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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Love board games. Sorry to hear about you Grandma. laughing gas?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JGAMMAGIRL77 I posted some of my wedding teasers. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ichelle-52302/ Jess WoW! Jess, those are beautiful pictures. And that TTD teaser....sizzle.
  3. Welcome back and congratulations on becoming a Mrs. Can't wait to read your review and see your pictures!S
  4. We used Cancun Studios for our wedding. They're based in Cancun and I couldn't have asked for a nicer photographer. You should look into them. The prices are good, friendly as can be and they're pictures are really pretty. Just a suggestion. Good luck on your hunt!
  5. Yay. Great review and fantabulous pictures. Can't wait to see more!
  6. Diamonds, diamonds and more diamonds. I'm not usually one for flash jewelery but when it comes to diamonds....they're just so hard to resist.
  7. My assumtion is the one from Timmies. If thats the case, like. Tim Hortons?
  8. One more day Jess!! Tell me how hard it is to refrain but bouncing off the walls right now. lol. Have fun and be sure to love every minute!
  9. Welcome home Erin. Can't wait to read your review and see some more wedding pics. Woot! Woot! Glad to hear your wedding was everything you wanted and more.
  10. Thanks for the advise ladies. I wish I wasn't such a chicken. Do any of you ladies want to contact him? lol. In all honesty, I think his sister is the best person to ask about it. Hopefully, she won't be offended by how uncomfortable this whole thing makes me feel.
  11. I wish I could say that, only there will be at least 5 other children there. They will be younger (under the age of 10) but children no less. I really wish I hadn't sent the invite. Anyone have a time machine?
  12. Bad Boys II - Martin Lawrence
  13. Ok so here is some background into my mixed up world of dads. My biological dad (Dan) was never around. I have searched for over 10 years and finally met him and his family this year. My step dad doesn't know. My step dad (Brian) I have known since I was like 3. I called him dad, he is my brothers bio dad, he was married to my mum for 10 years. Even when my parents split up, I took his side and we were fairly until a couple years ago when he move about 6 hours away. The last time I spoke to Brian was about 2 weeks before my birthday (DOB: April 11th). I got no happy birthday, and no congrats on getting married. Nothing, nada, zip. When it came time to send out invites for our AHR, I decided that since I was inviting Brian's sister and his dad (both I still talk to) I would have to send one to him. Fully expecting to receive no response. I addressed the invite to him thinking that if he did come he would assume it was just for him. Wrong!! I just received his response card, filled in with his sisters handwriting, no less. This is the kicker though, he responded that he would like to bring his girlfriend and her twin 13 year old daughters!! WTF. I don't get it. I haven't talked to him in 9 months at this point and most likely won't until the reception in Feb. I've met his girlfriend once a little over a year ago and her kids are annoying little brats that I want nothing to do with. My question is, what do I do now? How do I tactfully let them know that the invite was only intended for my Brian? I can bend a little to allow his girlfriend but I really think its unnecessary for her daughters to come. Thanks for listening to my long winded woes. And thank you in advance for the advice that I know is about to come flooding in. I know I can count on my BDW girls!
  14. This is a great idea. I will see what the hubby says about me going on another girly getaway. Last year he was sad that I went away with out him. :-( Poor guy. If he wasn't a student I would def bring him along.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl I don't know what that is am i missing out? Since it's my favourite show, I would say you're missing out. In actuality its not for everyone. Its a British soap opera and it's been on for like 48 or 49 years, so I've been watching it since I was a wee one. The characters are like a second family to me. lol. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Pumkin cheese cake - never had sounds like YUCK!!! I hate pumkin pie shopping? Shopping, like. Perhaps my credit cards would say "a little too much". Fresh apple crumble?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 Thanks...actually can you recommend a good health food store? There is a place on Fairview, just west of Walkers Line. It's called Goodness Me Home Online. It in an older plaza on the north side that has Cora and Midnight Sun Tanning in it. Goodness me is tucked in the east corner of the plaza so it can be easily missed. If you ever travel to Oakville, there is a Whole Foods Market: Natural and Organic Grocery which is a great place to go. Its right near the south side of the Oakville GO station.
  17. Totally like. Coronation Street?
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