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Everything posted by candicemarie

  1. Congrats!!!! And thanks for sharing your review! You're pictures are going to be gorgeous; I can't wait to see the rest of them! I'm glad everything turned out for y'all in the end
  2. Oh goodness! I'm sorry your plans had to change so close to your wedding! I'm having mine at The Royal PDC, and we have a whole thread w/info about it: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...estions-17108/ There are quite a few pages so you might want to start at the last 100 or 50 and go from there. Good luck and I hope everything turns out great for you!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by astreit Has anyone used the resort photography? I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth the cost to bring in an outside photographer. Any insight would be great! Thanks. Ashley Quote: Originally Posted by jcooper79 I was wondering about the resort photography as well. That is my only option, but I really would like to know how they are... I think they're good, but like Lady Di, they didn't do the style we are looking for. We're using Victor Herrera (Victor Herrera Wedding Photographer Cancun and Riviera Maya | Mexico Destination Wedding Photographers | International Wedding Photographer). We booked before the rate change, though, so luckily we're still at the $100 outside vendor fee. Here's his pricing info http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ography-53033/ Quote: Originally Posted by LeslieJohn2010 Hi girls, Does anyone know the options and prices for alcohol during the dinner reception and afterwards? I received all the package info, but don't see anything about alcohol apart from the toast. Thanks. As far as I know, the alcohol is included in the dinner price (except for the champagne toast, which is like $5 or so per real resort guest). I'm not 100% sure on exactly what is included in the bar. I just assumed the same stuff thats available for all-inclusive will be available at the reception bar. Anyone know this for sure?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Natalie79 I'm also in the process of booking with Adrian, his photos look great and well worth the price. I'm so glad he was available! There is an outside vendor fee at the Royal Playa del Carmen?? Because I'm planning on bringing a DJ in too. I hope it's not too much! Awesome Natalie!! I'm at The Royal, too! Have you checked out this thread yet? All the ladies are super helpful!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...estions-17108/ Depending on when you booked your wedding, it's either $100 (book before 12/09) or $350 (book after 12/09) per vendor.
  5. candicemarie


    Welcome to the forum & congrats! You'll find tons of helpful info on here to make your decision. Happy Planning!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by boolo318 Hey! I noticed that you said you have questions for "Kimberly"! Kimberly Roumayah was my WC here in the states - I just tried calling her and I was told that "She is no longer with this company"! Is this the same person you are referring to? To say the least, I had a short "freak out" moment. The woman I spoke to took my name and info and said she would have my new coordinator contact me! Can you (or anyone else) verify this information!!! I feel so lost! Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di do you have her email? nobody has gotten in touch with me regarding who will be my WC. i have some questions but don't know who to email! Hi ladies! For those of you who had Kimberly R as your WC, like I did, and haven't heard from anyone there, here is Carole's (the manager) email [email protected]. I went back through some of the emails Kimberly sent me and found Carole's in there so I just emailed her (not knowing she was the manager now or if she even still worked there) and asked if she could help me find out who would be my new WC since Kimberly was gone. Luckily, she is still there and replied w/in 1 day! She said they're training some new people right now and will assign them to each of Kimberly's brides as soon as they have completed training. She said Kimberly just left a note saying the job was too stressful, and she was out. Yikes! Anywho, good luck Quote: Originally Posted by kenlyn8984 hi ladies! my wedding date is set for june 10, 2010 at the royal PDC and i am doing the luxury pkg.. do we have to pick only one menu option for our guests, or can we pick 2 or 3 options and ask our guests and just keep track of who wants what? also, is everyone getting a DJ for their reception? I was just going to use my Ipod to try to save some cost, is anyone doing that or is everyone hiring a DJ?! Congrats kenlyn!! I'll be there till June 10th so I'd love to meet up w/you and Stephanie for a drink, if you'll be there before then! From what I remember on here awhile back, you can do either of the meal options you suggested, but they said you will have to keep up w/who wants what if you want to do different ones for each person. We're just doing the iPod thing. Its better for our budget, and both FI and I are way into music so we've put together a fantastic playlist of completely untraditional stuff to play from the beginning of the ceremony till the end of the reception. It was really fun to do together, too. I'm going to post my playlist on here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...l-music-49407/ as soon as we wittle it down some more.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by diana&steve0304 Hello my Fellow Brides!! I just saw this thread and I figured I'd come in and put in my two cents I am in process of booking with Adrian Herrera. I had originally wanted to book with Victor but he was already doing another ceremony on that day so he suggested Adrian. At first I wasn't sure but then I saw his work on Victor's site and I saw how beautiful his work is too! I can't wait! Good luck to all you ladies! Awesome! Thanks for sharing! We tried to book Adrian first bc he was closer to our price range, but he was already booked. Luckily, Victor was open & we moved some budget stuff around to make it work. I know, their pics are so gorgeous!! I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to find them by doing some digging online. I was worried we'd be stuck w/the resort photogs or roping a friend into doing it. But nope! Good luck to you, too!!
  8. Great pics!! I love the ones w/the horse, but the one of you on the fence w/FI is just adorable! I agree w/cbell you DEF have to get one of you in your wedding dress on that beautiful horse!!
  9. Welcome to the forum!! You'll find so many great threads on here to help you narrow down you choices. Congrats & happy planning!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MichaelandAraceli Hi Ladies, I'm glad I found this forum. We are getting married at The Royal on December 18, 2010! XOXO Araceli Congrats!! One year to go! Welcome to the thread Quote: Originally Posted by dcheung1111 Ladies, if anyone is interested in seeing our full slide show - Elizabeth Medina just posted on the below link! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-carmen-53050/ WOW you look gorgeous!! Quote: Originally Posted by olsontco Hi everyone! I just got my slideshow from our photographer samuel luna! He was fabulous to work with. His email address is www.samualluna.com. Teri + Robert – The Royal Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya. Samuel Luna Clients Aww, you look SO beautiful, and y'all look SO in love!! Congrats and thanks for sharing w/us!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by cvdelros We decided to go with Victor as well. He had good prices and really great work. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of reviews on him or people that have used him - i think he's just starting out? Our wedding is actually 6/12/10, a week after yours. good luck! So glad to hear from someone else! Ya, I was surprised at how well the pics were for the price Did you have to put down a deposit? I've been emailing w/him trying to get a little more info on what's included in the packages and haven't got to that part, yet. How cool that we're so close!! Where are you getting married at?
  12. I did a search and didn't find anything about either of them. I don't remember exactly where I first came across his name. I thought it was one here but can't find it anywhere. Has anyone used Victor or Adrian? I received his price list, and it's very affordable! His and Adrian's pics are pretty, too. I know some brides used the resort photogs (Funever), but Adrian's prices are cheaper (even w/the vendor fee!) and we liked his style more than the catalog the WC sent of Funever photos. I sent an email asking more questions and for a little bit of a breakdown of what the package consists of. If anyone responds to this, I'll post whatever they send me. If you click on the link or pic, it will be big enough to read. <link removed at poster's request>
  13. Great review!!! Beautiful pics & I love your bouquet! Thanks for sharing and congrats!!!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by randi.renstrom i finally made it!!!! i just read all 209 pages and i feel like i already know so much! thank you girls for all your information and input! it has been killing me not posting until now...but i wanted to make sure i read everything before i started posting and repeating questions/info. i am hoping to get married nov 11th 2010 at the gazebo at the royal. and then have a cocktail hour, and then the reception in the ballroom. our TA has done many weddings at the royal, and has worked with the wedding coordinator many times. we haven't put our deposit down yet, because if we do right now, we miss out on a special rebate (which would be about $1000 cash back at the end). if we put a deposit down in december once the flights are out, we can still get that cash back special. so our TA is working with her, trying to figure out how to keep it reserved and getting the special. but at the moment, we are planning on Nov 11th, and the wedding coordinator does know about it. we are planning on about 40-50 guests, but haven't sent the info out yet. but most the people know our plans and are eagerly waiting the info! i have gotten so much good info about photographers and dj's i feel like i already know everything i want! thank you guys for everything and i can't wait to give my input and hear what you girls have to say! Congrats on your engagement AND getting through this whole thread, haha! December will be here before you know it so I'm sure you'll be able to get your date Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan You are so welcome! I hope I was helpful The pic is the Pelicanos restaurant and that is the pier right there and the first beach area that is right next to the pier. The reception will be very nice in the main garden area. Even though everyone can see you it still is nice because it is closed off and people can't walk around in your area. Ya we ended up with the light up dance floor after all. You know in the garden area you may not even need a dance floor if you really did not want one. Ohhhh, hahaha! I found another pic of that area on Google, and I cracked up when I realized how much its NOT a dance floor, LOL. That's a good idea! We might just pass on the dance floor afterall. I remember seeing some pics from a reception in the garden that didn't have one, and I didn't even realize. Thanks!
  15. Welcome to the forum!! Checkout this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...estions-17108/ there's tons of info for the Gran and Royal on here! We haven't done a date update in awhile for all the brides, but I'm sure there's someone who will be there close to your date!
  16. Welcome and congrats, Tara! This forum is awesome! Happy planning!!
  17. I'm way late on this...Congrats to both of you, ladies!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Hi Ladies were back from our site visit. I could not wait to post the review as soon as I got back. I just would like to mention the following is based on my personal opinion. I do not want to offend anyone and the choices they have made. So I will reiterate this review is based on my personal choice. Note this is a reallllllyyyyyy loooonnggggggg review. Here is the link to see all the pictures I took http://theroyalwedding.shutterfly.com The pictures include La Tortuga Hotel & Spa where we stayed and we decided in the end to do our rehearsal dinner here. You are awesome for breaking all that down for us! AND pics! Man, we sure owe you! Thank you sooooo much for sharing all that info! I'm sorry to hear about the crappy flight/airline that sounds like a very unprofessional way to do business. You would think they could at least vent their complaints amongst themselves rather than air them out for everyone to hear. Not cool. I can't believe they still do the $60/3day pass! WTF were the WC's talking about on the webinar when they said they don't do that anymore at all I sure wish they would get together and match up what they are telling people. That is very good news! The food sounds and looks fantastic. Great descriptions!! I will definitely be choosing some of the same, ha! Thanks for the maracas info, too! That is definitely something I'm interested in and one less thing to haul on the trip, whoop! I have a couple questions about this pic, what exactly is this area? It looks like it could be a dancefloor of some sort near the beach. Which beach is it on (first, middle or gazebo beach per your review)? We planned our reception in the main garden area (thank you for all those garden pics BTW!) w/the regular dance floor, but the two wooden planks don't sound too appealing bc I know our group will need more room than that. Thank you, again. I can't tell you how much that helps us brides who aren't able to do a site visit. You're wonderful!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by boolo318 For those of you who opted for the Ultimate Wedding Package, do you know of anyone just using the music this provides - 1 hour of: mariachi band, Mexican trio, live Mexican band, then your own music? I haven't looked into a DJ or band or anything because I thought this would be fine...after thinking more about it, however, I'm kinda nervous about it - especially the dancing and whatnot. Let me know your thoughts!! THANK YOU!! I'm not doing the Ultimate pkg, but we're just using our iPod the whole time. I've read lots of other brides who have done this and it worked out great Plus its way cheaper than a DJ, if you're looking to cut some costs. Quote: Originally Posted by kenlyn8984 candicemarie, looks like your wedding is 5 days before mine ) what time are you having your ceremony? angie told me 6pm is the best time for sunset in june.. Oh yay! When are y'all arriving in Playa? We'll be there till the 10th. We booked 6p for our ceremony! I did some research to find the sunset time and 6p is as close as we can get w/o it being dark so soon after. Did you decided on a time, yet? Here's a link to the site I found the sunset times: Location Selection for Sunrise Sunset Calendar I just plugged Cancun/Quintana Roo for the city.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by becks1581 Candice-- I just wanted to say that I think you have a GREAT website! I 'borrowed' a few ideas from your site when I started working on my own. I'll post my link too when it's finished! thank you very much, becks!! I worked my booty off on that thing so that is great to hear I 'borrowed' some stuff from other Desties, too, so I'm more than happy to pay it forward! yes, definitely post yours! I'd love to see how it turned out!! Quote: Originally Posted by jenconrad I have a question for anyone who may know... We are doing the luxury package and we were wondering what the timeline looks like from ceremony to reception? How long between the ceremony and reception? We are trying to time how long we want our photographer for! Any insight would be great! Jen Jen, I don't know for sure but figured there is about an hour b/t the ceremony and reception bc they offer the 1hr cocktail hr b/t the two. We decided against the cocktail hour just bc we aren't having too many guests so it didn't make sense to spend that much. Quote: Originally Posted by allison&kevin Wow it has been a long time! Great to see Tracey's pics - thanks for sharing, really beautiful. We are on the less than 2 month countdown. Getting crazy close! As for timing, we are staying 11 days also, some before and some after. MOst our guests are staying 7 days, so it really does not give us much alone time, but we will do a "real" honeymoon in a year. I think we will be doing Cook Islands for that. I still feel like there is so much to do, but yet not much I can really do. What a conflict. Tracey-did you feel this way? Any tips of things not to forget when heading down there? Last minute reminders Thanks in advance. Oh my gosh you're soooo close!! How exciting!!! Ya, our guests are staying 5 days and we're staying 7 so I feel you on that. We're hoping to do a "real" one next year, too. Not sure exactly where, yet. I was wondering the same about when you get to that point. I emailed Kimberly a few days ago to get a timeline of planning stuff just so I could have an idea of when I can finally start making decisions but haven't heard back, yet. I'll let you know what she says.
  21. Hi all Royal brides!! Man, I haven't been on here in FOREVER so I'm playing a bit of catch-up and tried to MQ as much as I could. There's been lots of activity & new names on here since I last checked in! So great! Update: We've booked and paid for our trip! June3-10, 2010! Soooo pumped! Now that we've done that I feel like we're almost there, ha! Here goes! Quote: Originally Posted by allison&kevin Candice- Thanks so much! Your party is just planning on meeting up at a certain time? I think that is how is works...? Yep, on the intieraries we're putting for everyone to meet in the restaurant/bar for drinks around 5:30. Then, move on to dinner around 6:30-7 Quote: Originally Posted by aerazo For those who are doing a Symbolic Ceremony like I am: Does anyone know what exactly the minister says during the ceremony? Or have a copy of what he says you could send to me please? I just wonder if they say the same things as a normal ceremony... Thanks, Adriana if anyone has this information, my email is [email protected] Thanks !!! We're doing a symbolic and going to write our own (w/the help of fellow Desties, of course!). If you do a search on here for ceremony scripts, you can find some great ones to start with. I guess I should check w/Kimberly to make sure that's allowed, but I can't see why it wouldn't be. Quote: Originally Posted by jennieestelle It's official, we are booked for the Royal Feburary 6, 2010!!! Thanks for everyones help and I look forward talking more as the date approaches . Yay!! CONGRATS! I can't believe that's only 3months away! Soooo exciting! Quote: Originally Posted by becks1581 So...I received confirmation today that we're booked for May 8, 2011 (and apparently I'm a bit of an over-planner as they told us that we're the very first wedding to book for May 2011). Even though we're still very far out, do you all think that I should try to contact an actual WC at the Royal just to introduce myself? I remember reading that sometimes Doreen doesn't communicate well with the WC's and that it has resulted in double booking, etc. VERY excited to officially have the date!!!! CONGRATS to you, too, becks!! Quote: Originally Posted by Oscar_Ernie Hi Girls - I haven't popped in here in a long time, but I happened to notice the recent posts on the price increase (again)...We've decided against The Royal and are going with Dreams Puerto Aventuras instead. One reason for this is because of the instable prices! I specifically asked during the online Webinar (was that in September I think?) if the prices and packages would be changing again because they seem to change somewhat frequently and at unexpected times. The answer was, "No. These are the packages and they will not be changing." That would make me very angry if I hadn't paid my deposit yet and so it seals the deal for us. As much as I'd totally and completely fallen in love with The Royal, perhaps we can come back another time for a vacation. I wish you all the very best of luck and the most beautiful weddings imaginable!!! Aww bummer I remember that question and answer during the webinar! I wonder what is up w/that? Luckily, I'm doing the free wedding so I'm not too worried about the pricing for the packages. You'll have a wonderful wedding no matter where you have it so don't worry!! Happy Planning! Quote: Originally Posted by aerazo Just curious what other brides are doing ... How many days do you guys plan to be in Mexico for your entire trip? I think i'll be there for a total of 11 days, I'm not sure if that is too much or not enough. lol. Do you plan to stay at The Royal Resort for your honeymoon too or going to another resort or another location all together? We're staying 7 nights (4 nights after the wedding) at the Royal. 11 would be amazing! Quote: Originally Posted by jaxsebridetobe Hi fellow Royal brides, It's been a while since I've been on the website...I'm one of those brides that isn't doing a whole lot of extra planning and just enjoying the stress free easiness that comes with a destination wedding. That being said...it is now Nov 7th, and my big day is coming FAST! (DEC 2). I've got some questions I'm hoping all you experienced BDW forum girls can answer... I'm going with the Luxury Package and was wondering if anyone that has already done this or some of you girls that might have the answers can help... 1) How much is it for day pass? Back when I first got on this site, I thought it was $100 - now it looks like it is $195 for the full day!! Seems steep..just wondering if anyone else got quoted less recently. I'm flying in a photographer, but he is staying at another hotel. 2) For the hairstyle and makeup included at the spa - do they have a lot of good make up to use or should I be bringing in my own? And for my hair, if I want a flower in it, do they supply that? 3) What is the Men's Face Saver?... 4) Did you find you needed extra decorations for the Gazebo or the beach reception? If so...does it cost quite a bit more to add to it? 5) Has anyone used the harpist during the wedding? I'm trying to decide if i want that or maybe the violin or saxiphone - any feedback? Also on this - how long do they play? Is it at the beginning of the wedding and then we use our own music for the actual wedding? I know I probably have SO many more questions!! But guess I will go with this for now. Thanks girls!!! I'm right there w/ya on the stress-free part! I can't believe how close you are!!!!!!!! So awesome! I don't have answers to all your questions, but I'm so excited for you! 4) I'm just sticking w/the all white (tablecloths & chair covers) and will bring some table decorations (they'll set up the decorations you bring for free). Colored ribbons for the chairs are $5/chair. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di Kimberly told me to put "standard dance floor requested" on the form and they will put one. also luxury comes with a sound system so that means speakers will be included. What form are you supposed to put that dance floor request? I haven't received a form, yet. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Ladies we are off to Playa for our site visit!!!! I am armed with everyones questions and a camera ready to go. I will post my review next week when I return. Have a great week I hope you're having a BLAST!!!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip! Quote: Originally Posted by traceyfranzel Here we go ladies. Here are the wonderful pics by DelSol. Review coming soon! 10.24.09 Tracey + Brent | Royal Playa del Carmen | Photos by Matt Adcock OMG, Tracey!!! Your wedding looked absolutely AMAZING!! And you looked GORGEOUS!! Where did you get your dress?? Its the perfect beach dress!! FI and I were looking through your pics saying "I wish we were there for their wedding!" hahahaha! Matt did a fantastic job!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ Beautiful, gorgeous, Amazing! Great Job Matt!!! I really just want the light up dance floor too! I haven't seen this either, but now I want it! I wonder if this is standard now? Hahahaha! I want the palm trees, now, too! Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di the wedding coordinator told me that everyone CAN go to the rehearsal dinner if it's at the royal...including the kids. ugh, i wish i didn't see this review! i will make sure that i show this to her. Good idea on showing her. Not that I know for sure or anything, but it kind of sounds like they didn't really want to be there so I'm sure that didn't help w/any kind of negative experience they came across. Sorry this was so freaking long!
  22. Great review and yummy pics! Looks like you made a fantastic choice!!
  23. Yikes! That is horrible! I'm so sorry you have to deal w/all that. I would definitely switch! That is ridiculous that you didn't get a managers response until after you threatened them w/legal action. I HATE when people/places take advantage of people on what is supposed to be one of the best experiences of their lives. I really hope everything gets worked out. Keep us updated & good luck!
  24. I finally got our weddine site done! Candice + Ricky's Wedding I'm still working on the "Playa" page (I've got to add more about activities and stuff), but the rest is done. I just sent it out to the guests last nite. It took me forever bc I kept changing little things here and there. I just had to make myself stop ha!
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