Ok so here is some background into my mixed up world of dads.
My biological dad (Dan) was never around. I have searched for over 10 years and finally met him and his family this year. My step dad doesn't know.
My step dad (Brian) I have known since I was like 3. I called him dad, he is my brothers bio dad, he was married to my mum for 10 years. Even when my parents split up, I took his side and we were fairly until a couple years ago when he move about 6 hours away.
The last time I spoke to Brian was about 2 weeks before my birthday (DOB: April 11th). I got no happy birthday, and no congrats on getting married. Nothing, nada, zip.
When it came time to send out invites for our AHR, I decided that since I was inviting Brian's sister and his dad (both I still talk to) I would have to send one to him. Fully expecting to receive no response. I addressed the invite to him thinking that if he did come he would assume it was just for him.
Wrong!! I just received his response card, filled in with his sisters handwriting, no less. This is the kicker though, he responded that he would like to bring his girlfriend and her twin 13 year old daughters!! WTF. I don't get it. I haven't talked to him in 9 months at this point and most likely won't until the reception in Feb. I've met his girlfriend once a little over a year ago and her kids are annoying little brats that I want nothing to do with.
My question is, what do I do now? How do I tactfully let them know that the invite was only intended for my Brian? I can bend a little to allow his girlfriend but I really think its unnecessary for her daughters to come.
Thanks for listening to my long winded woes. And thank you in advance for the advice that I know is about to come flooding in. I know I can count on my BDW girls!