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Everything posted by bholthof

  1. I know! I'm so excited - some of our friends who were on the fence about going decided to come when they heard the rate! hooray!!
  2. YAY!!! we finally, FINALLY got the rate we were looking for and were able to book our travel. $1090 per person including taxes for 7 night air + vacation package!! YAY!!!!
  3. Hi ladies, There are my potential vistaprint luggage tags (done on business cards) ... let me know what you think. I don't know if I like whats written on the front, but I don't want anything too specific - I don't really need 250 luggage tags, since I'll have maybe 25 people there. So I'd like suggestions on what else I could write there. Maybe something like "Ready for fun in the sun!" or "The beach is that way" or something. Also, if anyone wants to share the order with me - I'll ship however many of the business cards to you. You would just pay shipping. Front of tag: Back of tag: Thanks for your help!!
  4. Ok, barring that does anyone know why I can't upload the file?
  5. I'm not from Fort McMurray, but my parents do live there so I visit occasionally. Does that count??
  6. I don't know about that seller - but check out the threads here on knock-off dresses - you may be able to find the dresses for even cheaper at Lightinthebox or something..
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by isaidyes Nope I don't think so! Would you ever sell your pet for money? It depends on the day, lol!!! jk... No. I wouldn't. Pets are much more meaningful to me than money. Would you take something someone offered you for free, even if you knew it was a stolen item?
  8. We're giving 3 months - because otherwise we're in the middle of Christmas holidays and people might be distracted. So I'm ordering postcards from Vistaprint and we'll send out a reminder in early January. But we didn't do STD's at all, so some people don't know any details yet. Hence the three months.
  9. Thats horrible - and to excuse it by saying "I'm concerned for the children??" thats bull$*@#!!!!! I don't think any of my friends who are the offspring of interracial couples see it as a negative thing! Most of them are proud of having a dual heritage!
  10. "My name's Tod. What's your name kid?" "Mine's Copper. I'm a hound dog!" Fox and the Hound - I still cry every time I watch that movie! ************** "Somebody gotta nail that girl's __________ to da floor."
  11. We are seriously considering doing it in the airport as we wait for our flight, lol!! Our officiant is my father, and they live in Alberta so its much easier to have him do it when he's already going to be in the airport - plus all our attendants and whatnot will be there as well!! Besides, IMO the "legal" part is just signing a piece of paper, anyway. If I could fly the document down with me and have it be legal in Ontario I would - but apparently you have to actually be IN Ontario for it to actually be legal. Which is kind of too bad.
  12. Welcome!!! Don't be afraid to ask questions - most people are happy to help!! Check out the how-to forum and whatnot first - and learn how to use the search function! You'll figure it out - good luck!
  13. Good luck planning!! Try doing a search for your wedding planner - something might come up
  14. Too cute!!! He is adorable!!! My thoughts on indoor vs outdoor. We have three cats - all indoor. Although I have nothing against outdoor cats, there are a LOT more risks involved in having one, both in the country and in the city. In the country you have to worry about them getting hurt and not being able to get home, being attacked by wild animals (like coyotes or stray dogs) and of course one day they may just decide not to come home. Plus, if you live on or near a busy highway - cars are a very real threat. Also fleas. You will have fleas. Plus much more exposure to diseases. If you do decide to let him be an outdoor cat, please please get him fixed, and do not declaw him! He needs his claws to defend himself, and you need to get him (or her) fixed, so that he doesn't wind up with little babies wandering around out in the wild or preggers. Indoor cats: No fleas. No need to worry that they will run off and get hit by a car. You can control what they eat (mostly) - no risk of eating diseased rodents or birds. I myself would never let a cat outside, unless it was in an enclosed back yard or on the porch with a leash on. Cats don't miss the outdoors - and why would you put your pet at risk if you didn't have to? Also, the lifespan of cats can be 20+ years - whereas outdoors its much shorter. Two of our indoor cats used to love going outside, and would usually come back at night. However, both died because they were let outside. One was hit by a car, and the other got attacked by a loose dog.
  15. "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Monthy Python & the Holy Grail "Of all the ___________ __________ in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine"
  16. Hmm... I don't know if I would use glue. When we talked about getting pocketfolds from the paper store by our place, they recommended using double sided craft tape. Maybe you could try that? But otherwise I would suggest something acid or acetone free - you don't want it to stain your paper...
  17. Nice date!!! Good luck with your planning
  18. We are making MIB invites as well - hopefully they will be done this weekend, and I'll post pics. They loo really great, so far. We didn't use plastic bottles - we used the Bud Lite with Lime beer bottles, and removed the labels. We thought about using plastic ones - specifically the new plastic bottles that Bacardi Breezers come in, but we didn't want to drink that many breezers - too sweet! and also I didn't like the way the tops of the plastic bottles looked. We are using sand from the playground up the road - although we considered going to the beach and getting beach sand. We baked the sand in the oven for a bit first to dry it out. Our shells are just from the dollar store - two bags of shells, and most of them are small enough to fit into the bottle mouths. I also had a bunch of glass stones that we'll probably throw in for some colour. We are staining regular computer paper with tea to age it, then burning the edges to make it look more message-in-a-bottlish. I found that computer paper rolled the easiest, and costs a lot less than other paper. Although if I can find a paper that looks aged for cheap, I'll totally use that. To make the bottles look nicer, I have glued twine around them - it looks nicer than a plan bottle. The twine is long enough that it is what we are tying around the invitations so they can be pulled out easily. I also have attached a small charm to each bottle on the bottleneck. We are buying wine corks for 10 cents a cork at a wine-making store - then since they don't quite fit into beer bottles, we are shaving them down slightly so that they will fit tightly. Again- this is my project for this weekend - I'll post pics when they are done!!
  19. wow... good luck!! I'm sure you'll find something - are you thinking carribean, pacific islands, US, Europe, or what??
  20. I am trying to start a thread in the DIY forum showing my idea for my luggage tags, but for whatever reason I can't upload the word document. I checked, I can upload it here and in most of the other rooms, just not the DIY forum. There is no little paper clip icon. If I attach it here, can someone move the file over to the DIY forum for me? I will start the thread if you can - you can add it as the second post or something... Thanks!
  21. Those look great!! Wish I had the time/patience/skill to do that for mine!! congrats, job well done!
  22. I think that there should be a sticky about what all the different member status's are and what they mean. Like for example: Noob: Recently joined forum or long-time member that doesn't post. Status remains at Noob until you make 150 posts in the forum. Cannot download attachements. Jr. Member: Status received upon posting 150 times. Able to open attachements. Etc, etc and so on. It just might be helpful. Maybe one already exists, but when you search for it there are a lot of posts about people who had issues.
  23. We also didn't do STD's, I wouldn't worry about it. I also suggest the internet for quotes - although you might have better luck finding a nice Love quote rather than a sunset one - sunsets tend to have more to do with endings rather than beginnings.
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