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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Like but I am no good at it. Hubby on the other hand is a pro. reciving gift cards as Christmas prezzies?
  2. Welcome home Jamie! Can't wait to see pictures. Though we're all married now I'm sure I am speaking for most when I say, this wedding stuff never gets old. :-)
  3. I'm suprised I'm not diabetic with the amount of sugary candy I like to eat. Work holiday parties?
  4. December 1st @ 7:15. Sitting at home with a cold waiting for my hubby to bring me some McD's.
  5. Tuesday December 01 @ 8:55am. I feel like I'm dying. No work for me today. Time to go back to bed.
  6. Like. I have 4 nieces, 1 nephew and 1 of each on the way this month. The little ones are what make Christmas shopping so much fun. Turtlenecks?
  7. Here are mine. Not nearly as exciting as some of them but they're ours and it was way too much fun doing them. ;-)
  8. OOoo, I found one more that I love! I promise no more from here. :-)
  9. I made mine by getting an invite kit from Staples. They were DIY and I thought they turned out really cute. I even added envelope liners to some using wrapping paper from Hallmark. And other I added a scalloped edge with a Martha Stewart punch. Best part was they turned out to be like $1 an invite because I bought all the stuff on sale.
  10. Couldn't live without. Pedicures?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel Welcome back Elena! Congratulations:) Keira...quick question....how much was it to have your marriage license translated and certified? Was it included in package you chose, or was it extra? I was included in the package. When I was there the package had just been changed and wasn't yet offered. They decided to honour the new pricing and the inclusion of the translation and apostle. Once I have the translated certificate I can go get a new license, change my banking info, etc. etc.
  12. Weclome back Joanne. I'm excited to see and read all about your DREAM wedding!! Joanne, you're pictures are beautiful!
  13. Wednesday November 26th @ 7:39 PM - Bored.
  14. Have no fear ladies! I too am an emotional person who happens to cry at anything. I was also affraid of having those sexy red blotches on my face, permenently captured in my wedding album. But when it came down to the wedding day I was so relaxed that I wasn't in a crying mood. I cried when I fell down the stairs (before I started getting ready, phew). When it came to walking down the aisle, when I saw Steve I started to well up. I smiled and the tears went away. Just focus on smiliing and the tears won't be able to come. On the flip side, if you're not able to smile through the tears, remember that photoshop can be a brides best friend. :-)
  15. Wool coats for sure. Oversized sunglasses?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 congrats elena...always refreshing to here another bride with a positive experience. just curious of any ontario brides who had the legal ceremony. what requirements did have to do? i keep get mixed info. just want to be prepared. Thats what we did and all you need is your passport, tourist card and 2 witnesses for both bride and groom. Now they even have the marriage licence translated and apostiled for you. I'm still waiting for mine but I was told it takes 2 to 3 months. I still have a little waiting left.
  17. Ooo that does sound good. I'm going to try that one this weekend.
  18. Like. Perhaps a little too much. Children?
  19. dislike. I have a lauging gas story too. I just got my wisdom teeth out this year and they gave me the gas. My hubby said that when the dentist came in to see if it was working I said something to the effect of "I remember this feeling" with a huge grin. Then I proceeded to pet the doctor big red beard and say that it was "pretty". Telling stories?
  20. I know that this is an old thread but given the time of year I think its time to revive it!! I'm a huge fan of baking and this Christmas I have decided that I'm going to make some different baked goods to give to our families and friends. I'm no Martha but I try. Anyway, here is one that I tried out last night and I think this is going to be the winner (for the mini loafs). EGGNOG QUICK BREAD 1) Preheat over to 350 degrees and grease 1 loaf pan 2) Beat together 2 eggs in a large mixing bowl 3) Add the following ingredients and blend well - 1/2 cup white sugar - 1/2 cup brown sugar - 1 cup egg nog (not light) - 1/2 cup melted margarine - 2 teaspoons rum extract - 1 teaspoon vanilla extrat 4) Add the following to mixture and stir until moist - 2 1/4 cup flour - 2 teaspoons baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 5) Pour better into greased loaf pan. 6) In a small prep bowl mix together 2 tablespoons white sugar and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg. Spinkle on top of mixture 7) Bake loaf for 45-50 min or until toothpick comes out clean. Let sit for 10 min on a cooling rack before trying to cut. 9) The best part...EAT and ENJOY!!
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