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Everything posted by candicemarie

  1. So beautiful! I LOVE the detailing and the light train!! It looks great w/o the bow, but I think the bow would look adorable.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by azulskies Did you guys hear the audio of Obama calling Kanye a jackass?? I love it! Obama Calls Kanye a 'Jackass' -- The Audio | TMZ.com OMG! I completely forgot I heard that on the news this morning! (guess I was still 1/2 asleep) Thanks for posting it! That is just greatness!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by merocket59 I used open ones and they didn't fall out, and I used the mini key clip holders from OTC and they worked great, they are small but perfect for clipping on to clothes. I'll have to check those out. I'd like something clip on like that rather than the bracelet, I think. Thanks for the tip!
  4. aww hopefully you can turn him on it bc that's sounds awesome!!! congrats on getting this far! and good luck!!!
  5. Yikes! Scary, man. I'll have to go through and figure out how to delete some of that stuff that's out there. Jeez.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di IMPORTANT - Please read Ladies, I strongly believe that the resort website has a virus. I was wondering why it was blocked at my work, all of sudden, when i could view it before. It had stated the reason for "Malicious content" but didn't know why. I checked it out at home using my work laptop and the anti virus software popped up and indicated that a trojan horse virus was being download so it blocked it from downloading. I sent an email to the resort but I don't know it would warrant an immediate action. My biggest concern is that our relatives/friends will go that website and their computers with no or a sucky anti virus will get infected. I am starting to believe that this is the reason why my mom's computer crashed last week. For now, please don't go to the website until it's taken care of. Please send an email to [email protected]. They definitely will take an action if there are bunch of us emailing them. This is not good at all! Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di I checked it and it is still blocked at work. I just checked the wedding section..it isn't blocked so that page is safe. I had my TA to send her contact at the resort an email about this so hopefully, this will get fixed ASAP. BTW, if you have a good anti-virus software then it will catch it. I am just concerned for people with computers that don't have good or no anti virus software. Thanks for the heads up! I'll def shoot an email, too. Hopefully they fix it soon
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by stevensFiance Its official!! JUNE 19TH 2010!!! At the Royal Cancun. Stoked!!! YAY!!!! Congrats stevensFiance! I'm so excited for you!!!!
  8. When I first heard, I was excited bc I think she is fun and adorable! After reading the posts, though, I started to think about what y'all were saying and have to agree w/a lot of it. I hope she doesn't try to hard to be funny. I hate when people do that. I'll definitely be tuning in to find out!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Taylor handled herself very well. And so did Beyonce for inviting her back up. I love Kanye's music, but he's just such an a-hole of a person!!! Someone needs to punch him in the throat! A woman after my own heart! He definitely deserves a stong punch in the throat!!!!! Man, he's such a total D-bag!!! I really hope the people that surround him make him feel like complete sh!t for what he did to sweet Taylor. Quote: Originally Posted by kristaheer That's awesome about Pink. I'm not on Twitter, but I saw another great one. Kings of Leon's Nathan Followill - "We lost damnit. Maybe next year," he wrote. "At least we got to see the worst haircut since 1984 try to steal the spotlight from lovely Taylor Swift." So I also watched Leno last night. If it was the first time I would totally believe him, MAYBE even the second time, but come on dude...you're not new!! HAHAHAHAHA! I love that quote so much!!!
  10. Me too! I'm so happy about Jim and Pam. I LOVE them together. Some shows suck after the two main characters who go back and forth finally get together, but I think it makes it even better! I love fall just for the TV shows that start back up, ha!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda We are sorta doing a football party. We know our friends will love this. We're doing the taco bar & nacho bar for super cheap on our own, kegs, cupcake stand from a local bakery, we'll show a slideshow and mingle and then when the game starts we'll watch and during halftime we'll switch back to pics and such. We aren't formal people at all! So this works well for us and our friends and family, and people don't feel like this is a gift grabbing type of party. That sounds fantastic!!! If we were getting married close to football season (were 6/5/10), I would totally steal the game idea! Fi and I LOVE football (so pumped for this Sunday, btw!). We're very laid back, too, so all that sounds right up our alley. I'll put my thinking cap on and try to come up w/something along those lines. Really thank you for sharing your party Fi just suggested a UFC fight night party/AHR. That could totally work along w/your great ideas!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee OMG I'm such a crazy I just phoned my Old Navy closest to me and in Canada the flip flops are 3 for $10...awesome deal! although she said some stores they are ringing in 3 for $5...I must find those stores!! I need a turquoise/light blue colour!!! Nice! I love those flops for regular, too. I need to hit that up today! Hopefully, they have the sale TX!
  13. Love it!! You really did a fantastic job on your STDs! I just don't think I have to skills to conquer that DIY, ha! The site looks great, too! Good color choice!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie I'm feeling you there! We're kinda counting our engagement party as an AHR-type thing, if that makes sense. Also, I know I would be one of those who would regret an AHR for the money reason. Both of us have quite a few family members coming to the DW, though, (18ppl out of the total 25) so that's prob another reason we're not gonna do one. So we totally planned to not do an AHR, but just decided last nite we're going to have one afterall. I'm hoping for it to be super casual, more like a party than a reception, but we'll see. These things seem to take on a life of their own!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan i just finished the 2nd episode. I thought it was great. Me too! "Push it" cracked me up, lol. Oh and, I love to hate Will's cukoo wife and sister-in-law. What a nightmare those two are!
  16. Like, now that I have a house (yard) and only if I'm or loved ones aren't driving in it Ryan Reynolds
  17. You look soooo gorgeous! I love the three different textures throughout it. Perfect!!!
  18. Welcome to the forum!! Congrats! Have fun exploring the forum Its seriously fantastic!
  19. So beautiful!! Your dress is so pretty & I love the colored sashes on the BM's. Your TTD on the rocks is so lovely, too! They really did a wonderful job!!!
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