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Everything posted by flbluiiis

  1. OMG dare I ask what else could go wrong?!? My state inspection was due July 31st, but I didn't have time to go until Aug 1...well I get there and find out that they don't do inspections on the weekends...I went to two places before giving up. So, I knew my inspection was expired, but I didn't have time the last two days to get it done. My FI switched cars with me today because he was going to stop after work to get the inspection done so I would be current. Well wouldn't you eff-ing know... he gets stopped on his way back from lunch with his boss! The cop gave him a $90 ticket! It is only expired by 5 days... I feel like he could've just given him a written warning! UGH I just wanna cry.
  2. What I'm doing to find cost estimates is look at what it would cost for a flight in the month I'm thinking of having the wedding. I'm not getting married until 2011, so I just use 2009 or 2010 prices as an estimate. I've been doing the same thing with the resorts. I check to see what it would cost for the week I'm thinking to get an estimate of the seasonal rate. It won't be exact, but it will get you an estimate to help make a final decision. Good luck and happy planning
  3. My birthday was Monday, the 3rd. FI and I went out with another other couple to the Baltimore Aquarium on Sat afternoon/night and then met some more friends for dinner. Well we got there early and had to wait to get into the Aquarium so we walked over to ESPN Zone to kill sometime. My FI got the 1st round, three beers. I was drinking water. Well today I'm checking my credit card statements and I see 3 ESPN Zone charges on there! One for $50.58, one for $30.42 and one for $5. Now I know the three beers didn't cost any of those amounts so what the hell?!? I called ESPN Zone and they faxed over a receipt, NOT a signed version of what was charged. It has the correct beers and my water, but also has $29 of Jagermeister! I HATE Jagermeister and I know that no one in our group had those drinks/shots. I'm still waiting on them to send over the signed copy that has my FI's signature on it and the other two receipts. Two of the charges are in "temporary authorization" status on my credit card so the credit card company said they can't do anything about those until they post to the account. So... I have to wait for those to clear and then dispute it all together. This is NOT a very fun birthday surprise
  4. Well I would suggest one of the 1st things is to try to figure out a date, and if you are going to use a TA. You said you visited, did you find a resort that you love? If so, use this site to search the threads and see what other brides said about it. Best of luck and happy planning!!
  5. I went to a wedding at the Doubletree about 5 years ago. They did a great job, the food was really good
  6. Congrats! Destin is a great place Good luck with planning!!
  7. Welcome! Use the search function to look for other threads with information on your resort choice Happy Planning!!
  8. Happy Planning! Welcome to the site, it has SO much awesome information
  9. Welcome! I'm actually looking at the same two places! MP in PC is too new to have many reviews. PPC has a couple, but seems like PPR has more reviews. Hopefully more will post their reviews soon Good luck and happy planning!
  10. I did the Tulum excursion when I stayed at Aventura Spa Palace. It was worth it. It was a short tour of the ruins then you got to walk around by yourself and check it out. Just the right amount of history before exploring. The breeze off the water keeps it cool enough that you don't get too hot (I was there in March). We then went to one of the other Palace Resorts for food and drinks. That was a cute place, but would not be happy if I stayed there. Glad it was only a few hours in the afternoon. It started with an X, but can't remember the full name. I heard the zip lining was cool, but you are right next to the highway. Might be a better location through a different company.
  11. I'm considering this area for my DW. Other than diving, is there a lot to do? Horseback riding, golfing?
  12. The knot had this posted yesterday. I sent it to my mom and she said that the couple was on the Today Show (I think...it was one of the morning shows) this morning! So funny! I could see doing this on the way OUT, but not so much on the way in. Although...it does add to the shock value on the way in. Loved the two guys throwing the programs All three of my bridesmaids are professional dancers (not strippers, real dancers!). One teaches dance full time and could totally choreograph something for us. The ladies would be awesome and would totally agree to it....the guys on the other hand, although my FI thinks it is awesome...he is concerned that his rhythmless groomsmen might not.
  13. This is a pretty old thread that has just started up again... Marie - How is your situation going? Any updates?!? I think if I run into this, I will calmly (ha ha hopefully) inform who ever it is that invited the people, that they can come on vacation but will NOT be at the wedding festivities. That is everything wedding related, whether I'm paying for it or not. If I spent my time to organize it then they are not coming to it!
  14. I'm sorry if this has already been discussed. I did try to search for "anniversary" and didn't see anything with a title that sounded like this. Anyway... Those of you that got married legally before going to your DW... what do you use for your anniversary date? Would you use the legal date, or the ceremony date?
  15. 1st - breathe Your wedding(s) will be amazing with or without flowers. 2nd - contact her tell her you will send the flowers back AT HER EXPENSE and will also be contacting a local florist to get flowers for your ceremony tomorrow..also AT HER EXPENSE This is unacceptable and she needs to make it right. Best of luck!!
  16. Toby and Tessa Keep it short so it is easier for them to learn. One or two syllables is what they usually recommend. They are super cute, and I'm SO happy to hear you adopted them!
  17. I would've been upset also... I'm happy to hear you can laugh about it now I think I know something that will be on the registry!! FI puts the laundry in and changes it but then I usually fold it. He is the worst folder lol Thankfully he is pretty good about not mixing the wrong colors and keeping the bleach away from everything
  18. ummm this definitely has me interested. I'm thinking I have my bridesmaids find a dress/style they like best and then I try to find it on here. I'm hoping to pay for their dresses as part of their gifts...so the cheaper the better on my budget! Thanks
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