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Everything posted by KelZavs20

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by shanbeth I'm from Decatur, Mi. About 30 miles west of Kalamazoo. How about you? Your wedding is much closer! How are the plans coming? Are you getting stressed yet? This website has helped me a lot, but I'm still figuring out how to get around good. Would love to hear about your dreams wedding! Shanbeth 11-11-10 Sterling Heights! About 30 miles north of Detroit....so pretty far away!!! I'm in the home stretch and things are going great, just fniishing up (and starting) all the little details which are the most stressful for me! This website has pretty much been a lifesaver for so many things! I'll be sharing all my projects soon....when i find time at home to be on BDW since i usually sneak it in at work
  2. Congrats and Welcome!!! I used to work at the Crown Paradise in entertainment not too long ago... how did you decide on that resort - were you a guest beforehand?!!!! curious if we've met somehow! You should also look up Juan Navarro as a photographer....Juan Navarro Photographer
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 Girls, I'm backk and married! My wedding was an absolute fairytalee! Claudia and my parents worked behind my back to throw in some surprises and everything from hair, makeup, flowers, gazebo, reception setup etc etc was just simply fantastic! I'll be writing my review within the next few days! But WOW i am obsessed loll i want to do it all again, so jealous of all the brides with weddings coming up! congrats and welcome back!!! so happy that everything went perfectly! cant wait for your pictures and reveiw!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by shanbeth When you say "legal ceremony" do you mean that if if we are getting married in Mexico to make it legal all the witness siging, etc. has to be done "DURING" the ceremony? I thought they do it after? I'm still debating whether to get married at a JP before we leave to save on $ or wait. We are arriving the 4 days before to make it legal, but seems like a lot of work for something to go wrong. Any advice would be great! Shanbeth 11-11-10 Dreams Cancun alot of people do it "secretly" befoerhand because of the blood tests, and translations and everything else that you have to do to have a legal ceremony in mexico. not to mention the stuff you have to do when you retrun here. you can do a symbolic one at dreams and no one would really know the difference - still have the signing of a certificate. we are getting "legally" married before our dreams wedding - some people opt to do a symbolic ceremony and do the "legal" thing in the court when they return....i really think its much less work and stress to do it here before or after rather than have to stress about all that other stuff that mexico makes you do! im a michigander too....where about are you??
  5. Congrats and welcome from a fellow august bride! happy planning!
  6. i ordered a BM dress in white for my "reception" dress....im going to use it for my TTD too.....
  7. i have one... im a brat at heart and have become pretty close to addicted to checking our registry just about every other hour. i didnt even want a shower..when i thought about the amount of money amongst other things that our family is doing to even come to our wedding it didnt seem right. now that the shower is on friday....i know everything people have bought for us, but at least i havent spilled the beans to my future hubby!
  8. Congrats and welcome back! Sounds like everything went perfectly! Cant wait to see some pics!
  9. your mom is doing a great job!!! i love the idea of sewing on a pocket! hides the lines of an iron on!!! borrowing this idea for sure!
  10. Im gonna do it...hoping to order them this weeked. They have great prices, and you can split the colors of your order.... Could be a gamble or jackpot - I'll let you know how it goes!
  11. One word would help for me....WINE. (alot of it!) hahaha Ok on the serious side, i can feel your pain eventhough our wedding isnt until august! But, one of my cousins gave me some good advice as i was overloading myself with tiny details....that was that none of the guests will ever know if there is a minor detail missing. As long as your major stuff is in order, then you need to put it all aside for one day....go out to dinner or something!
  12. Each one of those is fantastic and you really cant go wrong......But, I'm biased towards Dreams Cancun Check out some wedding reviews...that should help!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust No problem girl! I ended up sicking my TA on her in the end. Took less than a week with that route! Now I'm trying to get Claudia to confirm Juan for our engagement photos next week for our site visit and Mike to join in on our meeting for video. They both are ok with it, but nothing from Claudia yet, I will probably call her on Thursday. BTW How did you call her. When I tried before, they spoke Spanish, the the one person who spoke English I couldn't understand, and I ended up having to hang up, because I couldn't figure it out (I said sorry first). Do I just say her extension, or her name? P.S. Andim's wedding is tomorrow!!! My prayers are for great weather! If you are talking about the operators that answer when you call....they will most likely always answer the phone in Spanish, but they do understand and/or speak English. When I have called I just ask for "Cecilia in the wedding department" if they dont really speak English they must know Cecilia and Wedding and have always gotten me to the right place!
  14. Great review! Congrats on becoming a Mrs.!!! Can't wait to see your pro pics!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Rk_cheung Hi Ladies!! I just came back from Dreams and I couldn't have asked for a better wedding = ) ! Thank you everyone for your very handy advice and tips = ) I wanna post a thread regarding my wedding as I know these threads help future Dreams Brides and I just wanna give back! But back to posting a thread... Can someone teach me how? haha.. You need to go to the wedding review section and post it....just like you posted this thread! Also, let us know when its done so we can read it!!
  16. I would choose the blue bag over the canadian one....appeals to a broader variety of tastes i think.
  17. It really depends on what sort of invite you are looking to do.... I did my own DIY passport save the dates, and learned that yes, i could do invites myself - but could not be bothered again with the stress of putting them all together plus everything else (I need 125 invites).....so i found The Stylish Scribe on this site and I have been working for a few weeks now with Jessica - she is awesome. I got my sample last week and LOVED it! I have also used storkie.com.....that is where we got the shower invitations. their stuff is great too - but they do not do pocketfolds.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Willow188 I really thought having a destination wedding would be a fun and casual celebration that would give everyone an excuse for a vacation. But nobody is excited! My FI's family kept bugging us to find an all-inclusive on St. Thomas, and we did, but now they're saying it's too expensive. Everyone is just fixating on the cost! I'm seriously ready to scrap the whole idea and go to the courthouse. I know I shouldn't care what other people think, but I do, and I really thought my wedding would be different, but it's actually just making things a million times more difficult. When is your wedding? I felt the same way in the beginning, but found that as the day got closer, excitement built up, and people that i never expected to jump on board and actually come to the wedding are! Keep your chin up and focus on planning the wedding that you and your future hubby want....in the end it will work out to be the wedding of your dreams!
  19. Congrats and Welcome! i love your date - 10.10.10.....was my original first choice!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Tennyt1 The jeweler only told me that I could put balls in it. I will probably get a temorpary ring guard put in until I figure it out. Can you fill me in on what the balls they told you about are i cant have mine sized without having some of the diamonds re-set and that apparantly requires pretty much remaking the ring ..... Ive tried the ring guard and found it a little uncomfortable....
  21. WOW!!! andim only 1 day now!!!! enjoy every second im sure everything will be perfect!!!! since you offered....photos of the himitsu beach would be GREAT if you happen to get shots!! cant wait to see/read your review!
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