I am so frustrated that I want to scream! I hate being the centre of attention and that's why my FI and I decided to have a DW, so it could be small without offending anyone. But his mom keeps trying to make us have a big deal and its driving me crazy! On Saturday we asked my brother and his gf if we could host a party at their new place to celebrate our wedding with those who couldn't make it to Jamaica. The idea being a casual BBQ/marshmallow roast, and just BYOB. Nothing fancy, not really an AHR, just a party with some family and friends.
Well Sunday FI's parents are mad because they have already booked a space at a park for a BBQ with 300 people! When they told me I just started crying. Its so NOT what I want and I've explained it so many times that I can't believe they've done it anyway. My anxiety level is so high I'm afraid I will make myself sick. FI knows how I feel, but thinks its the same idea, and doesn't think that many people will come, so I should just let them do it because weddings are for the family, not just us. But I disagree because everything has been about his mom from the very beginning.
I don't know what to do. Just needed to vent!!