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Everything posted by Love3

  1. I have never owned a scale in my life except for the last few mths due to my FI lol. He is in awesome shape, works out, and is a personal trainer on the side. I on the other hand don't work out, eat whatever I want, but I totally look like I work out. It kills him that I don't have to work out which he tells everyone. I never really cared how much I weighed only that I fit into a certain size! Now that we have a scale I am on it all the time, and I get my FI to guess my weight lol. I could care less. I have a 10yr and a 8mth old! It really is just a # and muscle weighs much more then fat ladies!!!! Plus if we are retaining water lol there some added pounds, and are height gives us added lbs too. I weigh 111-115lbs (it fluctuates lol) but I should work out. He won't train me as I complain too mcuh and I don't have enough $$ to pay him LOLOL he says. If your FI cares how much you way then he really doesn't love you for you! My FI has seen me in a wheelchair, crutches, preg, in labor HAHA, pms'n etc and he feels the same way about and for me if not more love and respect! If you are healthy and happy that is what should really matter! It is good to treat yourself and not deprive yourself of all that yummy food. My sister has 2 children and she is bigger, I guess I have freaky genes lol. Loose weight for yourself and not anyone else because you will never be happy if you are doing it for someone other then yourself. Don't let anyone take your joy!! WHOOO HOOO
  2. I was in the same position awhile ago. I had to get my lawyer to send the ass a letter to make him sign the passport papers or he would be going to court!!!
  3. Hi welcome and congrats
  4. Hi welcome and congrats
  5. I need the carry on packing list, ck in luggage list, leave behind/to do before leaving list, regulations for carry ons list. That would be sooo awesome and helpful. Thank you
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sdnative222 You aren't overdoing it. In fact, you are being very thoughtful and considerate to your whole wedding party. It's always better for sharing more information than not enough. I, too, sent out a pre-wedding packet 3 weeks before departure which included the following: Countdown letter, pool party (in lieu of rehearsal dinner) invite, packing for paradise information, and contact information (bridal party & WP). In retrospect, I should have also included hotel numbers and more maps. Countdown letter read: It's time to start counting down the days until we are in (location), sitting by the ocean, soaking in the sund with a tropical drink in hand. We are glad you are joining us in (location) for the warm weather as we exchange vows and begin our lives together. In an effort to make your trip as easy as possible, we have included a "Packing for Paradise" brochure with useful travel information. We're so very excited to take this journey with all of you. See you in (location)! Love, Us Packing for Paradise information included: "Packing can be stressful. No one likes to realize they forgot something. Hopefully, this brochure will help you remember everything." Carry-on packing list Check-in luggage packing list Leave behind/to do before leaving checkoff list Regulations for carry-ons "3-1-1 Rule" & checked bag fees The welcome bags included the following: Welcome/thank you letter, The Big Day timeline, local maps and tourist info, personalized water bottles, snacks, and sunscreen with bug repellant Hello Are you able to provide me with your lists of all these leters I love love love your ideas. Thanks so much H
  7. This is awesome thanks so much. Where are you staying in Montego Bay? I am getting married in Montego Bay too!!!!
  8. I couldn't open it for some reason but congrats on completing them and you're lucky that you can do this as I can't (don't have power point )
  9. NOOO I am in the same boat. Luckily for me I only paid $100.00 which I was soo happy about at the begining. I thought what a deal $100.00 for my wedding dress, and my FI was soo happy LOL. Now I think I want something else and I only have just under 3mths to find one. It takes 4-5mths to order a new one which I didn't know. So I am left to find one off the rack and alter it. The dresses that are normally on the rack are a size 10-12 and I need a size 6 with some alterations AHHH and of course the 2 out of 4 dresses I love are a Maggie dress (never heard of her before). Wish me luck!! Good luck to you on finding a new dress. Couldn't you add somethig to your dress to spoce it up? Possibly use your dress you have now for TTD or try and sell it on Kiijii or e-bay or back to the store??
  10. nooo don't have that store near me, never heard of it. Good find though and congrats on finishing your OOT bags start ckn off the list
  11. Love3


    Hi welcome and congrats
  12. DEF #3!!!!!!!!!! #2 brings the eyes to the bust too much, and too much bling in one area, #1 is o.k #3 is soooo elegant, beautiful I think it's perfect on you
  13. Love3


    Hi happy planning
  14. Love3


    Hi happy planning
  15. Love3


    Hi happy planning
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