My birthday was Monday, the 3rd. FI and I went out with another other couple to the Baltimore Aquarium on Sat afternoon/night and then met some more friends for dinner. Well we got there early and had to wait to get into the Aquarium so we walked over to ESPN Zone to kill sometime. My FI got the 1st round, three beers. I was drinking water. Well today I'm checking my credit card statements and I see 3 ESPN Zone charges on there! One for $50.58, one for $30.42 and one for $5. Now I know the three beers didn't cost any of those amounts so what the hell?!? I called ESPN Zone and they faxed over a receipt, NOT a signed version of what was charged. It has the correct beers and my water, but also has $29 of Jagermeister! I HATE Jagermeister and I know that no one in our group had those drinks/shots. I'm still waiting on them to send over the signed copy that has my FI's signature on it and the other two receipts. Two of the charges are in "temporary authorization" status on my credit card so the credit card company said they can't do anything about those until they post to the account. So... I have to wait for those to clear and then dispute it all together. This is NOT a very fun birthday surprise