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Everything posted by QueenDiva

  1. Oh pretty, pretty! Thanks for the link- and they are so reasonable!
  2. Oh I am sooo jealous! I bet you're on a flight now as I'm thinking about the dreadfully cold weather outside
  3. I haven't quite decided on the options, but this is what I'm thinking: Appetizers: Lobster Blaze w/Warm Tomato Salsa Crab Turnover w/Black Bean & Papaya Salsa Salad: St. Elizabeth Garden Salad Main Dish: Blackened Snapper Traditional Jamaican Pepper Steak Side Dish: Steam Callaloo & Cabbage Rockhouse Fried Potatoes Dessert: Plattered Fruits Ice Cream Wedding Cake Also: Jamaican style rice & peas Dinner Rolls
  4. I was just thinking I needed to start on my OOT bags! I have some beach towels that need to be embroidered, but I need to get some more. I got them at the end of last season (in turquoise) for only $2.50 each! I have beach balls I got on sale for 0.50 cents each...guess I need to get on it & find the other stuff I need.
  5. Oh wow how did I miss this thread? 4-1/2 months to go and I'm just starting to worry about my hair!
  6. Hey Lisa- where are you at in the planning stages?
  7. Sorry you're having so many problems... I hope it gets better!
  8. South Suburbs here (but I work in Downtown Chicago)!! We're getting married at the Rockhouse in Jamaica April 2011!!
  9. Yeah, I was affected too. My bridesmaids dresses were in the fire. I ordered them back in July because I am one of those "organized brides" who wanted my dresses to be in by December & Eva's told me they take 5 months to come in. My SIL kept calling while I was at work to let me know what happened, and she asked about the dresses coming in December. Unfortunately, like I told her, I got a call 2 wks before the fire letting me know the dresses would be in early. Now this is the crazy part... I called them the Saturday before the fire to ask if I could just pick the dresses up and the clerk told me I would have to get them on a weekday because they don't let anyone pick up dresses on the weekend. I told the clerk that I didn't need for anyone to try them on (I was getting them altered elsewhere), and she still wouldn't let me just get them. Then just a few days later, they burn down. I am glad no one got hurt, and I know it's not my dress- it's my bridesmaids dresses- but it took so long to find the perfect dresses in the perfect color & I'm a little stressed. I finally got thru on the phone to Eva's about a week after the fire, and I have to say I was disappointed. The clerk didn't sound reassuring or helpful at all. She was able to pull my paperwork, and was like "ok, I see your order and you don't get married until April 30th so your dresses will be here by that day". I'm like "I don't want the dresses by that date- they need to be here much earlier than that! We're having a DW!" So she asks when I'm leaving and I tell her April 26th, and she tells me again- yeah, they should be in by that date. I wanted to cry, I mean like does she really think I want the dresses on the day I get on the plane? So I ask her, aren't they rush ordering dresses for those that got destroyed in the fire? I mean I ordered my dresses back in July for a reason, so I don't have to stress in case something is wrong with them- wrong color, wrong style- anything can happen. She tells me that they have good relationships w/the manufacturers & she doesn't think it will be any problems having the dresses by the time we leave. I tried telling her that I wanted them back earlier, what if they needed to be altered? She just told me it would be fine. That's all she said. I asked her to verify the manufacturer, style, color & sizes with me and she was like I got it sweetie! WTF? I called my cousin and she happened to be driving a few blocks from the temporary location of Eva's & she went to talk to the manager for me. Come to find out, they didn't even have my file in the "re-order box"!!! The clerk just threw it back in their files!! Well my cousin talked to the manager & she promised to personally take care of it. I just called this Wednesday to get an approximate delivery date. They told me late February/early March & I get marrieed in April, so I'm still stressing out...
  10. Oh Tris that is so pretty! I'm making mine too. I just ordered my feathers and will be going this week to get some french veiling.
  11. I'll be having a candy buffet! Just need to figure out if I want to bring the containers to Jamaic... I already have so much other stuff to bring!
  12. Hey! I'm getting married April 30, 2011 at Rockhouse!
  13. Ohh that is too cute! How could you not eat the cookies?! I get married April 2011 and joined WW like 4-5 weeks ago... but the last couple of weeks I have not been a good girl. There's always something coming up & it always involves food. But I barely have 5 months left, so this is it!
  14. If you decide to take a look at Kuyaba, the link to the dinner menu is here
  15. Thank God no! Everything's going pretty smoothly, actually. I love Inise.
  16. Oh nice golf course... FI played there when we were in Negril last September. Of course he'll be bringing his golf clubs to the wedding, lol.
  17. Oh you looked so pretty! Sorry about everything that happened... but you seem to have a good attitude. I'm waiting on Part II also!
  18. Getting so nervous now...not much time left...
  19. Oh have fun! Negril is my favorite place in Jamaica!!
  20. I wanted one during the day. Ours will be on a Friday from 9:30a-2:30p I believe. Since it's open bar, I didn't want anyone to be drowzy & hungover all day on the day of the wedding, so I didn't want our cruise to be too late.
  21. So glad it worked out! You look happy & beautiful!
  22. We are having a welcome cruise the day after everyone arrives (the day before the wedding). It'll be a private catamaran with snorkeling, a lunch on a private beach & open bar. It's here
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