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Posts posted by ~Keira~

  1. What can I say I'm an early bird. lol. Steve doesn't drink so I wanted to be on my best behaviour too. Our small group was tired so we got to be around midnight. That being said with our AHR not long off I'm getting excited to "let my hair down" and dance the night away.


    That's a bit crumby about how the day turned out but you have the right attitude about it. If the pictures turned out hot, who cares what you had to go through to get them. :-)

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
    Keira - I was the same way...I didn't shut up. LOL When the blog was posted I messages her online and she went offline and didn't cone back on all weekend. I hope I didn't upset her. sad.gif We always said we were bridal twins and it was so fun sharing the experience with her. sad.gif
    I'm sure she's not upset with you. Maybe she is just got a slight case of the green eyed monster. Local weddings are beautiful but they're not as fun to hear about as destination weddings are. I put $100 buck on it, that she plans a 5 year vow renewal ceremony somewhere warm. lol. Gotta get the best of both worlds somehow.

    Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ View Post
    Melissa - I DEFINITELY wanted to see my TTD over the wedding lol. Especially since the weather for the TTD was so brutal, I was dying to see how they came out. Now I can't wait to see yours! I'm such a sucker for pics lol!
    What time did you guys do yours? We had ours at 8.30 the next morning and as soon as our photographer got there it started pouring out. Thankfully it stopped like 10 min later.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BahiaBride16 View Post
    I'm starting to wonder about the marriage certificate as well....although Karla (our planner) said it will take up to 3 months to receive in the mail...it's almost been 3 months for us and I haven't seen anything yet. Did you other married ladies recieve it in the time period they told you??
    I was told the same time frame. I haven't received anything yet but I haven't been married for 3 months yet.

    I think I read that someone asked to bring hers home with her so that she could have it done here. In heinsight I wish I had done the same. Turns out she didn't even need to have it translated or appostiled. I guess the DMV is getting used to seeing spanish marriage certificates.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
    We went to Grants work christmas party on Friday, and I felt a little bad. Grants coworker got married a month before us, it was a local wedding. We are pretty good friends with this couple. So of course the two of us brides were nonstop talk about wedding stuff. We havent seen each other since we got back so had a lot to catch up on. Well Grant has been very vocal about the wedding to everyone at work, while his coworker hasnt. Grant even uploaded pictures to their share drive to show anyone. So all his coworkers kept coming up to me, congratulating us, talking about how beautiful the wedding was, and asking all about it. Even his boss did this at one point. Well his coworkers wife was standing next to me, and no one really asked her. I could tell she was getting upset. sad.gif I tried to bring her into the conversation but still felt pretty bad.
    I would totally be bummed if I were in her shoes. Only I think I might be a little too outspoken for this to happen. I'm pretty sure I told anyone that would listen, and even some that wouldn't, all about my wedding. I even told my hubby's co-workers for him. lol
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