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Everything posted by kgoodwin82

  1. Ok here is a little background.. My now fiance Brett has been studying and taking review classes for the CPA, which occupy most of his time. His first no-class weekend was May 2, so we were planning on doing something together! (Little did I know it would end up being a BIG something!!) May 2, 2009 Brett woke up at 9am and was wandering around the house, meanwhile I was still interested in sleeping in, so I tried to ignore all the commotion! For goodness sake, it was a Saturday! Since Brett was making so much noise, I finally got up. I was sitting on our bed about to turn on the TV, when Brett walked in the room. He told me that he had made plans for us, but he needed to ask me something first. I of course said "what?" with just a little bit of attitude... I wanted to know what we were doing and I didn't understand why he was asking me if he could ask me something. Brett started to get down on one knee, and of course, I didn't believe it! I told him to get up and stop messing around. (Previously Brett had been so kind as to pretend to drop things and fall and end up on one knee to joke around)I really didn't believe him. He told me this was serious and he was not messing around- he pulled out a ring box. Brett opened the box and it was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. He asked me if i would marry him! It took me a little while to answer because I was in shock. I think he had to ask me maybe 2 more times before I could say anything. After what I'm sure seemed like hours to Brett, I said yes!!! Brett told me that I needed to pack, because he did indeed make weekend plans for us. He told me we were going away for the weekend. He arranged for us to go to Charlottesville, VA (about 2 hours from our house in Arlington, VA) and go wine tasting, one of my favorite activities! He then told me we were staying that night in a place called Keswick Hall. I immediately wanted to google it and see where we were going, but Brett said it would be better if I were surprised when we drove up. (He was so right, the place was stunning and picture perfect!) After wine tasting all afternoon and a quick trip to Monticello, in the pouring down rain, we decided it would be a good idea to check into our hotel. Brett had made reservations for dinner. Dinner was amazing!! We had such a great time and we were both so excited!! The next morning Brett scheduled a couples massage in the spa. It was unbelievable. After our massage we grabbed a quick breakfast and had to check out. I was so sad to leave because this was the best weekend of my life! Even though the weekend was coming to an end, I knew that the best was yet to come. We would get to start planning for our wedding and for our future!! (I tried to post a pic, but it didn't work.. so I will try again later!)
  2. my fiance and i LOVED aruba.. It is a FABULOUS place. We didn't stay at the RIU (we stayed in a private condo) but it looked awesome from the drive-bys we did... we are most likely having our honeymoon in aruba...Congrats!!
  3. Hi! My name is Kim and our wedding date is 10.9.2010! My family has been going to the outer banks for as long as I can remember- and my fiance and I thought it would be the perfect place for our wedding. My family owns 2 houses, one in Duck and the other is in Kilmarlic Golf Club. My fiance and I are going to be getting married by the sound and will have our reception at the Kilmarlic club house! I am in the process of looking for florists, band/dj.. etc, so I can't wait to read what other brides have said on this forum! Have a good weekend everyone! Kim
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