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Everything posted by bholthof

  1. Hmmm... so until I get 150 posts, I'm not even going to be able to open my own attachment. That is really bizarre. But ok.
  2. Congrats!! You have lots of time - destination weddings tend to require slightly less planning than traditional weddings... besides, I'm getting married in April too, and if you don't have enough time, then I am probably screwed!!! Welcome to the forum!
  3. I'm getting married in Holguin, too!!! Have you chosen a resort yet??
  4. Congrats!!! Welcome to the forum!!
  5. Welcome! Theres tons of great info on here!
  6. Yes, I've read that post already - my point is that its my own attachement that I can't open - plus, I've definately been able to open other attachements and so on on the forum- I have a whole file of templates and so on on my home computer. I just want to be able to access my own attachement! I should have emailed it to myself, but my computer crashed last night and I didn't feel like waiting for it to reboot - its so slow. I didn't think there would be a problem with opening my own attachement. And if you have to have 150 posts to open attachements, how come I've been able to open other attachements before now? thanks.
  7. I suggest googling boutique resorts or villas in that area - you will probably find something you'll like!
  8. Congrats on your engagement!!! And good for you for narrowing it down already - picking the resort is definately the hardest part!
  9. I'm an Ontario bride too!!! Happy planning!
  10. bholthof

    Hi All!

    Welcome! Another Canadian, yay!! We looked into Costa Rica, but all the resorts we liked were either a) really expensive or really small which translates into really expensive or c) not all inclusive, which makes the whole trip more expensive. That being said, I would LOVE to go to Costa Rica. There are several all -inclusives there, so that is an option - check out the Costa Rica room for more information. Happy planning!
  11. I posted a word attachment in the thread titled "What should I ask before we go?" in the Cuba room. The document is titled "Questions to ask resort to clarify on wedding package." I'm on my computer at work, and I can't open it - it brings me to the "you do not have permission to access this page" screen. And in my User CP, its not listed under attachements. Why can't I open my own document? I understand that you have to have a certain number of posts to access other peoples attachements, but I think I should be able to open my own attachement.... Thanks!
  12. Aw I'm sorry hun, that sounds terrible!!! I know what you mean about a military temper, lol - my FI has one of those too!! I hope everything works out for you - so sorry this happened!
  13. Lots of people have gotten married in Cuba - take a look through this room and you'll find some information about different peoples weddings. You can also do a search for reviews on Cuban weddings. As for the music and reception questions, it will depend on the resort that you choose. Some offer different options than others. Keep in mind, however, that most of the large chain hotels (with some exceptions, such as Melia and Paradisus) do not operate in Cuba. So if what you want is a Sandals type wedding, look elsewhere. But Cuba does have many great options - again, take a look through the different threads and you'll find your answers.
  14. Hey ladies, If you still want to get together - I was thinking that we could maybe do it some evening this week or next week, or possibly the first weekend in November?
  15. Honestly, I think it really depends on what you WANT to do. If you still want her in your life, then maybe you should email and ask where she's been - and put it all on the table. Let her know how you're feeling and thinking. It could be that she's just been super caught up in all her own stuff that she hasn't had a lot of time or energy to concentrate on anything else - you mentioned she was preggers, so I'm sure a new baby is taking up a lot of her time as well. Perhaps she feels uncomfortable talking with you about things like the baby - specially if you don't have children. And perhaps she was a lot busier than you thought she was with the semi-promotion, and she jsut didn't have time at work for anything except work. I don't know how much you tried to keep up contact with her, or how much you tried to make converstion and it failed, but maybe she feels like you haven't been a great friend to her either - although we like to hope our friends are always going to make the time of day for us, sometimes it just doesn't happen, and people grow apart. The only way to actually find out is for you guys to sit down and really talk about it. And if, at the end of the conversation there is still a gulf between you, then maybe that friendship is over and its time to move on. The best way to find that out is to actually have a conversation with the girl, though. And maybe she still won't be invited to your wedding, but at least you might still be able to lean on each other if you need to. I mean, you mention that she only lives 15 minutes away, but did you try to get together with her, too? On the other hand, if you don't want her around anymore then maybe silence is the best policy. But it really depends on what you feel about the situation. And she might just be hoping for an excuse for a vacation - in which case you still need to decide how you feel about her as a friend. Sorry for the long post! I like to believe the best of people, and I struggle with similar situations - friends who come out of the woodwork hoping for a wedding invite.
  16. Hi girls - Are any of you going to incorporate something cuban into your wedding? I like the idea that a lot of Mexican brides are doing - with having maraca favors that the guests shake at the reception to have the bride and groom kiss - but I feel like maracas are much more a Mexican thing than Cuban. The only specifically cuban thing I can think of is cigars - but most of my family doesn't smoke, and I can't really figure out how to incorporate that into the wedding anyway! So are you incorporating something Cuban into your wedding? Either into the ceremony itself, or as favors or something?
  17. Don't quote me on this - but I THINK that legal weddings are only done from Monday to Friday. Double check with your resort, or check what it says on the Cuban Embassy website. Contact the Cuban consulate, they will know.
  18. We're also looking into pet insurance - although I don't think it should cost 600 a year!! Thats ridiculous. Have you looked into PetSecure - according to my vet, its the most common one they see. I think its also Canadian. Or there is also Vetinsurance, and Purina PetCare. Those are the ones we are going to be looking at.
  19. Welcome! Know where in Cuba you want to get married??
  20. You could also look into clicker training - it works amazingly well, and might help your problem. But is there perhaps any way you can block off the room with the carpets? And perhaps she thinks that outside is for playing and not for pooping - you might need to just stay outside with her, in one spot,until she goes, treat her, then bring her back inside immediately so that she figures out that going outside 1. gets her a treat, and 2. means that she can go back inside out of the weather. Then, if she wants to play, take her BACK outside JUST to play. And keep her playing away from her peeing spot. Course, you may have tried that already. I'm sorry for you. We're getting out first puppy in a couple months (so excited!) but I'm terrified it will be tough to train - its a bull - breed dog as well, and they can be notoriously pig-headed. You could also try joining an English bulldog forum - Breed owners generally have great tips on the training and raising of thier breed.
  21. For my sisters wedding, we got blue butterfly temporary tattoos. BUt those stickers are cute too!
  22. Check out Go Cuba they have lots of information, and provide links/contact info to the Cuban consulates in Canada. Travel Tips - GoCuba.ca - Cuba Tourist Board in Canada
  23. Hi ladies, I'm currently debating what I want to do about a reception after the ceremony. Since its not a traditional wedding, I'm wondering what you may have done for a reception that was/will a little different. Since we're only probably going to have about 20 people there, I don't really see the point in having a dance - there just aren't enough people who aren't family, and my family isn't really big on dancing anyway. But at the same time, I don't want to just have a ceremony and thats it for the wedding day - everybody goes off and enjoys thier vacation. Our ceremony is at 3, so I'm thinking that after the ceremony we have a short cake and champagne reception, then go and take pictures while there is still good light, then have a sit down dinner with our guests in the restaurant. There is a disco at the resort, so I'm thinking that after dinner, if people want (and they aren't too tired from the day) we could just go there and party. Or not. I don't know. So my question is: What are you doing (if anything) that is different from the traditional wedding reception? Aside from having it at a destination, that is. Or, if you are doing the whole dinner and dance shindig, where/how are you doing that? What made you decide to do it that way? Thanks ladies!
  24. Sarafish, what did you do for decorations?? I know where we are going they have an arch, and obviously I'm asking what they do for decorations... but I don't want to go crazy and bring tons of stuff with me... thats not really the point of a DW, IMO. Thanks!!
  25. LOL well in that case, what list of questions should I be making to eventually be asking my WC??
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