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Everything posted by Brenda&Jeff09

  1. Really cute! I like that it's original... doesn't look like any others I've seen. Great job!
  2. VERY cute! Thanks for posting the template! I just bought those same cards at Michaels... might have to borrow your ideas!
  3. I've never heard of them... don't think they have them in MN.
  4. These are great! I'm still thinking.... but this is all I've come up with so far... The night could get even hotter... just by adding a little water!
  5. Haven't seen these yet, but they sound like a great idea! I'll check it out! Thanks for posting!
  6. Wow. This is awesome. Thank you do much for all you who posted your pics... VERY HOT!!! I wasn't going to do a TTD session either, but now I think I might!! let's see... I have 4 months to "live" at the gym!
  7. This may be more of an etiquette question, but do we have to send out formal invitations? I sent our save the dates, and most of the people that have told us they are coming, have already booked. It seems like formal invitations would be redundant... but I don't want to skip them if that's considered tacky.
  8. Thanks ladies... this is helpful. I'm fine with our guests wearing whatever they want... but the restaurant we're having dinner in at the resort does have a dress code, so I was trying to figure out how to handle this. Great ideas here!
  9. Awesome!! I have a Coach outlet store just a few miles from my house... I'm going to look for these! Thanks for posting!
  10. Wow!! That's awesome! I bought "after sun lotion" already, but wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money on sunscreen... if I can get them 1.75 I'd do it in a heartbeat!! Thanks for posting!
  11. I can't find it either... I would ask the photographer if she would be willing to contact the bride and ask her.
  12. I don't have a board either... these are very helpful! Thanks for starting the thread!
  13. Congrats & welcome to the forum! Now... take a deep breath and relax... you'll be in good hands! The wedding coordinators at the resorts are great!
  14. Congrats!! Welcome to the forum!
  15. Welcome to the forum!!! It's very addicting.... but GREAT information sharing!!
  16. I am confused too... the resort I am working with said it will be a legal ceremony... then we wouldn't need to do it here in the US too, right? That was my understanding anyway.
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