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  1. For all you ladies that have had your wedding or those who are almost done with all the decisions... What about the menus for your reception? What have you selected and was it all from 1 preset menu? I'm confused! Thanks for the help! Julie
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jgporter Hello Ladies, I just heard from the resort, once again all my information was lost in the shuffle....besides my confirmation payments...Joy oh Joy...here i go again, sending it all that way.. Julie...Did you call them to get it sorted out? or through email...I'm feeling i need to make a phone call.. I'm starting to worry alittle...its only 100 days away... Also ladies I haven't been asked anything about menu options, flowers or any of that fun stuff... Hi Jenn, All my correspondance has been via e-mail. I prefer that because at least I have a paper trail. I have asked to confirm all my reservations and they did. They have not discussed menus with me yet... She sent me a list of things to confirm including music and flowers. I suggest you let them know how frustrated you are and ask for everything in writting. They have been very responsive since I did that. I can e-mail you my correspondance with them if it helps. Let me know how it goes. Julie
  3. Hi! They finally wrote back. They didn't have my ceremony time, location and reception location reserved! I had selected all these things months ago. It's all arranged now though, thankfully. The new wedding coordinator seems really nice. I have the Blue Lagoon reserved for 6pm. I was considering the Steel drum band. What about you? What are you doing for music? Thanks! Julie
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lisarussell66 Hi Ladies Thought I would let you know I heard from NINA to confirm my Date. Im feel so much better!!I did not call because i wanted everything in writting...everything is fine except she did not have our ID and Birth Certs which I sent many times so I had to resend them, which is fine. She seems very nice and she appoligized many times through the email-it was a great email. The reason I receveid a response was because I got my travel agent involved and I also wrote a pretty harsh email explaing the disapointment in the lack of communication. Good Luck! I understand the position she is in but the operations Manager should not have posted that unless they were prepared to recevie all the emails wondering if there info was deleted/lost. Least we know she is there and working on things! Hi Lisa, I'm getting married the day before you! Having read your post, I've e-mailled Nina and asked for confirmation of all my reservations. I'm a little worried since I haven't heard anything from the resort for months. Have you reserved the Blue Lagoon?
  5. Hello All! These sites are great! Here's ours Julie & Rubens - wedding website by mywedding.com
  6. Hi Jgporter. I'm getting married on April 27th and am bringing my photographer. His name is Derrick Rice. I love his work! He's done 3 of my friends weddings and they all loved him. Here's his website ottawa wedding photography, portrait, commercial photography, Derrick Rice Photography You can e-mail me at [email protected] if you would like more info. Thanks! Julie
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by mswhatever It has been sent! Hi MSwhatever, Would you mind sending me the flower catalog at [email protected]? I would really appreciate it. Thanks very much! Julie
  8. When and how are you planning on distributing your oot bags? Thanks, Julie
  9. I don't know if I should go to the trouble of wedding favors. Do you still do them for destination weddings? If so, any ideas? Thanks! Julie
  10. Hi! My name is Julie. I'm a newbie, getting married in Jamaica, Grand Palladium on April 27th 2010. This forum has been so useful already! Thanks!
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