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pineapple princess

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Everything posted by pineapple princess

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mnh1983 You totally get sucked in the more you watch. If you read the books, the sucking in is even worse! Watch a few more episodes and you won't be able to stop. sucked in! ha! off to find the books. you all have convinced me.
  2. wow! bless your heart. keep us posted. There is definitely nothing wrong with having the legal ceremony before. My DH and I moved up our date for pretty much the same reason. Heath insurance is no joke!!
  3. should i get into this? it is ironic b/c i thought my brother was going to disown me when he found out i was not watching. he gave me season one - and dh and i only watched the first episode. for some reason it did not hook me right away. is this something that kind of cures as you watch it?
  4. Defintely go for it! my DH (and I) just opened a CrossFit gym. He LOVES it!!!! And left a very lucrative job in sales to do it. I am still in corporate america and it is driving me insane. He probably works harder than I do, but he is happy, and i am a basket case!!! ALWAYS pursue what you love. On their death bed, no one ever said that they wished they would have spent more time in the office. Carpe Diem!! As for ramen, we got engaged, planned a wedding, moved in together, and opened a business in the last two months of the year - and we are more than fine! Are their sacrafices? Definitely. Are we eating out every day any more? No. And because owing your own business means no paid days off (at first) we have not taken our honeymoon yet, but happiness is worth it 100 times over. PS - random - did you go to Notre Dame??
  5. hmm. never heard of it either. i wonder if it would be worth reading seeing as how i already "did". ha!
  6. these might be kind of out there.... but does he smoke cigars? that was my surprise wedding gift to my FI (now DH) and the groomsmen (i just could not think of ANYTHING) and it was amazingly a big hit! ironically, i cannot STAND smoke. ha! the other thing could maybe be boudouir pics i know a couple of friends who have done this and it was well received. i agree. guys are so hard to shop for. my DH 30th was two months before the wedding!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennyco116 My fiance likes to make up stats about random stuff and it drives me nuts because he sounds so convincing. We we going tit for tat last week and he made up some ridiculous stat about wedding budgets that I had to make up my own......83% OF BRIDES THAT PLAN AN AUGUST WEDDING ACTUALLY STRANGLE THEIR FIANCE BEFORE THE WEDDING DATE. How bout those apples stat man !!!! hahahahahha - stat man! ahahahhaahahah
  8. marak your posts are cracking me up!!! definitely do the blog.
  9. Bless your heart! Here is the place to vent because i PROMISE you, we all understand. I moved my wedding from a destination to Atlanta to be accomodating to family. I will echo what others have said, you won't be able to accomodate everyone!!! However, i will also tell you that the two years will FLY by!!!! And before you know it, you will be having the wedding of your dreams with your prince charming! PS: i sooooo LOVE the disney wedding idea. But then again, i am a disney FREAK!
  10. Congrats!!! No worries, i planned mine in 40 days and it was PERFECT. I switched from a destination to an at home wedding at the last minute. I got my dress 14 days before my wedding. YOU CAN DO IT! and it is a LOT of fun.
  11. Mine is a Maggie too! But i don't have the style number because i got it at this wholesale place. Funny, when i went to pick it up, they took out the TAG!!! Cannot wait to see the pics.
  12. definitely get the dress!!! or at the very least a duplicate.
  13. Invitations -$247 Stamps - $27 Silver Sharpies - $10 Daddy's save the date / rsvp email to his fam.....PRICELESS!!!!! Deanna's wedding is on 19 Dec 09. I don't have everyone's address readily available, so I am using this thing. You can reach her at [email protected]. She needs an exact count if you can make it. She has a web site. Ask her how to get on it. Later
  14. those are so cute! i was thinking about doing shot glasses for my guests too. here is a second for wanting to know where you got them - and if they are plastic or glass!
  15. Got my DRESS!!! i went back to New Natalies and Maria found it! oh yea - and i still need shoes! my brides maids actually bought my shoes and it turns out they were fake Christian Louboutin's! And 250 is wayyy to much to spend on a knock off! i go for alterations on sat - so i will post pics.
  16. omg!! 4.5 hours and david's bridal and still nothing. I found three dresses that i liked a lot though. But most importantly - i did get my SHOES!!!!!!!!
  17. wow gracie! that picture is awesome. we are supposed to be making our photgrapher decision this week - i will check him out now!
  18. LOL - i like that one too. In retro - sometimes i think that i should have gone all ZIL on a few people! but then again, i still have 26 days left.
  19. It is official! They are all groomsmen! I was nervous about having so many girls together - all of my bm have VERY strong personalities so i am a tad nervous that some might clash. Not to mention the possible hurt feelings, etc for the people that i did not ask. But so far i am psyched about my choice! all my BM have totally stepped up and are helping out a ton. and i did not even think i needed anything! everyone has been making me nervous saying how stressful it is to have bm's - but so far (6 days and counting) it has totally been awesome!
  20. hey chica! give yourself a little while to sort your feelings out before you do anything!! there is no need for a rash decision. I would be absolutely LIVID and you have every right to feel the way that you do. sammysgirl had a great one: “You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.” it is hard to face up to thing that you are ashamed of, but put your big boy britches on and come clean! that was something that you all could have worked out together. But alas - it is over and done with. Just take some time to explore how your feel before you make a decision. And....major kudos to you for not telling anyone you know. that only makes things worse.
  21. You know, after reading a lot of posts on here, i really do not understand how all of you are staying so calm. People literally loose their minds when it comes to weddings huh? And what is so crazy, is that the majority of us are all concerned and worried about OTHER people. so, for all of my girls who are going through all this nonsense with their families and friends, and are more than likely being too accomodating, i propose this shirt..... "you say bridezilla like it's a bad thing? "
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