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Everything posted by KelZavs20

  1. I am wearing a garter .... just ordered it today from Garter Lady on Etsy!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki&James Does anyone know what size the bottles/containers/vase have to be for the sand ceremonies? Cecilia has just informed me we have to supply our own.... I dont know where to start looking meldal101010 i think i red the round tables seat 10 people. The sand ceremony bottles can be any size you want! I found ours at Joanne fabrics... As far as the tables, I literally just received an email from Cecilia (email problem solved - she has a new email address!) about the tables and she says that each round table can seat 6-10 depending on what you want.
  3. Figure Skating Coach by evening/weekend and property manager by day..... Love the skating job....and dying to start law school next fall to eventually get out of this cube!!!!
  4. were sitting at 45-50 right now....but we have only half making the trip from the states, all the rest already live in Mexico!
  5. ive flown usa 3000 before....and sounds like the person described it perfectly. its a charter flight, and smaller than normal, but they pack you in! so im not suprised that they dont have a place to hang a dress. Their carry on size might even be smaller than the usual carry on too so make sure you check the dimensions out! Airlines wont let you keep your dress on your lap....and if its long and full, you are probably better off packing it rather than bunching it up to fit into a carry on.... Or, one thing ive learned from watching people beat the system - strollers, car seats, etc make it all the way to the plane and then the stewards tag it and send it directly to the cargo of the plane rather than it being checked at one end of the airport and hopefully making its way to the plane - try to keep it with you as long as possible! I've never tried this, but if you are that adamant about not checking it (i agree with you - i refuse to check mine) then it might be worth a shot....
  6. Hey girls... Strangest thing, I went to email Cecilia today - and the email keeps coming back as undeliverable! anyone else having the same problem... i quadruple checked the emial address that ive been using (eventhough i always just hit reply)! Curious, and a little worried too.....
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen If you don't mind posting, what are your names? Maybe we can come up with something using both of your names. Our names are Kelly and Christian!
  8. Hello creative brains!! We are having mini martinis served as guests enter to our AHR.... Ive been brainstorming for weeks, and im not loving what im coming up with the martini will be a tourquoise color (like the water in cancun!) and contains vodka, triple sec, lime juice and blue curacao so far, this is my list, but im hoping you guys come up with something more wedding like....something bride and groomy? - Deep Seatini - Mexitini - Beachitini Help! Or at least make me feel better about one of those three?
  9. Love to hear great things about Juan!! makes me even more excited to have him booked for our wedding
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JanineA LOL! Thanks for the hug MysTea, your response did put a smile on my face. It costs $1.05 to send each of my invitations (well the ones in the US, the international ones are more). But I am trying to get the 61c stamp with the cake and the 44c stamp with the two rings. I am gonna drive a couple towns over. I already called and they have it. Its 23miles away but I'd rather just do that. I was going to order them online but then I would be sitting waiting days for them to arrive and delivery service of mail isn't that great either. i had the same amount, and used the same two stamps on my invites. Are yours square? if so PLEASE make sure the witch understands and double checks their shape - mine were weighed and for some awful reason, some arrived to only some guests with giant embarrassing postage due of 35 cents labels on them!!!! usps sucks!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by August2010Bride My wedding is a month away!!! So excited. Looks as if we will have 37 guests joining us! Time is flying! No kidding time does fly!!! What are we all going to do once all this crazy planning is over?!?!? i know im gonna be bored!
  12. im also carrying mine on the plane....i called the airline and they have told be it would be ok to put it in the pilots closet.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Hey August girls in Cancun...are you having your reception, rehearsal dinner, etc outside? Will it be too hot?? I am getting married August 7th! AHHH so only a few weeks left, but debating whether we should change our reception a ballroom inside so people will not die of a heatstroke. Can anyone help me understand the weather there at night? Thanks! Im on August 9th, and we are having everything outside! Ceremony at the gazebo, and reception on the beach. The beach reception is near the water so im hoping for a light breeze, plus at night time with drinks flowing i dont think too many will be worried about the heat! At night when the sun isnt blazing, cancun can be quite comfortable! 1-3pm is the hottest time of day... Personally, i cant bear the thought of going all the way to beautiful cancun to have an indoor reception - but many brides have done it and had fabulous weddings.....totally personal preference.
  14. Sooo to add to the original story....which i found out later on... Turns out my mother was also humiliated to find out that some of her friends had received the invitation with Postage Due on it... So, she found it appropriate to go pick up the invitations from those who we knew received it, and take them back to the post office to scream at the postal worker. Probably not even the postal worker that had anything to do with anything....made them reverse all the charges and re-send the invitation!!!!!!! Still embarassing, two fold now, but its over - the invites are out, and RSVP's are arriving with no problem (so far)!! Advice for future brides - opt for rectangle invites if you can! apparantly the reason it happened is because my invites are square and the person doing the initial weighing didnt properly handle the shape!
  15. Only about a month left to go!!!! CRAZY!!! how's the planning going? i feel like i have nothing done
  16. August 9th... Dreams Cancun Right around the corner - and starting to enter pannic mode!!!
  17. I just finished and mailed my thank you's from my shower today! I had a similar question becuase I actually had one uncle show up?!? So, I used the cards from the gifts as my guide, whoever signed the card, got the the thank you! I had the advantage of knowing about the shower, so i had beforehand bought some fresh flowers for my mom and arranged them in a vase, and presented them to her at the shower with a card that i wrote a near novel in! She was suprised and appreciated it.....since yours is over, you could still send flowers or take her out for dinner or something.
  18. Andim thanks for sharing your pics! you looked gorgeous and i cant wait for your review!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by vacationsrthebest I started looking for resorts with a travel agent and she had been to the resort and recommended it as we had a list of resort criteria to meet for our guests. We have 20-35 people coming and was looking for a resort with a easy location, lots to do and a good price. We originally started looking more in the Mayan Rivera area but needed the price to come down in order for more guests to be able to attend so that went out the window. Thanks for the photographer referral, I will look into it. the crown paradise definitely has LOTS to do...the entertainment staff is phenomenal, and price is definiteley right, half of our guests are actually staying there for our wedding and just coming to Dreams on the actual wedding day. since you havent been there....if you have any questions about the resort, feel free to ask! I lived on site for 2 years there, and have many friends still working there, its actually the place where my FH and I met! The ONLY reason we didnt choose this resort for our wedding was that they would not allow us to have an outdoor reception, and that was number one on my list....
  20. So sorry to hear this, but keep your chin up. He'll be looking down on you always <3
  21. First vent on this forum....not happy to have one I mailed out all my invites on Tuesday. So guests started receiving them on Wednesday. This morning at 7:30 am, I received a phone call from my mother who was responsible for taking a complete invitation to the post office to have it weighed to make sure we had the right postage on it, and for the RSVP. Well, some of our guests have received the invites with big POSTAGE DUE of 35 cents on the envelope.........nice job. I am livid - but, come to find out its not her fault - its the glorious US post that is ridiculous. Many of our guests received them with no issue, and some have to pay for their invite because a mail clerk weighed them wrong. So embarrassing.
  22. Thanks so much for all your detailed pics!!! Especially thankful for the Himitsu beach pics! That grafitti is awful.....
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachel&Chris2011 Ladies, I am really getting worried about not hearing back from Cecilia. I have reached out to her through email and called the hotel several times, why is it taking so long to get the contract done? How long has it been? And have to put the deposit on your date? I see your wedding isn't until 2011, and unfortunately until your wedding gets closer....it sometimes takes at least a week to hear back because those girls are SWAMPED! When I would feel nervous after waiting at least a week, then I would re-send the email so it gets right back to the top of her inbox. I only called once when it was an answer that I needed right away - and I did have to dial several times to catch her.....
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs i had the legal ceremony at dreams cancun and it was easy ... not a lot of "work" at all. there is the added associated expenses, but they were worth it to me in order to have my wedding day be my ACTUAL wedding day. you have a short meeting with your WC a few days beforehand. they will need your necessary documentation (passport/birth certificate ... i forget what exactly but it was no biggie), and both the two of you AND your 4 witnesses will need to have the residency requirement and provide your tourist cards and sign some stuff (marriage application, etc.). again, it's a short meeting, no biggie (my witnesses were actually raucously drunk during this meeting as we fetched them from the swimup bar, lol). the blood test gets scheduled for early the next morning usually, and literally is the quickest, most painless blood test ever. a doc and a security escort come right to your room to do it and it takes seconds. show ID, sign something, get a teeny vial drawn ... DONE! seriously i have never had a blood draw so quick and painless ... maybe my blood was thin from all the liquor, lol! oh and on that note, there are no restrictions on what you can eat/drink the night before. but yes, you and your husband sign your marriage certificate (in triplicate) and provide your thumbprints DURING the ceremony. then each of your four witnesses is called up and they each need to sign in triplicate. it will take 5-10 minutes of your ceremony time to do so (which is why i suggested providing songs to play during this time). however, the ceremony is absolutely, positively IN ENGLISH. that is literally why i got married in mexico and not dominican republic. of course the judge had an accent but he was fluent in english and not difficult to understand. i have to mention though that when i got married i was told i was NOT allowed to change the legal part of the ceremony at all, but i could add readings/sand ceremony/etc. it took 6 months post-wedding for my translated legal documents to arrive, only to find out that NJDMV will not accept translations done anywhere but a few agencies that they use. so i still haven't changed my name just bc i don't feel like dealing with the hassle and it's not that important to me to change it. i'm legally married whether my name ever changes or not, kwim? anyway what you can get away with seems to vary greatly by state and even county. good luck girls! sorry for the novel but i hope it was helpful. when i had my legal wedding at DC i was pretty much the only one ... everyone did symbolic ... so there was no one to talk to about this stuff! WOW! 6 months to receive your translations! that right there would drive me nuts!!!! glad you got them though!
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