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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Very nice. You actually have a few of the things that are going to be a part of my wedding. Looks beautiful and makes me excited for my big day!
  2. I agree that some people get jealous. I had a girlfriend say to me once at a party "Ok, for the rest of the night I don't want to hear a single thing about your wedding!" She was just being nasty and it was weird becuase I wasn't even talking to her. I was talking to another girlfiend that is getting married this year too. She was evesdropping and felt it necessary to bite my head off. Grrr.
  3. New idea. You should respond to his e-mail with a link to this thread and write a simple "No Thank You" before the link. Nothing more hubmling then reading about how disliked you are amoung the customers you are basing your business in.
  4. Good eye Jacilynda. That dress is IMO as close to bang on as possible.
  5. Thanks for all your input girls. I was leaning more towards to blue myself but I think now I'm siding with the white. Is anyone going to use coloured nail polish or are you doing a french tip?
  6. This is outragous. I can't believe he would ask you that. I'm with Sloan what a dink! I think that you should respond to him with a photo of some super model (thats been airbrushed tip to toe) along with the amount you're going to be spending on your wedding. You did say close to $500,000 right? ;-) Then once you've peaked his attention lay into him. Tell him that his e-mail was competely inappropriate and even if he offered to shoot your wedding for free you wouldn't be using his services. Furthermore, you are going to be putting the word out to your other engaged friends to steer well clear of him and his company. His choice of words and lack of respect is utterly distasteful.
  7. Emme, I wouldn't worry about the wording. Play dumb if your guest say anything, though I doubt they will. Make a crack about the dark ages of room keys that GBP is using. :-D
  8. I love the photos of the yellow black and white but like most other girls, for me, it doesn't scream DW. I also don't think I would be able to pull of such a beautiful layout using those colours. Crazyldy - Purple is my favorite colour. It's going to look fantastic in different shades with lime too. My colours are royal blue and aqua. I think I'm going to bring some purple in with my makeup and flowers too.
  9. Oh man. I've seen they have pouches with zippered pockets. Maybe I'll look into getting something like that for tips and keys etc. I'm nervous now. I'm the girl that can loose an elephant. hehehe.
  10. Thanks for letting us know that they are actual keys Tlseege. That will help me choose the badge holders I get. :-)
  11. Hi ladies, I'm looking for some help choosing the shoes I should get. Here are the ones that I'm debating between. Which ones would you choose?? Info: My dress is sweetheard neck line with open corest back and has a lace overlay. I'm still trying to decide if I want a sash on it and if I do do I want blue or white? Thats a whole other thread though. lol. So what do you think? OR
  12. I wouldn't worry. I've changed my hair a million times over. Cut it short, added extensions, gone from black to blonde to red and back. They customs officer won't be looking at hair colour they'll be looking at facial features. So unless you've had a nose job, cheek implants or otherwise since you passport photo I wouldn't fret. Focus on the exciting bit. You're getting married in less then a month!! Woo hoo!!
  13. I wouldn't mind some of them. I'm getting married there just a couple weeks after you. How much are you selling 20 of them for?
  14. 1:53 pm July 14th, doing much of the same as Hockeymom. :-)
  15. Thanks for all the feedback ladies. It's encouraging and making me want to accomplish more DIY projects.
  16. Sunny - you're getting married at the same place as me. There aren't many of us out there so if you have any questions you can PM me anytime.
  17. So if Mexico does reciprocate when do you think it would go into affect?
  18. Hello and congratulations Andrew. I was in Guardalavaca last year. The beaches are beautiful. I have 2 recommendations for you; 1. If you're going to do an excursion do the swimming with the dolphins and dinner one that they offer. Its at an aquarium that is built right into the ocean and you have to take a quick boat ride to. 2. If you, your fiance or any of your guests like peanut butter on their toast be sure to bring your own as they don't have any in Cuba. That was a bummer for me because I'm crazy for PB. :-)
  19. finzup - Thats a good idea too. I would be embarassed though if it didn't work. I blush easy too. :-) Would surely be nice to have an upgrade though. Maybe I'll look into this option now and see if I can get a similar steal of a deal.
  20. Congratulations! I say go for a hotel in the Playa Car area. It's pretty much only hotels and time shares and still walking distance to downtown Playa del Carmen. Some of our guests were budget concious too so we chose a resort that has everything that anyone would need, but the draw back is it's about a 15 min drive to downtown Playa del Carmen. Good luck on your search and let me know if you have any questions. I'll see what I can do to help out!
  21. Yay! What a great choice, it looks wonderful on you. My girlfriend did the same thing as you, went shopping on a whim and found the dress. Only difference is shes not getting married until October 2010. Hope you can resist playing dress up now that its in your closet. ;-)
  22. Eak. I haven't heard anything about this but haven't really been looking. Thanks for the heads up. If I hear anything on my side I will surely let you know.
  23. Our wedding will be up around $10,000 to $13,000 Canadian when all is said and done (20 or so guests). I don't think this is bad though since it includes our travel, photographer, and private reception. To top it all off it includes an at home reception we're having in Feb 2010 for about 75-85 people!
  24. ~Keira~


    I'm with Perplexy - Welcome to this wonderfly addicting forum. :-) Congratulations!
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