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Everything posted by becks1581

  1. Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum! It will be a ton of help as you plan you wedding...have fun!!!
  2. Welcome from another May 2011 Mexico bride!! Congratulations and enjoy the planning...this forum is just loaded with great information!
  3. Welcome to the forum...we love having grooms! Isla Mujeres looks like a gorgeous and intimate place for a wedding. There's something great about needing to take a boat to your destination...I think that it makes the experience seem very special and secluded. Have fun planning!!
  4. Congratulations on you engagement! You've chose a gorgeous location. This forum is a great reference and is sure to be a huge help with your wedding planning
  5. Congratulations and what perfect timing!! Where will you be staying in the RM? Do you have any idea of what you're looking for in a resort? You're sure to find tons of helpful information on this forum...I bet you'll be glued to it until you leave for MX on Thursday!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by olsontco Sorry... I just wanted to comment really quickly on having your wedding at The Royal. You literally don't have to worry one bit about your guest enjoying themselves. The service is amazing, the food is something my guests are still talking about, and the fact that you can walk out the resort doors and be on 5th avenue is such a benefit. There really is no time for 'entertaining' your guest because they are so entertained just by being there at the resort. The entire experience was amazing and if you are thinking about having your wedding at The Royal you can rest assure that everything will go off just as you want it to. You just get to sit back and enjoy! Thanks so much for you comments about the Royal, they are very encouraging. I tend to second guess my decisions so it's very reassuring so read something so positive from a Royal bride. I really want a great vacation for my guests and a beautiful, relaxing setting for the wedding. It sounds like the Royal gave you all of that and more! I'll def contact Mayan Hospitality. I like the idea of getting decor from there and it sure beats lugging centerpieces from home...I would love for my reception to look like yours!
  7. They look gorgeous! I love the idea of real touch flowers...fewer surprises once you get to your destination, plus you get to keep them forever :-)
  8. They look great and thanks for posting all of the tools needed to complete the project. We plan to do something similar for our own save the dates. I really like including the small vistaprint magnet as well. Terrific job!
  9. I love it! Actually, I remember your pocketfold invites too and have them saved as one of my favorites. I need Dan as a friend too...I'm def a fan :-)
  10. Do you have everyone's email address? If so, I think that emailing the correction would be the easiest solution. For non-email ppl, you could always send a little postcard. Vistaprint offers great deals, sometimes they're even free. Def don't stress though. Little mistakes like this happen in everyone's wedding, and your guests will understand.
  11. You look gorgeous...and trust me, he's not going to be thinking about your makeup!!! I however, think it looks perfect!
  12. I think it's human nature (for most of us anyway) to procrastinate and wait until the last minute. We haven't started booking our guests but I'm trying to prepare myself for this stress-to-come. Maybe you could send out a reminder postcard or something to put the wedding at the front of your guest's minds. People are so busy this time of year that I'm sure booking just became one of those "I really need to do that when I get around to it" things. Anyway...you have a ton of time and I def wouldn't worry.
  13. becks1581


    Congrats and welcome to the forum. If definitely not to late to join...you'll find tons of tips to give your wedding the perfect finishing touch!!!
  14. Congrats Allyson and welcome to the forum. The Riviera Maya is gorgeous and just perfect for a destination wedding. Have fun planning!
  15. Welcome to the forum and congrats to you both. This forum has so much great info that I'm sure you'll find what you need for both you AND your sister!
  16. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your engagement. This forum is FILLED with helpful information, I'm sure you'll love it!
  17. Congrats on your engagements and welcome. There's SO much great info here...it will really help with your planning.
  18. Your wedding will be beautiful! I have good friends who live in Sarasota and always love going to the gorgeous beach when I visit. CONRATS!!!
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum. We're always glad to welcome another DW bride!!!
  20. Welcome to the forum. We also love excellence resorts but need something more kid-friendly! There are a ton of great options in the Riviera Maya that allow children. plus it's an easy flight from Florida! Azul sensatori has the modern look of EPM but allows children.
  21. Welcome to the forum...there's more information here than you could ever imagine. Picking a location is the hardest part but you'll find tons of info here to help you. Congrats!
  22. Welcome Mandy and congrats on your upcoming wedding. You're right, this forum is SO helpful!!
  23. Beautiful pictures Laura! I just love the site they use for the cermony...it's beachy but also a little rustic which I think is a gorgeous combo for a wedding. What did you think of the resort in general in terms of food, service, activities? I'd love to see more pictures if you have them...I'll PM you my email address. Ash...thanks again for the info. I guess I just need to wait until I can talk to Luis again to go over prices for the rooms and wedding. If only I had more patience!!! Seriously though, that's terrific that he threw in extras like the room for your groom and discounted room rates...let's just say that I'm not used to that sort of treatment from other resorts ;-) NurseNicki: How many guests are you planning to have? Have you figured out the details for your cermony/cocktail/reception sites?
  24. Jescam, Congrats on finding a plan for your wedding that is perfect for you! I've seen pictures of a couple of weddings at Kool that were just gorgeous. Did you really find that moving your reception off-site was cheaper than doing it at the Royal? That's surprising...so much for the all-inclusive thing saving us money!!
  25. Congrats and welcome. I def think that you have time to pull of a great wedding...tons of brides on here have done it and the forum will provide TONS of help! Have fun :-)
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