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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. My fiance is hoping that all these babies will feed my need. Little does he know it is more likely to make it grow! haha.
  2. I'm getting married the same day as Nikki and I've already had my first fitting! There really wasn't a whole lot that needed to be done to the dress but that might have something to do with the corest style I chose. I don't know how you girls are going to wait. As soon as my dress came in I booked my first fitting. lol.
  3. I just found out that my sister Vicki is having a BOY!! As of now I have 3 nieces (on my fiances side), and there are 4 pregnacies between the 2 of us. My 2 sisters, his sister and his brothers wife. Baby 1 - Brother in laws wife (GIRL #4) - DUE: September 01, 2009 Baby 2 - My sister Vicki (BOY #1) - DUE: October 18, 2009 Baby 3 - My sister Michelle (baby has their legs crossed) - DUE: December 15, 2009 Baby 4 - Sister in law (can't tell yet) - DUE: December 31, 2009
  4. Michelle - You heading anywhere exciting for your long weekend? I'm in the Toronto area too and jealous of your extra day off. 12:23 PM - I'm dreaming about food. My belly is grumbling and I'm waiting on a co-worker for some company in the foodcourt.
  5. Very nice. The colours are beautiful, your dress is georgous it all looks perfect.
  6. Glad to hear that it turned out alright. Can't wait to see the pictures.
  7. Thanks Philly Bride. I'm coming to you for all my BB gossip.
  8. Beautiful. I love the lace but the back takes the cake for me. Very sexy but very classy!
  9. Congratulations. I'm sure you'll find lots of advise on here. I too am a Cunuck, though I live in Ontario. What about having your wedding in our province? We have Niagra on the Lake which has some of the most beautiful wineries and is packed full of charm. Here are a couple of places that I know are really nice. Vintage Hotels: Plan a Niagara on the Lake Wedding There is also the Muskoka's. Stunning! This one looks nice but there are a ton of others too. Inn At The Falls Bracebridge Muskoka Ontario - Weddings Good luck with your planning!
  10. Monday July 13 @ 6:33 am. Just woke up. I'm running half an hour late but I'm not in the mood to care too much. Its Monday, I'm going to be late for work and I'll deal with it when I get there.
  11. That is a very pretty dress. I don't know who does this exact dress but I did find one that was similar. Ella Bridals
  12. Courtney - I agree with your view of Ronnie. I also think its funny that my fiance new that he was referencing star trek or wars or whatever. Steve is a fan of Ronnie. :-) Does anyone remember who Jessie fancied on his last season? I can't remember but I don't think she was a boobie wonder woman either. I think he doesn't like to compete with his women. You know, are his muscles bigger then her boobs type of thing. He likes to be number 1.
  13. My niece is turning 3 shortly after we get married. She is so excited and we've got her practicing. What about dressing her up and giving her some play flowers to carry? I purchased a pomander for Emma and showed it to her and told it, it was hers if she wanted to be a flower girl. Then we had her walk up and down the hall "like a princess" would and that worked like a charm. I saw her again yesterday and she was telling everyone about being a flower girl on the beach. Good luck.
  14. Fantastic thread idea. And it's nice having all Canadian brides here to say HELLO to. Eh? 1. Registry: We registered at Sears but we're going to re-register at Home Outfitters that just opened up here in Burlington. They have much more selection for what we're looking for. 2. OOT bags: Dollarama! 3. Wedding Attire: I got my dress from Saratina Bridal in Oakville. The girls there are young and modern and they were nice to work with. 4. Rings: Bluenile.ca 5. Invitations: I just made a brochure type thing for ours and had them printed at staples. For our at home reception I got a steal of a deal on invites from Staples. $19.97 for 80!! Just have to print them ourselves. 6. Flowers: So far, I have bought my niece a pomander off of ETSY. 7. Decor: Not there yet 8. Travel Arrangements: The Wedding Holiday in Oakville. I enjoy having tea while looking at resorts. ;-) 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): Nope. I'm addicted to this site so I don't have time for another. lol. 10. Other: I've bought several things on ETSY and plan to buy more on there. I found my shoes (yet to buy), had my veil custom made, and bought the pomander so far. I also found a couple girls that I want to buy the boutonnieres from only I want to pick my flowers first.
  15. Sunday July 12th @ 2:14pm. I'm listing to my fiance and his best bud talk about trains. It's too cute how excited they get about them. I guess I gots me a nerdy one! :smile:
  16. I bought 3 letter sheets, 1 big and 2 small. I could have gotten away with just one small only there wasn't enough of one of the letters on one sheet to do "bridesmaid" and "maid of honor".
  17. Congratulations and welcome. A wedding in Vegas is sure to be a good time. When I was there in March we saw a few brides on different nights having a great time taking photos all over the strip. If you like being the centre of attention (like myself) and want some unique photos you should surely take pictures on the strip at night. Good luck with your planning.
  18. I think what I'm going to do it make up some thank you cards with some money in each for various people (WC, judge, wait staff, photographer). I think that will be an easy thing to slip them at a quick moment. If I feel that someone doesn't deserve a tip (which I hope doesn't happen because that means something will have gone really wrong) then I will just keep the envelope to myself.
  19. What a classy gentleman. Steve got out of the asking permission thing because I actually only met my dad for the first time this year! If you ask me Steve had a pretty good set up for the whole proposal thing. lol.
  20. Woo it's gettin' hot in here! I'm soooo excited for my TTD session now. You girls are smokin'! I can only hope that mine will turn out as stunning as yours.
  21. I thought it was cute. He later told me that he was planning to come to my work downtown Toronto and write "will you marry me" on the sidewalk, call me and tell me to look out the window and there he would be. He went with the boxes though because he was too nervous to have people all around. It all turned out perfect for us.
  22. So he was just as guilty. :-) We dated for 5 years before he proposed and he made me wait to tell my mum until we saw her the next day (Christmas morning). That was. torture.
  23. Thanks ladies, I'm glad you like them. LIW - I got the lettering from Michaels. They were on sale for $2.00 a sheet and the tanks from Old Navy were $7.50 each. I thought that seemed like a much better price then buying retail. Just iron on (while watching the Bachelorette) and you're good to go!
  24. Here is how our wedding journy began... It was Christmas eve 2007. We had just come home from my Nana and Grandad's annual Christmas party. I got into my jammies (even though Steve suggested not to) and we began opening the gifts we had bought one another. Mine was in a huge box. I had asked for a Kitchen Aid mixer and I was convinced that's what I was getting. I tried resisting but I even checked to make sure that it was heavy and it was! I started opening the box and inside there was another one. I still thought I was getting my mixer and that Steve was just being silly. I opened the next box, and then the next box, and then the next box. Each one was filled with somehting different. Packing peanuts, the phone book (which I had been looking for a few days earlier), magazines, wraping paper, the works. So, I get down to a small box. I'm thinking to myself, "This is the moment. This is when I get engaged". Then seeing my face light up Steve bursts my bubble and says, "It's not what you think it is". My heart dropped for just a moment until I opened the box and saw it. My perfect, solitaire, princess cut ring! Not a second later I started crying. I'm pretty sure I missed what Steve was saying (though I'm sure it was lovely) and just said YES when I didn't hear him anymore. And that was the happiest day in my life so far.
  25. Congratulations to you both. I'm not sure whose version I like best. I think the last bit of Matt recollection sums up the many a women out there after they've answered yes! "For the next few minutes, there was some feverish text-messaging by Katie. While we enjoyed the rest of our evening, Katie's phone continued to buzz away as all of her friends replied back." Makes me smile!
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