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Everything posted by RunningBride24

  1. Haha Jess you make me laugh! We're doing some pictures before and some afterwards in case we get a little short on daylight. My wedding is right at 5pm and I was worried about the same thing. I agree with the other comments about the 2-hour cocktail hour. If you have stuff to entertain your guests, and places for them to sit I think it's fine. But if they're just standing around they may get bored. You'll figure it out, you always do.
  2. Holy cow. Sorry those pictures are GINORMOUS. Anyone know how to reduce the size a bit???
  3. Here they are! As you all know, it's difficult to take a picture of yourself, lol! I was trying to do it before FI got home. The dress is about 2 sizes too big, but I guess it's better than being 2 sizes too small! I couldn't be happier! I had to post the last picture because that is the package the dress came in! I was terrified! But they did an amazing job!
  4. AHHHHHHHHHHHH my dress came! I was freaked out because it arrived in a little tiny package. I couldn't believe there was a wedding dress in there!!! Anyways, I LOVE it!! It's my TTD dress but I still love it. It's about 2 sizes too big which s*cks but oh well. I can't see any imperfections or mistakes, it looks so well made. I would recommend Gianinar to ANYONE!!! It was hard taking pictures myself, but I had to try it on while FI was still out of the house. I'll put them up a little later.
  5. Bree - LOVE the dress! Keep us posted mcmv514 - Yes I will definitely post pictures. There should be some a few pages back, I posted pictures when they were emailed to me. Just pm me and I can send them to you! The dress should be here tomorrow if the delivery company actually shows up this time. once I have the actual dress I'll put more pictures up. This is dress #2 that I'm wearing for my TTD, but I still love it and hope it turns out great!
  6. 1267.07 + 5 on Saturday (on the beach!) + 9 tonight = 1281.07
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jamk32179 I was told yes, but you have to clearly mark which guest is getting what on the place cards. I would double check with your WC so you have it in writing. I'm confused about this too. But moreso, what menu we can choose from. I was sent 4 or 5 menu's, some for the reception, others for our "romantic dinner" (Luxury package). But I was curious if we could choose items from the other menus and request them for our reception dinner. Any thoughts? Did that even make sense?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by prettypigpig Ah...must be so exciting for you! heehee....get your tripod ready for pics in 1 week! The reason why most of the brides buy their dresses from bridal shops is they can see and touch the actual dress, and usually there is a minimum quality control on their products. Of course, this "reasurance" comes with a price tag of $1000 and up, plus the $500+ alter fees after (because bridal shops only order in standard sizes, and want squeeze more profits out from the brides). Profit margins are usually 70% and up, some items like the veils, the margin is 90% and up. Again, if you already got squeezed out $3000 for a dress, a $300 veil seems marginal. Ordering a dress online is more risky, and some brides are risk averse when it comes to their dress. Other perception is online dresses look cheap and poor in quality, that again..can be true sometimes, but there are a lot of good quality sellers out there. I picked this route, after going to all the bridal shops in Montreal, and got discouraged by those old style/ugly/expensive dresses in size 10. Also tried Davids Bridal too, but their materials are really average. Furthermore, 99% of the dresses that I tried on were MADE in CHINA. That is when I started to do my own research and locate those chinese manufacturers and exporters. My dress was shipped with 2 BM dresses and 1 veil, and not a lot wrinkle at all on the three dresses. If you hang yours straight, it will get straigten over time. Ahh thanks Prettypigpig. You look AMAZING in your dress by the way!!!! :) I'll be sure to post pictures once mine arrives.
  9. I agree, working out first thing helps me out. I'm an extreme morning person. I'm at work by 6-7am which means I'm at the gym around 3:30am. Also, I stay motivated by seeing the changes from my hard work. And from seeing someone overweight. I'm not judging them, I just know I would be miserable and uncomfortable to be that size, so that motivates me to keep in top shape.
  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!! Kangaroos
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by greysgirl I know we're all super busy in our lives and then we throw planning a DW on top of it all. I relieve stress by running! My worst of days are turned around by a good run. Who else is a runner who has an upcoming race? What are your training plans? How do you fit in running to your busy day? What running sites and/or gear do you live by? I thought it'd be fun to start a thread where we can give each other support for our love (or loathing) of running:) I'll start. I'm running the Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10. It'll be my 3rd full marathon, having run New York and Dallas. I have a few shorter races sprinkled in there before Chi. I'm using a custom McMillan training plan and LOVING it. I run whenever I can, but am best before the sun comes up...like 5am runs. I would marry my foam roller if Greyson hadn't already asked GREAT thread! I totally use running as my outlet. I can't do one of my long runs when I'm super upset/stressed, but I kick out plenty of fast paced runs!!! I fit my working out in by doing it first thing. I'm at the gym around 3:30-4am daily, and then some days I workout twice. I live by my ipod and running skirt! Good luck in Chicago!!! I'm running the Vegas marathon in December. It will be my 6th. It's my prep for BOSTON in April!!!! I may do the Big Sur 1/2 in November and I'm doing an Olympic tri in Malibu in September. My fiance is a power lifter so we go well together, we keep each other encouraged and keep each other going. I don't by the excuse that there's no time to workout, this was my most recent facebook status: "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." - Art Turock Wow sorry to post so long. I'm slightly obsessed with running, hehe. And lately, with lifting.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Danyelle You ladies have successfully convinced me to get a dress made from a vendor in China. Your dresses all look SO freaking beautiful!! I have a small budget and want something beautiful. My only option here would be a davids bridal dress, and while some of them are very pretty, I can get a more detailed/beautiful dress for the same cost. Did you ladies go shopping and try on the styles you wanted before ordering the lookalike? Yes! Definitely go shopping and determine what style, fit and material you like! Then you can go from there! I don't think you'll be disappointed. I am going to have to, I don't know what styles will look good on my body. I may be falling in love online with a dress that wont look right on me. Quote: Originally Posted by Mkandola Ethics Smethics!! If you are buying a dress from a regular retailer, chances are that it is made in China anyway! Why do you think it takes 3-6 months to have it shipped in? I think people are being naive if they think that they are paying more for a dress to be 'creatively designed and sewn by a well-paid seamstress in the USA or Canada' The wedding industry is a lucrative business and supplies outsource their labour all the time to make the most bang for their buck! So, in my opinion ... if you can get a 'knock off' dress that you like online ... DO IT! My girlfriend actually ended up ordering a Maggie Sottero from a retailer in China or Hong Kong. The dress was regularly $1800 CND and she got it for about $200 (alterations included) ... that is bargain shopping! I'm TOTALLY with you! When I first started reading this thread I was heated over this debate. It's how any business works. I say if we can get it for cheaper WHY NOT Totally with you! Sooooooo my dress was shipped TODAY!!! I'm so excited!!! I just had them add some silver beading to the straps. For those of you who already received your dress, how did it arrive? I'm worried about it being wrinkled or smashed during the shipping process. What did they ship it in?
  13. Juliet1 - September 17, 2010 jamk32179- September 18, 2010 smckinney22 - October 9, 2010 Runningbride24 - October 10, 2010 ReidCapote - October 24, 2010 Shirley_Ken - October 28, 2010 Natalie79 - October 30, 2010 Celine- November 5, 2010 bmlynch - November 6, 2010 Randi - November 11, 2010 Trinas79 - November 11, 2010 jesmcan - November 12, 2010 futuremrs1113-November 13, 2010 giraffexx - November 19, 2010 mslisaaragon - November 22, 2010 Lisa DSO- November 24, 2010 Jenny310 - November 27, 2010 msglave-December 11, 2010 MichaelandAraceli- December 18, 2010 FutureMrsYak- January 11,2011 pineapplebride - *maybe* April 2011 ChicagoBride2011- May 1, 2011 speedy130 - May 7, 2011 rosieposie - May 22, 2011 Prettypigpig - July 4, 2011 Augustbride2011 -August 20, 2011
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by medecash Thanks I'm a seamstress myself, and I'm trying not to be too picky over the details but the bust did seem far too large so I sent them a request to measure it again. I was quoted 120$ for this dress. They were confident they could replicate the dress almost exactly. In the end its never going to be the original dress, its about 85% close to the maggie...but its 100% the dress I want (or will be when the changes have been made) for an unbelievable price.... I'm very happy I chose gianinarbridal. Medecash I love the dress! I think once you get it and work with it it will be PERFECT! I'm glad you're happy with it, as you should be! Keep us posted when it arrives!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Walking down the aisle and seeing Brad for the first time... Listening to the minister after we had exchanged rings and vows Finding the donkey on the beach at another cocktail hour and borrowing it for a picture! Getting down on the dance floor....It was SO MUCH fun! Last one! Thanks for letting me share! I could post photos all day! Alright, I'm assuming the man with you in the first picture is your dad, but he looks so young. Either way I LOVE that picture. He's just so proud and looking at you with all his love and adoration and you're smiling from ear to ear seeing your fiance. What a great moment they captured!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lolita29 it looks great on you!! beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa DSO It is a bit confusing. FI thought maybe it was just necessary if you have been married before Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di If you guys never been married then you don't need Apostille. A passport and tourist visa will do it. Thanks girls, I was really confused about this. Neither of us have been married before so hopefully I don't need it. Am I missing something, what is a tourist visa? That's probably a really dumb question, especially since I'm just 2 1/2 months out. Do we have to bring birth certificates or anything like this? Thanks again Lisa and Lady Di! Lady Di I can't get over your siggy pic, it's AMAZING!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Hi Megan here is a link of the resort photographers ::: Funever Photos ::: I do not know of anyone who has used them but you can see their portfolio on their site. Shout-out to Jess!! You're such a HUGE help! If any of you are on facebook check out Jess' page on destinations weddings, it's wonderful! So tonight we FINALLY booked all of our flights!!! We're going to St. Lucia right after the wedding, so I was nervous about booking all those flight segments but let me tell you, my stress levels dropped majorly after finally getting that big check off my list!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* Confession: I slept great last night...Thank you wine and finally getting some bootay! hahahaha Haha this made me laugh!! We're now 1/2 bottle of wine down. I'm hoping my night ends like yours......
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