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Everything posted by becks1581

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like your wedding was a blast. Congrats on being a MRS!!!!!
  2. becks1581

    I'm new!

    Welcome to the forum...I went to college in Gainesville There are so many beautiful areas in Ocala. Congrats and have fun planning!
  3. Welcome! I guess I'm DC to Mexico :-) This forum is fantastic...have fun planning your wedding!
  4. Welcome to the forum. I'm biased, but think that the Riviera Maya is a terrific place for a DW!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You'll find tons of great info here!!
  6. Congrats. FI and I vacationed at Excellence last year and saw the Dreams resort under construction. It wasn't done yet but looked beautiful. Good luck with your choice and have fun planning!
  7. becks1581


    My FI and I vacationed at Excellence Riviera last year and LOVED it. There was a big wedding group there and everyone was having the best time. If we didn't have kids coming to the ceremony, it def would have been very high on our list. CONGRATS!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Thank you ladies for all the love on the dress I am so excited Becks it was a trunk show so I got 10% off they have other amazing designers but I just love Modern Trousseau. I tried on Carla as well and thats is another beautiful one. I have curves so I cannot rock that one but your you skinnys out there this one is a beauty. All her materials are very light and flowly. LOL, when I was looking at your dress last night, I was totally gushing over Carla on the website...just the right amount of ruffle for a DW (Plus, I could stand to fake a curve or two!!). Also, as a random side note...I lived in New Haven for 2 years...not too far from you or apparently the dress designer.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan This place is so amazing and has been rates as one of the best by the stylemepretty blog. I bought a Modern Trousseau called Holly MODERN TROUSSEAU - WEDDING DRESS - HOLLY from the 2010 collection. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet the designer. They brought up champagne and she is does a personal threaded message in blue inside the dress for ever bride. I added a halter strap made of the same silk an she through it in for free. I can't say enough about how much I love this store. I LOOOOOVE your dress! The skirt will look so pretty in the wind and how cool that you got to meet the designer! Was it a trunk show?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Unfortunately most of the resorts do not have their wedding departments open on a sunday. Makes it a pain when I go down for site visits so it's usually the day that I will change resorts! What about symbolic ceremonies/weddings that take place on Sunday? That's when ours is scheduled...would you expect the full-time wedding coordinator to still be there??
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by RaychelRae That's right, I knew about the erosion, I guess I just misspoke. So then are the wc's in michigan through the resort or are they an independant business? Like if I were to book rooms directly through the resort, would I bypass some of these communication errors?Sorry for the ignorance, this is new to me and I've read this whole thread but I think I may have missed this part! Raychel, The WCs in Michigan are the initial contact for booking your wedding at the Royal. Since you (usually) don't get passed on to the coordinator at the resort until pretty close to your wedding date, the US coordinators remain the contact when you have a question re: pricing, schedules, etc. As you have read, service from the coordinators has been pretty poor. I have not heard anything negative about how brides are treated from the wedding staff in Mexico. If you're just booking rooms at the resort, you won't need to go through the WCs. This can be done directly through you or your TA and the resort or tour operator. Does that help at all?
  12. This is a great idea and it turned out GREAT! Where did you get your image?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa DSO I just thought of something- We have the Luxury Pkg which includes 1 HR cocktail- what are the location options for this? Do you get to choose (because I don't remember that being a selection on any of the sheets) Oh and Jesmcan, I totally love your website and TOTALLY copied stuff from you and candicemarie (hope you don't mind). **tee hee** it was just so well done! From what I understand, the options for the cocktail hour include 1. The Garden by the Gazebo 2. The Main/Central Garden 3. The Beach 4. If your wedding is small enough to fit inside the gazebo, the cocktail can be held on the paved area just outside of it, or IN the gazebo if your ceremony is on the beach Hope that helps...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jesmcan Hi Lisa not at all I am flattered So just un update on the Royal I'm sorry but I have to vent So I have been trying to cancel my reception and get someone to confirm this for me. It has been over three months that I have been trying to do this. I want something and writing and to make sure that I dont get charged for it. Never heard from Angie ever. Than I got passed on to a woman named Carol Cohen. Not only was she so rude on the phone but she proceeded to tell me that Angie has been so busy and everyone has so much to do since Kimberly quit. I wanted to say if I worked with you I would have quit to. Anyways I finally contacted my TA Jill and told her I am going to cancel the entire thing unless I get someone who knows what they are doing. Thank god for Jill she really keeps me sane. Well now I am working with only Zulma who I feel bad got passed all my stuff just because the US office can't do their job. I know she is so busy there, every day there are weddings. This is what I wrote to Carol verbatum "Hi Carol, We just spoke on the phone. See the e-mail below I sent last Wednesday. Also I would like to know if there is someone higher up in your office? I can find out from my Travel Agent but I thought I would check with you first. At this point we are really considering canceling. I would like to speak with someone about this and someone that can help me. I understand you guys are very busy and it seems over whelmed. However I am really appalled at the level of customer service. We have 100 plus guests coming and I am no longer confident that the Royal can meet our needs. There is no excuse for sending six e-mails and leaving four voice mails and still not having anyone get back to me. In addition there have been several changes in fees and the rates. I have asked several times to get something in writing to confirm that I am locked in. I have never received a contract or anything in writing." Do you guys know she had the nerve to pass my e-mail onto Zulma and said this (I am copying and pasting this), "can someone take this over. we have answered 1000 questions and they are still coming and she is now not happy with our not answering fast enough.pls contact her and answer this lot of questions." She can't even spell or write correctly - and here are my 1000's of questions lol Since we are changing to the Free wedding would the only charge be the $10 per person for real guests for the cocktail hour? How many food choices are included in the cocktail hour and does the $10 per person also include open bar? What is the price for kids for the cocktail hour? How long does a legal ceremony last? We have our own photographer and before it was $100 fee for him. Do we still have to pay this fee to have him at the resort for just the ceremony and cocktail hour? What level room do we need to stay in for 5 night or more in order to have the judge included for our ceremony? Right after the cocktail hour we will be going next door to Kool Beach Club with all our guests for our reception. Since we are already paying for the mariachi band can we have them walk with us over to our reception location? After we put a deposit and made our selections last July we still have never received a contract or anything in writing from your office. Now that we have 100% solidified our plans I would really appreciate it if I could get all this in writing from your office and a formal contract. Ok so maybe it was a lot of questions but 1,000's and isn't this what your job is?? I'm so sorry ladies to vent like this but I just had to. I don't even know what to do anymore. At this point I wish that we did not have people booked at this resort including ourselves because I would have never stayed And now reading the latest review of a wedding there about the issues with the prices. Who wants to deal with that on their wedding week? Let me tell you I don't. On a postive note I am getting my dress this weekend sorry again to vent like this but thank god for you ladies. Thanks for listening and all your support. Holy Crap Jess...you totally deserve to vent. The fact that these coordinators can treat customers this way and not lose their jobs is just appalling!!! The questions you asked were totally appropriate and things that anyone would want to know about their wedding day! To be honest, I've also been talking with Jill about the possibility of moving our wedding from the Royal. The drama and general incompetence there is just more than I think someone should have to deal with...esp when it comes to your wedding day. We've put a hold on our Save the Dates until me make some decisions during out site visit this May. Ahhhh...all that DIY cutting gone to waste...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Danyelle Uh oh. I haven't heard a thing back! I've been away for a month and figured I'd get back to at least one email from Luis or HTR....but nothing.. Maybe you should try giving Luis a call...there's a 1-800 number that you can use. Let me know if you need the number. On a recent email, Luis told me that they do one wedding per day. Are you flexible on your date at all?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by anacj13 It seems like Luis may not be a person to always be around his computer. Both days we visited he was walking around with people doing site visits etc. I would definitely try calling him. Let me know if you have any questions. We visited the following resorts: Playacar Palace Ceiba del Mar Excellence in the Riviera Maya Valentin Imperial Le Reve NH Dreams Riviera Maya Azul Sensatori Thanks! It sounds like you guys stayed really busy on your visit. I heard back from Luis and he is going to 'block out' our date until we are able to meet with him this May. There will be a wedding going on while we are there and he said that we could check out the set up which will be really interesting. FI and I are deciding between the Royal in PDC and HTR although I have to say that the more I see of HTR, the more I really love it!!! Did you talk details and pricing with Luis? I'd be interested to know what options and pricing structure he suggested to you...it would help me to be more prepared for my visit. Feel free to PM me as well.
  17. I would also be interested to see something on Hacienda Tres Rios. It look like a great resort but there doesn't seem to be a lot of information available online.
  18. Thanks for the update anacj13...I'd def be interested in seeing pictures and hearing any of your comments!!! What resorts did you visit while you were in the RM? NurseNicki, how did your site visit go? I emailed Luis in mid-December and heard back from him today. I had almost written HTR off but now I'm remembering how great the place seems. Decisions, decisions!!!
  19. These look great...and I love that the bags will be so useful even after the trip. Congrats!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by damaris I got mine on Ebay from Kirmansurplus. They cost me $1 and are the quality of the bags you get from Victoria secret. Also very roomyWHOLESALE LOT OF 25 EXPANDABLE JELLY TOTE BAGS - eBay (item 350306792550 end time Jan-23-10 11:57:57 PST) Thanks for the link! I really like those...very cool for a beach bag! Are the sides just transparent plastic? Were you happy with the quality and what color(s) did you get??
  21. You have plenty of time, especially with the help of the forum! Have fun planning!!
  22. I never even considered the possibility of the hotel actually selling out!! Yikes. I guess I'll have to stress to my guests that booking early is important...whether that will help or if they'll believe me, who knows ;-) If the Royal books up, could guests stay at the Gran Porto? I've heard of Gran guests being offered upgrades to the Royal which might work out if there are last-minute cancellations...Just a thought.
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