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Everything posted by KelZavs20

  1. they fluctuate allllll the time....just keep your eye out for a special! I religiously watch the prices, and as soon as something great pops up i notify the guests that i know are still not booked....on tuesdays apple vacations is the first website i visit. course, if you have a TA he/she is probably doing this for you already!
  2. If you are only worried about stocking up on snacks...then the costco or walmart is the way to do it! Im doing the same for my water bottles for the OOT bags....just bringing the preprinted labels down with me. We get there a few days before our guests so ill make the finishing touches in the evenings!
  3. Im concerned...but ive also heard they are taking out these flame retardant bouy things and they are gonna start burning it (hello non existant ozone)....the good thing is the mexican government knows of the threat, so hopefully they will take preventative measures to keep the impact away from their tourist driven economy!!
  4. at 112 lbs....its not back fat!!! they can fix that with proper alterations. dress is gorgeous on you!
  5. i was hoping from the rendered drawing that the top was frosted glass like an atrium....judging by this latest picture i guess not
  6. Yep - I have the same situation! I eventually worked it out with my WC on the day pass for the day of the wedding - but all the other days, my godmother and 9 of my closest cousins will be at another hotel. They chose to do this because it was a place they had been to before, and it is much cheaper. the bright side - i let them know there will be events - and they just asked that i let them know what/where/and when! Everyone has their own vision for their vacation, eventhough they are going for our weddings.....it was hard to swallow and be flexible!
  7. To me, the main reason for a "cocktail hour" is to keep your guests occupied between the ceremony and the reception while you are taking pictures - I think its important to have something during that time for your guests, but i do not think it has to be anything extravagant. You are serving appetizers, and i think its perfectly fine not to have alcoholic beverages during that time, just so long as you have some sort of beverage....maybe a signature lemonade? just a thought!
  8. Hello and welcome! you really cant go wrong with any of those three places!!! Good luck planning
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MDLady There was also another game where the guests had to fill out some marital advice that started with each letter of our names, it looked like this: m___ a___ r___ There was some really funny stuff there but it did take a while to read through all of them. This sounds like it could be a fun one for everyone....Ill keep it in mind, potentially for a late night game - love to see what they come up with after a few cocktails! hahah Thanks!
  10. KelZavs20


    Congrats and Welcome! I dont know about either of those resorts, but if you look under the wedding review section im sure you'll find some information on them! Happy Planning
  11. KelZavs20


    Congrats on your engagement and happy planning! you'll find this forum very useful!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kimmysals By the way, I really dislike showers and shower games. But I think this game that I mentioned above makes the shower so much fun. ME TOO!!! the only reason i went along with it is because my mom promised it didnt have to be a brunch and punch...its a friday night, on an outdoor patio, with open bar and entertainment. And, i agree too many games is unbearable - As far as how i got roped in to this planning - i just recently returned home, 90% of my friends are out of state, and my sister wont be home from college until the end of summer!!!!
  13. Hey girls~ I know many of us have the same feelings about having a bridal shower with a destination wedding (i myself have mixed emotions) but my mother was adament about having a shower, and to make a long story short - i have somehow ended up in the middle of the planning of it (again, not too happy since i dont feel it is entirely appropriate).... ANYWAY - real reason for this post - ive been to bridal showers where games have been played such as making a wedding gown out of toilet paper, bridal bingo, and trivia questions....but im hoping to come up with some ideas for "games" that havent been done so often. So far, ive come up with a couple ideas: 1. There are these bridal shower themed lottery ticket type scratch off tickets that you can buy...was thinking of just having those for each guest and winning tickets get a prize. 2. There is this gift passing game where you pass the gift left or right around a circle as someone reads a story - whenever you hear the word left or right you pass the gift that direction (we usually do it as a gift exchange gift at christmas time) but I was thinking about changing it up a bit by writing our story about how the bride to be found Mr. Right...person holding the gift at the end wins the centerpiece What do you think Any unique ideas for non-traditional games that you have are HUGELY appreciated.... Thanks!
  14. how was the communication during the design process? i am using them for my pocketfolds, but im a little frustrated with the email response time so far....BUT - with that said, im on email alllll day and so i dont know if i am just over anxious or what!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl We used JessicaM (BDW Member) from The Stylish Scribe The Stylish Scribe, LLC Custom Invitation Design in Reno, Nevada She is great and works with your budget Was the communication quick with the Stylish Scribe? how long did it take to have everything done?
  16. i found a bridesmaids dress that i liked.....and ordered it in white!
  17. I loooove Christmas Tree Shops too!!!! About a week ago i was lucky enough to find just as many bottles of FULL SIZE hawaiian tropic after sun lotion....for $2.99 each - seriously! I grabbed them as quick as i could for my OOT bags! They also had tons of Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropic oils, sunscreens and aloes....check it out if you have one nearby!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JT3 Just an FYI ladies Cecilia emailed me stating that the gazebo is 80 % done at this point in time,,,..... YAY!! thats great news - looks like you'll be in the clear for a perfect wedding!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimadril Hi ladies! Can you all help me find some cute blue heels? I am looking for something unique, maybe sparkly, but definitely a shoe that stands out. Would like something with a low heel. Preferably in the aqua, turquoise, or tiffany blue families. Please post pics if you have them! i went with tiffany blue myself....found white dyable ones at www.paradoxlondon.com....i chose the margarita style for me, and plan to add a few of my own sparkly/fashionista touches! Good luck!!! i thought finding the shoes was harder than finding the dress!
  20. Congrats and welcome! You will find lots of helpful information here!
  21. i also have a short dress (for the reception part)....i really wanted a long dress for the ceremony but couldnt bear the thought of wearing it alllll night, so i got a short one too for the party!
  22. mmmm yeah pretty much the whole menu is, but if i remember correctly i think there was a steak and a chicken entree too....just very limited in the non-seafood department.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Paige2010 Any feedback on XEL HA, or do they have zip lining anywhere? I really loved Xel Ha!!!! They have the zip line, biking, lazy river, snorkeling, cliff jumping (had to push my FH because he was a chicken!) and some great restaurants. We chose to pair it up with Tulum since they are close to eachother...you can spend a whole day at Xel Ha, but dont really need to.
  24. hey girls, thanks! im not opposed to hair extensions...ive just never had them before, and i am "hair impaired" so i guess im worried i would mess them up or something in the days before....that might sound dumb, but are they as "durable" as your own hair when you brush it and pull it back and stuff? also, how long do they last? do you think id be able to have them in and looking great for like the whole month of August so that i look somewhat the same in mexico and at the AHR?? also "PaulsGirl" i have the same exact cut as you (and baby fine hair too) so if you have pics with different angles id love to see!!!
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