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Everything posted by RunningBride24

  1. He's totally good for his word. It took him a while to reply to me but he let me know his sister did get the check. He is completely legit, just a little slow to respond..... Â Sorry for post overload earlier, not sure why they weren't showing up but apparently they went through..... Â
  2. If I end up posting twice I apologize. I thought I replied then none of my posts showed up, so sorry in advance if I repeat myself. Â Lisa, yes, my reception is on the beach starting at 6:30pm.I'll email my WC as well and let you know what she says! Â I think I found the prices somewhere, I'll have to look them up but I was thinking $99 for a full day. I could be wrong though! Let me dig through my 'wedding folder' Â Yay thanks Jess! I had forgotten about that! Â I'm bringing a cake topper, but nothing too fancy. I love your at-home cake topper! Â Yes I booked Fernando and so far he has been great (communication wise). I really am comfortable with him! PM me if you have questions! Â
  3. I'm going to email mine as well and I'll relay the information to you! My reception starts at 6:30 (mid-October) and yep, on the beach. Â
  4. I'm just catching up from being gone all weekend. I did the same thing, I'm not doing a trial. Maybe I'll regret it but you never know.....I'm just sending/taking pictures! I hope it works! Â
  5. Yes I boked Fernando! I have heard great reviews about him and he has been excellent to work with over the phone/email. He is pricey but I think it will be worth it, as my hair/makeup is something I don't want to have to worry about. You can PM me if you need anything, I'm more than happy to help! Â
  6. Hi Risa, Â Some brides have luck with this and some don't..... Â The problem you'll encounter will be that to qualify as a guest they must be an overnight guest at the resorts.....It depends on what WC you get most of the time though. If you were to get caught the worst that would happen is they would just make you pay for them. Â Not sure if that helps or not, but I hope so! Â
  7. Long time no post! I'm about to start training for the Vegas marathon. I'm at 40 miles per week now, need to kick it up to 60-70 for the next 2 months, then bring it down.
  8. Hmm that was pretty obvious, I don't think anyone expected light to beam up through the top of the table, lol!!! Â
  9. Hmmm that's a good question. I am telling all my guests that the tables light up, because it shows that they do. I wonder why they didn't do that for Di's. Good call on the table runners, I was going to order some but now maybe I won't. What time is your reception at? Maybe that has to do with the lights?
  10. Ugh tendonitis would suck, especially when you were doing so well!! I need to start training again, I'm doing a marathon in December but not really making it a competitive one. I qualified for Boston this year, so I'll train good for that one. The training is fun, but does get old. I usually start 12 weeks out, so I'm a tad behind. Thanks for the skirt compliment. I am in love with them!! Plus they make wedgies a little more discreet!
  11. Jess I'm totally in the same boat as you, and I'm running out of time. Did Zulma tell you to allow up to four weeks? I want to ship my vases but do not want them to get damaged or just not make it at all. I have heard good experiences. I think it's pretty much the same price to take them with you, but a LOT less hassle and stress. I can't speak from experience but I've been debating about it for quite some time. Â What sort of stuff are you looking to ship? Â
  12. CINDY! It made me smile to see you here! I'm lurking around this am, hehe, slow day! Â I only train for the fulls or else I would absolutely DIE on race day!! I wish there were more 10k's around here, we don't have too many. And AMEN with the pace bunny! I'm hooked and will always do that from now on. Well, most of the time. Â
  13. AHHHH thank-you thank-you thank-you! Loved your post! Have a BLAST while you're down there! It gets me SO excited! Â Ivan Luckie is shooting our wedding, let me know what you think of him! Good luck with everything!! Â
  14. Yay! Good luck!! You'll be addicted when you're finished! Just get a long run in weekly and increase it each week (by 1/2 mile, mile, whatever you feel like) and it will help you prepare for the 13.1! Â
  15. Yay, good for you!! Which 1/2? No, not at all! Just get a long run in the week before and the week after. Your body remembers. Now, if you take more time off you'll feel it a little bit, but you'll probably feel even more refreshed and refocused. You'll be fine! Â
  16. Hey ladies! Kind of off the subject but I have a question about reception decorations. I'm bringing my own since the Royal's are so d*mn expensive. For those of you who have been there what kind of stuff did they have on 5th street? Any vases? Just plain, square ones? Were they expensive? (do I have to convert my money?) What about seashells? I know I can't bring those with but was hoping I could buy some down there. Â Thanks in advance! Â BTW - Jess, SOOOOOO happy to hear that your story had a happy ending!!! That makes ME happy!
  17. dislike  straightening your hair!
  18. I agree, I can't believe she isn't on top of that, she's always been so wonderful and such a big help. I'm sure once she gets caught up from being gone she'll do everything she can! Â WTF Mexiana Airlines? Go to h*ll!! Â
  19. Holy cow ladies, we're SOOOO close! Tomorrow is September, then it's OUR month! Crazy! Finally ordered my bubba kegs then saw the 52oz for sale at Wal-mart for $7!!! But there's no way I'm lugging 35 of those 52oz'ers to Mexico. Â Hey has anyone tried to put a sticker/logo on the bubba kegs? I really want to put our monogram on it but I am unsure of how to go about it. Any suggestions? Â As far as music, I gave FI 2 jobs: pick out the groomsmen outfits and make the playlists. Hm....needless to say we have NO music so far. We're just going to have separate playlists (even if they have one song in them) for the cake cutting, father/daughter dance, first dance, wedding party dance, then 2 or 3 main playlists to use throughout the night. I'll also have one playlist with just dancing music and one with just slow songs in case someone wants one of those on the spot. I figure that's easier than sifting through everything.
  20. Yes you're probably right. He is a project manager in construction and has long, very stressful days, but I still can't get it through my head. I take it so personally and it drives me NUTS! I think his project that is causing all this stress is wrapping up so I am hoping for your outcome!!! Thanks for the support! Â
  21. GRRRRRR WTF??? Â I'm so sorry you're going through this Jess. I wish we could help out. I can't believe your TA (who is also my TA) isn't replying, this is where they need to step in and assist, this is the essence of a TA. Please let us know when you hear back from her and what gets decided. Did you buy travel insurance? Did you call the airline? I called Orbitz and the airline and Orbitz had already reassigned me. Maybe going straight to the airline will help? Ugh I hate that you're going through this. Â
  22. Alright, I know this is wrong but I wish I was the LESS horny one!! UGH! It's KILLING my self-esteem!!!! FI seems to be content with sex about 2-3 times a month. I could go for 2-3 times a WEEK!!! I'm on birth control too! I'm going to go visit the shout box and see what's happening. Â
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