  14. Great! I'm glad you were able to take the leap and change resorts. Your wedding will be more in line with what you were envisioning and you won't be disappointed with your decision.
  15. I'm also interested in seeing the answers! Sorry, I can't help with this question yet.
  16. I'm considering Beaches Negril now for my location, but I am certain some of my guests will book Sandy Bay since it is less expensive (or Sandals Negril to get away from all of the kids). I was thinking of telling everyone to bring a walkie talkie for easy communication, so there is an option for you if you think it would work well for you.
  17. I've heard that you can let them know what your budget is for a specific item, like flowers, and ask them what they are able to do for that amount of money. That way you aren't pressured into buying a package and hopefully you will have options at the amount you would like to spend.
  18. Congratulations on your engagement and welcome to the forum!
  19. sweetiecat


    Congratulations and welcome! I hope you have fun finalizing the details for your wedding. There is a wealth of information on the boards to help you!
  20. I can't help you with PV, but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!
  21. sweetiecat


    Congratulations and welcome!
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