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pineapple princess

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Everything posted by pineapple princess

  1. i am pretty sure that i do not meet the requirements to get married in st martin either! i was getting conflicting answers from the internet, but then a friend of mine was in a cruise wedding and SWORE the bride got married in st. martin. i finally talked to the bride and she got married in st. thomas! LMAO. yikes! i did not know st. martin was like that. i have never been. thanks for the tip!
  2. Quote: But I insisted that I was not going to marry a jock-o-lantern and therefore he must get his teeth fixed....OR ELSE! LOL OMG - definitely worth the money!
  3. NICE!!! i like the different colors and how they work together. i have not picked out my colors yet - or my bridal party for that matter. i really like what you have picked out.
  4. oooh keep me posted. I sent them an email and tina is the one who responded. my friend worked with angela.
  5. right there with you too! i think we all are in the same boat. i needed new tires - $800!!!!! oh yea!!! but just think about it this way - at least you had the new job to pay for the window. if not - you would be dipping INTO the wedding fund to pay for it. think about how much worse it would be! i firmly believe that everything has a way of working itself out. just keep saving!!
  6. DISRESPECTFUL disrespectful to whom exactly oh, i am sorry, let's not upset Vera and Wang the Wedding Dress God's lest they rain fire and brimstone to haunt your children for the rest of the days to come!! what in the world seriously, unless your dress was passed down from your great great grandmother who had a desperate fear of the ocean - i am just lost here. Clearly, you even have a second dress so what is the deal? people are hilarious when it comes to weddings. TTD pics are always my favorite!!!! Don't forget to come back and post yours!
  7. We are so here for you!!! Be strong. One thing that i always try to remember is "hurt people hurt people". Seriously, when have you ever seen a happy person lash out at another? Just stay strong!!!
  8. Has anyone used weddingstheislandway for their WC on St. Thomas? This was recommended from a friend of mine. here is their website. Destination island weddings on St Thomas and USVI Thought maybe others could chime in or maybe someone here could benefit. My friend raved about them!
  9. GIRLS!!! this weekend fi and i decided that we want to have a cruise wedding (ish)!!!! not sure if it going to work out, but at least we narrowed it down so i can sorta focus. I originally picked princess cruise lines because it had a chapel and i was hoping my priest could come aboard and marry us on embarkation day. I read that princess has catholic and jewish ceremonies on their ships when the cruise falls over a holiday - so i am hoping that means that it meets the catholic requirements of a church. but i am sooooo NOT holding my breath on that one!! hahahhhahahaah. but if it somehow works out that would be awesome! another option - we will get married in the fort lauderdale area before the cruise. i found this catholic church which is about 30 miles away from the ft. lauderdale cruise port. they actually have me penciled in for feb 13, 2010 - to be confirmed with the priest of course- but i really really wanted to get married on feb 14, 2009. first off - hello, valentines days, and second, the cruise i was looking into leaves that day so it would save on another night of hotel. third option - married in st. thomas. of course, i will have to find a catholic church there, so we will see. i have a feeling that option 2 (ft lauderdale area) will be the one that works out. this way - since the cruise part is technically optional, i won't feel so bad. people can just come down for the wedding, and opt out of the cruise. but then i won't technically be a cruise bride, but an ALMOST cruise bride. lol. it took a lot of searching this board and reading posts to realize that my actual ceremony does not have to be beachside, i just want great pics and a fun wedding!! As long as i get to have a TTD session on some georgeous island i think i will have that.
  10. if we go the cruise route, i really would like to get married in the virgin islands or st martin. i started getting a little pushback because the shortest cruise i can find is 7 days. fi made the point that there are alot of people that cannot necessarily take that much time off of work. it seems like the only place you can go in 3 - 4 days is the bahamas and key west. and since we wanted to have the legal and symbolic in one, that won't work because you have to be in the bahamas for a certain period of time first. i figured there was a short cruise from pr to st martin - but nada! that would be ideal. we are now throwing around the idea of getting married before getting on the cruise. the issue we are having is that we wanted a catholic ceremony, and i am just not finding the right church. <sigh> i did find a 5 day cruise to that hits the bahamas and turks and caicos though. hmmmm. off to find a catholic chapel in turks!
  11. I agree with Debra. I think Ne Ne was lashing out at Kandi b/c all the attention was not on Ne Ne. AND.... i think there might have been a teensy bit of jealousy that Kandi and Kim seemed to be hitting it off (for now). that kind of explains her comment about Kim clinging too! OR...it could all just be scripted too!
  12. if i remember correctly, she stated something about getting sick and her hair starting falling out. and that the doctors thought it was cancer or something. then, it turned out that it wasn't cancer and that the doctors did not know what is was. i have to say it looked a little shady from what i remember. hmmm - if i have a lot of conference calls tomorrow - i may just have to find a link or something. at least this keeps me from freaking out about my non planned wedding!!!
  13. let's see if this link works. there are a ton of pics (please try to look past the happy pics of myself and the family who are quite "enhanced" at the time). this is my cousin's reception June 07, 2008. http://www1.snapfish.com/share/p=982...=SYE/otsi=SALB
  14. i was shocked that the nanny was still there the next day!! i thought that kim had fired her on the spot. and seriously, i agree with jessica - what is she doing all day that she needs a nanny?? i don't get it either. i felt so bad for kandi. her mother did NOT have to act that way. just sit down and smile for a few clicks. there is no need to make a scene - no matter what your opinions are. and just think about how her finance must feel. talk about an uncomfortable situation. YUCKS!! and honestly, i would watch a show completely dedicated to dwight! HA! as a newcomer to the show i can honestly say that sheree annoys the sugar honey iced tea out of me.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lexibride Thanks guys!!! I'm glad you all love it!!! I LOVE it too... I have to say, the run in there was a bit nuts and I did hip check a chick next to me, but other than that, once everyone was in, it was fairly easy. Now I won't feel so bad spending $100 on shoes, lol!!!! hip check!!!! hahahah
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by floridagyrl82 Decisions, decisions. My fiancee and I are leaning towards the symbolic ceremony. We still haven't 100% decided but it would save us a lot stress and money doing it this way. Does anyone know if PPC offers a religious symbolic ceremony? Has anyone done this? krishna69z Good luck deciding! hi floridagyrl - i looked into ppc and yes - they do perform religious symbolic ceremonies. they even do catholic ceremonies, although i am finding those have a lot more restrictions, and of course, is the one i was looking to have. of course.
  17. awesome story. awesome dress!! fab price. insert squeal here. congrats. i cannot wait to see it on you.
  18. thanks girls! i was trying to find a weekend cruise, but since i was trying to have a catholic ceremony, i was kind of limited as to which islands i could travel to. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of having a 3 day reception. i think i will look to maybe get married right before the cruise instead of during. like maybe in miami or something. originally, i was looking into the us virgin islands, but that was more like 7 days! are you all going to do any excursions as a group? i will also look more detailed into the "dinner roation" idea. i think that would be a good way to see everyone in a more intimate setting.
  19. omg! "apparently" ne ne and kim were filming at atlantic station (kind of like one of those outdoor shopping malls) and ne ne tried or starting choking kim!!! so kim called 911. OF COURSE, someone got hold of the 911 tape. I will try to post the link to the call below. http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_audio/081009_kim_911.mp3
  20. I have never watched any of the housewives shows, but i was at girls night and one of my friends had it on. I live in Atlanta and started having my FI DVR it because i thought it was cool that they were going to restaurants and places we go to. Well , i never got around to watching it....until i heard the 911 call on the radio from Kim!!! OMG!! that was at the target right by my house (well i just moved so technically the second closest target to my house) that night my FI had guys night so i figured i would curl up with some wine and finally watch it - thinking i would be bored!!! HA! i am so hooked. when sheree and that event planner started going at it - i just started at the television, mouth AGAPE! When FI got home i made him watch it too. it is really sad (and completely hilarious and entertaining) that this is how the people of atlanta are being represented. he is hooked too. please keep all the juicy details coming. i have only seen 3 episodes so i don't know the drama about last season and all the oustide things. WOW!! what does everything think about kandi? it seems she is the new one this season.
  21. okay - i don't mean this to sound as bad as it is going to sound but.... how was it spending the entire cruise with ALL of your guests?? We are considering a cruise wedding, and while a 3 - 4 day cruise would be more than fine, it is looking like it might be more like 7 nights! My immediate family is MORE than fine. We have a blast and it is always good times. But i was more worried about perhaps my FI's family or extended family being there if / when i decide to CUT LOOSE! he he. Also - i was really worried about splitting the time between all the guests (which is an issue at every wedding i guess). did you all just eat dinner with a different group every night?? and finally - did you mind spending the beginning of your honeymoon not alone? thanks in advance!!!
  22. my cousin had her reception there last june. i will see if i can find the pics. i have to agree - i was like "what??" why would you have anything with the word poop in it associated with your wedding - but it was awesome! i liked that is was not HUGE. we actually had the reception at a few tables on the "patio / deck area. There was a little area for the dj and dancing and i think just some shrubbery that separated everyone from the beach.
  23. My mom talked to the priest today at lunch and called me at work for the update - my priest had absolutely no CLUE what the deal is with the sand!!! hahahahaha. and the priest reiterated that you have to get married in a church in order for it to be recognized by the catholic church. i was not there to ask him directly about the DR, but they must just have a different rule. I think that the paradisus wc was just misinformed or confused. I am sure it has to do with not touching consecrated ground after communion (prior to the end of the ceremony). wouldn't that make the most sense?? anywho - just wanted to update everyone! i WILL get to the bottom of this. he he!
  24. thanks Vicki! that mirrors what i was always taught too. "And what would it have to do with receiving communion. Is there some kind of problem with sand in the Dominican Republic?" LMAO!!! HA!!!! i totally agree. I think the twist here is that everywhere except for DR you HAVE to get married in a chapel. SUPPOSEDLY, the priest in DR allows you to get married in a gazebo - which must be why you cannot touch the ground. Anywho - i will tell you what my priest says.....
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