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Everything posted by QueenDiva

  1. Thanks BeachBride! I'm trying to get to work now with this massive leg brace on. I'm sure I look too funny- just hope my co-workers don't tease me & call me Forrest Gump when I get there, lol.
  2. Okay ladies, remember I mentioned earlier that I hurt my knee? Well, I had my MRI Monday & went to the ortho today... he told me that my knee cap dislocated then popped back in place. When that happened it tore my medial retinaculum, fractured the back side of the knee cap & now there's 2 big pieces of bone floating around He put a Forrest Gump looking brace on my leg that I even have to sleep in. Surgery's scheduled for next Thursday. He asked when I'll be getting married in April and when I told him that I leave April 26th, he told me I would just make it, but don't get carried away with the dancing... so bummed.
  3. Amazing, amazing! I think I've finally seen someone else as obsessive as I am when it comes to their wedding!
  4. Welcome Remdog & Donie! @Schmizer- I'm thinking about ordering the bags from either Hanson Ellis or Quality Discount Logo. I'm waiting for a sample from Quality so we'll see!
  5. Lol, I'm sure I will be posting many pics as I go along! Yeah, I've been really focused on OOT bags too, lately. I've just ordered a few things to start getting them together, but still need to order the bags.
  6. @rpingree- it is very disappointing! I'm really ready to be done with her. @ Sarah, vent away girl!
  7. Lol BeachBridein11! Yes that is the island mantra- no worries! You are so correct, the wedding will be perfect...we all have to keep that in mind!
  8. Oh, I have so much to do, lol. When we were in 2010 it just seemed like the wedding was so far away; now we're officially in 2011 & I'm wondering where the time went! I have to: Make my bridal bouquets & bridesmaid bouquets Make Mom's corsage Make boutonnieres Order/decorate fans Make bridal & bridesmaid hair clip Make birdcage veil Make reception dress Make door hangers Order OOT bags Make hangover/first aid kits Make "Before you leave pkgs" Make luggage tags Decorate cake server set Decorate bride & groom champagne glasses Decorate paper lanterns Find plastic apothecary jars for candy buffet And I know there's a million more things, but I don't want to think about it, lol!
  9. Happy New Year Midwest brides! I am now in the year of my wedding... getting a little freaked out!
  10. I feel your pain. The bridal shop where my bridesmaids dresses were at burned to the ground. It took 5 months for them to come in & the shop had to reorder them...I get married in 4 months. I sincerely hope everything goes well & your bridal gown is ok!
  11. You really have some great ideas! I looked at those very same bags on another site (but they were in orange). Your guests are going to feel so spoiled!
  12. You are so right! My maid of honor is such a disappointment to me! She's known about the wedding for 16 months and just ordered her dress this month which takes 4-5 months to come. Down payments of $125 for the airline ticket was due October 18th- of course she didn't pay it, I did and she hasn't paid me back... the final room payment for the resort was due December 15th, she hasn't paid A DIME and all my rooms were due to be booked by this month! I am so pissed. She goes out all the time, but all of a sudden can't give up a dime. But I digress, sorry. A wedding really does show you who your real friends are.
  13. Yeah, I agree with cookiemunchkin- I don't like the reason she had for not choosing the alternate date, but I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt- maybe the words came out wrong- that happens to all of us! But, it's not worth throwing your friendship out over. I would get it off my chest.
  14. I don't know... I know it's easy to get caught up in your own wedding but I just think it's some things you have to go a little easy on. Your friend is having a day of her own. I understand she may have booked the 1st venue that she saw, but I honestly don't understand what is wrong with that. A venue is kinda like the man of your dreams- you know when you know, lol. I can't think of getting married anywhere else other than where I'm getting married at. And I decided that the first time I saw it- didn't even want to look at anything else! I loved it so much, I actually planned the wedding date around the venue's availability! So, I kinda understand your friend. I have made so many concessions for people that I wanted so badly to come to my wedding, and I am beyond disappointed with so many people right now. Now I see why many say "the wedding is for the bride and groom". Maybe it doesn't sound right to some, but I can't see myself changing from the venue I have now because one of my best friends can't come due to her going to another wedding...I wouldn't be mad at her, but honestly there is no way I would change it especially knowing what I know right now & experiencing the disappointment in family & friends that I'm experiencing right now.
  15. I'm sure it is. I would ask the WC at your resort. I know when we were at our resort last year they had plenty of tiki torches and the fuel had to come from somewhere. So, yeah I would ask the resort if they have it or know where you would purchase it from.
  16. Wow that seems like a lot of stuff! Everything looks great & I'm happy you love your dress. Have a safe trip & have fun- when you come back you'll be a Mrs.!
  17. Nice, Lisa! I love, love, love Escoveitched Snapper- it's sooo good. You're making me hungry at work, lol.
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