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Everything posted by crazyldy

  1. I heard Iberostar was fantastic. But I have never been there.
  2. Welcome to the forum Mike
  3. congrats and welcome. The riu is great
  4. OK so how do I find the people get on this list
  5. I love your tags how did you do that?
  6. ok I want in but I don't know what pm means or how to do it.
  7. Thank you for posting this. I have been having a time trying to find stuff
  8. Do you have to decide on the dance floor before you go?
  9. Ok I know this sounds horrible but all I ever wanted from my wedding was free booze (for the guest) and a dj with a dance floor. But I have heard lots of horror stories of the dj sucking. Since I can't interview him, how do I make sure he or she is everything I want
  10. I am still trying to find a TA so I haven't had this happened yet... yet. I have people tell me they will go but after reading this my mind has changed. And all I can say is just think of all the wonderful people who will be and I am sure the people who can't go have a great reason for missing it and you have to respect that. Just make sure you and your FI have the time of your lives and the rest will fall into place regaurdless of your guests. It is time to be selfish.
  11. holy smokes according to the cheat tip sheet that is like an additional 2 grand!!!
  12. I think it depends on how many you are inviting if it is a lot then I agree with above but it it is a small group you should be ok
  13. It is so hard I hate making people pay for the wedding stuff not only because of paying to come to my wedding but 4 months before my dw I turn 30!!
  14. That would be my perfect wedding. But My FI doesn't think it would be fair to have a wedding in Mexico and then a wedding in Colorado (where we live) because his family and friends live in tx so we couldn't have them come out here too.
  15. I love that idea. I think it would make the pictures look great and then no one would wear white!!!
  16. Also I had a couple cocktails before (I hate people seeing me in my bra and panties) it made it easier
  17. I think you should invite them all just make sure you have fun and speak to all of them individually so they know you appricate them being there.
  18. I love purple so I am using lime, lavender, and plum what do you think
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