I have never heard of this before?? Sounds interesting. I will have to try it out, but for my wed I will buy chep fake petals as it is just for the aisle runner
where would one get letter initals? I don't want to have to order them! I don't mind blinging them up as there are rhinestones that are sticky and that should be easy I just need the letters
Hi I have an Epson CX4200 and it prints pretty good. I would love to know how to print luggage tags, labels etc, you come print all of the work and I will let you use my printer lol No seriously how would I print tags, stickers etc??
We are going to do TTD before as this is the only way it will work out The photographer said the light is not the best in the afternoon but oh well thanks for the input ladies oh p.s I will be wearing a different dress for TTD! Can't wait to post pics
holy smokes I'm confused? I like the fram and the vase ideas. I'm just worried that the sand would wreck on it's trip home lol. Also I am confused completely with all the instructions on gluing this pane to that pane?? I will look around here at home to see if I can find one here as I hate ordering expecially when I may have a store slose to home. Customs doesn't mind you bringing sand through?/
I am having mine same day too due to a lot of things. We are doing it before our ceremony so we only have to get ready once! I wanted to be in my dress the whole night so no other time would work. Hope it works out for you!
holy crap I just spent 20 min looking through this whole thread! Some nice shoes on here. I was just going to wear white flip flops from Old Navy LOL NOW you ladies are making me want to wear heels AHHHH what to do. I have to hurry my booty up if I want heels as they will be gonzo off the shelves real soon. White heels, pink heels, blue heels oh man now what LOL