Quote: Originally Posted by sdnative222 You aren't overdoing it. In fact, you are being very thoughtful and considerate to your whole wedding party. It's always better for sharing more information than not enough.
I, too, sent out a pre-wedding packet 3 weeks before departure which included the following: Countdown letter, pool party (in lieu of rehearsal dinner) invite, packing for paradise information, and contact information (bridal party & WP). In retrospect, I should have also included hotel numbers and more maps.
Countdown letter read:
It's time to start counting down the days until we are in (location), sitting by the ocean, soaking in the sund with a tropical drink in hand. We are glad you are joining us in (location) for the warm weather as we exchange vows and begin our lives together. In an effort to make your trip as easy as possible, we have included a "Packing for Paradise" brochure with useful travel information.
We're so very excited to take this journey with all of you. See you in (location)!
Packing for Paradise information included:
"Packing can be stressful. No one likes to realize they forgot something. Hopefully, this brochure will help you remember everything."
Carry-on packing list
Check-in luggage packing list
Leave behind/to do before leaving checkoff list
Regulations for carry-ons "3-1-1 Rule" & checked bag fees
The welcome bags included the following: Welcome/thank you letter, The Big Day timeline, local maps and tourist info, personalized water bottles, snacks, and sunscreen with bug repellant
Are you able to provide me with your lists of all these leters I love love love your ideas.
Thanks so much