Quote: Originally Posted by olsontco Sorry... I just wanted to comment really quickly on having your wedding at The Royal. You literally don't have to worry one bit about your guest enjoying themselves. The service is amazing, the food is something my guests are still talking about, and the fact that you can walk out the resort doors and be on 5th avenue is such a benefit. There really is no time for 'entertaining' your guest because they are so entertained just by being there at the resort. The entire experience was amazing and if you are thinking about having your wedding at The Royal you can rest assure that everything will go off just as you want it to. You just get to sit back and enjoy! Thanks so much for you comments about the Royal, they are very encouraging. I tend to second guess my decisions so it's very reassuring so read something so positive from a Royal bride. I really want a great vacation for my guests and a beautiful, relaxing setting for the wedding. It sounds like the Royal gave you all of that and more! I'll def contact Mayan Hospitality. I like the idea of getting decor from there and it sure beats lugging centerpieces from home...I would love for my reception to look like yours!