This is a tough situation... I would agree with the pros/cons list as a place to start. My fiance and I had to go through this too, because we met through mutual friends in different states. It ended up that he quit his job, sold his house, and moved hundreds of miles to live with me and start a new job, etc.... but he hates it. He constantly says he'd rather be here with me and have to work for a company he hates, than to be back in his hometown without me. But ultimately, it tears me apart to see him so unhappy in his job, because his career is everything to him (until he met me... now he says nothing matters other than us being together).
So I understand the turmoil you're in.... my fiance has lived here for 8 months now, and we're already talking about other options, and the thought of moving back to his home state has been brought up several times, but he doesn't want to take the chance that I'll hate it there. I don't think there's an easy decision either way you go... but what I keep telling myself is that the most important thing to me is that I'm with him... and we can make it work anywhere. Good luck to you in your decision process.