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Everything posted by Brenda&Jeff09

  1. Great advice! We're trying very hard to stick to the budget too, and I've been lucky enough to find some great ideas and deals through the ladies on this site!
  2. This is a tough situation... I would agree with the pros/cons list as a place to start. My fiance and I had to go through this too, because we met through mutual friends in different states. It ended up that he quit his job, sold his house, and moved hundreds of miles to live with me and start a new job, etc.... but he hates it. He constantly says he'd rather be here with me and have to work for a company he hates, than to be back in his hometown without me. But ultimately, it tears me apart to see him so unhappy in his job, because his career is everything to him (until he met me... now he says nothing matters other than us being together). So I understand the turmoil you're in.... my fiance has lived here for 8 months now, and we're already talking about other options, and the thought of moving back to his home state has been brought up several times, but he doesn't want to take the chance that I'll hate it there. I don't think there's an easy decision either way you go... but what I keep telling myself is that the most important thing to me is that I'm with him... and we can make it work anywhere. Good luck to you in your decision process.
  3. Thanks for posting! I have found some great deals for my OOT bags at Michaels too! Looks like I need to go back and see what they've got now...
  4. What a beautiful woman... her strength is amazing. Things like this really make us think about what is important in life. Thanks for sharing.
  5. This is great!I have been trying to think of a way to make circle logo stickers to seal our envelopes... and then I saw this posting! Thanks so much for your instructions!
  6. I'm doing my own make up & hair, because I'm very picky and I also don't want to spend the extra money to have someone come in and do it for me... I've never been to MAC but it sounds like most of you have had good experiences with them! I guess I'll probably give that a try too, and maybe that will help me make some choices of what to do on the big day. Thanks!
  7. I think your ideas are great... I like the thought of adding extra light with the floating candles, but still using the coffee beans too... great way to pull your colors together.
  8. These are some great ideas! I am no where near being ready for the thank you cards, but would love to see pics of what others have done!
  9. I love your boat idea and the donation in your guests' names.... a very generous way to say thank you, and give back at the same time.
  10. Great idea! They're really cute, and for a good cause!
  11. I love the charm idea... it may take a long time to put them together, but it's really cute! I'll have to check into this... still haven't ordered my mugs yet, but will be doing that soon.
  12. I'm not registered yet either... but I have a feeling I'll be checking it once we are!
  13. We're using the photographer that was recommended by the resort... it would have cost us a lot more to fly in our own photographer, and when we looked at the financial aspect of that, it just wasn't worth it. I had the resort put me in contact with the one they recommended, so I could see samples of their work before I made the decision.
  14. We've had some people RSVP to our website already, just from sending out our STDs. We're going to send a RSVP card with the actual invitation too, but I think we're going to direct them to RSVP to our website. We also want to know when everyone is arriving though... and our website just takes the RSVP (they can't add a message to their RSVP or anything)... can we put our email address on the RSVP card too?? We were thinking that we'd list the options, and under the yes option we would add something like: Please sned your flight information to (our email address) so we know when you will arrive. Is this okay? other ideas?
  15. I haven't ordered shot glasses before... but I'm ordering personalized mugs from Factory 21 on ebay, and they do shot glasses too... you can pick the color and personalize them, and the prices seem pretty good! Here's the link... 120 New PERSONALIZED SHOT GLASSES Party Wedding Favors - eBay (item 350182097432 end time Jul-21-09 09:18:36 PDT)
  16. We're doing one bag per couple too. We don't have any singles so far, and no kids either, so it's easy for us!
  17. I went with bottles.... but I think either bottles or wipes would work... both can just be thrown in a beach bag, etc.
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