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Jenna in Jamaica

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Everything posted by Jenna in Jamaica

  1. omg awesome. we are doing the poolside recep as well. you just made me so excited. i want fun fun fun and not alot of fuss. the table looks awesome with just a candle. thanks so much for you post. and i hope we are the second people that danced on the pool bar! you go girl.
  2. Great review, and you look beautiful. I am doing poolside reception also and was worried because someone else said it was a waste becuz the beach party was so loud...where you around there on Sat. night. Do you think it would be too loud? thx
  3. I haven't done the math yet, but I'm pretty sure the prices are much higher. But its still not too bad. I can't decide b/w the 100 or 150 shots. So I can't figure out how much it will be for an extra hour. My wedding is at 3 and I'm afriad they won't let us do the private poolside recep until 6 or so.
  4. Can't wait to see pics. Where did you get your lanterns?
  5. Thanks for the review and you looked amazing! I have recently changed my location to ROR, and i think i made the right choice! Did you have the dj at the dinner or just at the pool. I was thinking about doing the poolside reception with the buffet for $55 a person, but now i'm thinking about doing what you did. Thanks!
  6. Thanks!! I'll just have to turn my music WAY up! :-)
  7. Has anyone seen the brown chairs with a sash?? Or would that look weird ugh. Seems alot for chairs, esp. if you have a big group.
  8. Hey Dr. Brainfreeze. I'm thinking about doing the poolside reception as well. My question is could you hear the beach party from where you where? I'm assuming they do beach parties every Saturday. I'm worried some of the party people in our group might leave our reception to go down there. So I'm sort of thinking about moving the date to a Monday instead of Saturday. Thanks
  9. Thanks girls for all the info!! Everyone here is awesome. So I've got dates confirmed for GPJ and ROR and am trying to decide b/w the 2. They were very quick in getting back to me that i could have a wedding there, but my trouble is I'm having a hard time getting any info pack on if I can have certain wedding locations and reception sites. Like I would like to have a private recp at either place but no word back...ugh. Any tricks of the trade to get them to respond?
  10. Which wedding package did you get? did you upgrade your cake? You look great and looks like you guys had tons of fun. oh one more questions...is that the gazebo that is up on a rock over the ocean? I wanted something private and looks like that might work for me. thanks!
  11. Thanks guys, that is what I figured. I was in contact with the folks at tropical weddings jamaica and was thinking about going there for the actual ceremony, then back to RMB for the dinner and dancing. But it's 20 min. away, so there would be a cost to get everyone over there, plus their smallest package is over $1000, which duplicates the package the RMB offers. I have an email out to Sherika to see if anyone else has done this. I'm probably making this more difficult than need be, but when you want to marry in a private garden gazebo than that's what you want! don't make me get all bridzilla! LOL
  12. This thread rocks, thanks everyone. Not sure if this has been answered or not, but was wondering if there are any other locations at RMB other than Gazebo by the pool, gazebo on the beach, and some west beach area. I always wanted to get married in a gazebo in a garden. I want some privacy and don't want sand in my shoes!!! I've emailed the WC and nothing back about that. I would be willing to pay extra to get what i want. I've got about 50 + people coming.
  13. Just started my DW search. I would like to get married in Jamaica Montego Bay. The cost and ease to get to are my main reasons thus far. I've been looking at RIU, and Ibberostar but just not sure. So far we think we will have 50 people (I'm hoping for less, but what are you going to do) I want a more private ceremony site, such as a gazebo tucked away in some gardens. Also want a semi private dinner and place to do the dances and cake. I liked RIU prices and the hotel looked ok, but no place private to do the ceremony. I just don't want to get married next to a pool or beach with drunk people yelling in the background. Let me know if anyone has any advice! Jenna oh and the wedding is mid to late April 2010
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