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Everything posted by Brenda&Jeff09

  1. The registry info should really be a word-of-mouth thing... I would never put that info in the invitation. As for Lowes or HD... I've bought gifts from a registry at Home Depot before, but I haven't from Lowes, and I'm not sure how to start one at either place... but I like the idea. Especially if you want to focus on fixing up the house the way you want it, but you don't really need other household items.
  2. Thanks for the feedback!! I definitely will not order from discountmugs.com.... I've seen alot of posts from brides that had problems with them. Some complained that when the mugs arrived, the logos were tiny compared to the sample with their logo that was faxed to them. I also heard that a lot of people had problems with the ink... if the mugs got wet in the pools, etc, the logo ran off. So I definitely won't go with them... but THANKS for the rest of these ideas!
  3. We didn't really want to register either... we've both been living on our own for years and don't really "need" anything, and since people are flying to Mexico for the wedding, we didn't want to register for gifts too. But this thread is helpful... I'm still 4 months from the wedding and people are already asking me if we're registering. We are doing a reception at home a month or two after the wedding, so now we're leaning towards registering, but trying to think of a way to ask those coming to Mexico to not buy gifts, since they're taking a vacation to celebrate with us.
  4. Welcome to the forum! Have fun... you'll find a lot of great ideas here!
  5. Brenda&Jeff09


    Congrats Taryn! Welcome to the forum! Happy planning...
  6. Brenda&Jeff09


    You'll find a lot of inspiration here!! Welcome to the forum!
  7. Congrats Amanda! Don't stress too much... this forum is FULL of great ideas and ways to help you do this on your own. You'll be addicted to it in no time! Have fun!
  8. Does anyone know where I can get small quantities of the personalized travel mugs? I'm only doing about 17-20 of my OOT bags, and need about 35-40 mugs with our logo on them. Most of the sites have minimums of like 75 or higher. Ugh!! I have found a few sites that will do lower quantities, but their lugs are about $5 each!! The best I've found is Factory 21 on Ebay, who will do 50 plastic steins with my logo, but the steins don't have lids, and I've read on the forum that some people didn't see them used at all because they didn't keep the drinks cold. Help!!
  9. Awesome! I love your bags and everything you did with them! I'm still buying things for mine... can you tell me where you got the mini sewing kits and the drink mixes? I'm having a hard time finding things like that for cheap prices...
  10. It says the site is under construction, so I can't see it... but the description sounds great. Can't wait to see your pictures! Good luck!
  11. Thanks!!! I'll check it out... I've never heard of GIMP but I don't really want to spend the money on Photoshop, so I'll see if I can find GIMP. I'm not really talented with technology, but I can be artistic when inspired, so I'll give it a shot! Thanks for the info.
  12. Congrats! Welcome to the forum!
  13. Congrats! The forum is a great place for you to be... you'll find tons of great ideas and other brides planning for Cabo too! Have fun!
  14. Welcome to the forum! If you do a search for Key West, I'm sure you'll find a lot of great info and ideas on the forum. Happy planning!
  15. Congrats! Welcome to the forum... have fun planning!
  16. These are some great ideas! I'm not sure what to do yet either... I was thinking about spa certificates for a massage or a pedicure before we go to Mexico for the wedding.
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