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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Thanks. Only problem is they're out of my colour. I have to wait until tomorrow to spend, spend, spend. Actually, should I got satin or should I go organza??
  2. hahaha. Me too. When it doubt, just whip it out...the credit card that is. hahaha.
  3. I just found this website. It might be eaier and cheaper to buy them. This place has them for 0.99 cents each!! tablecloths-chair covers- table linens-sashes wholesaler
  4. Oh no Michelle. This is NO good. July 17th @ 1:55pm. I am working / avoiding working and getting excited for a dinner out with one of my pregnant sisters. I just can't get enough of the bellies. :-D
  5. Thats some good advise Nadine. I was wondering the same thing for our wedding. I was affraid of looking cheap but at the same time I don't really want to waste money either. We're doing a private dinner (who knows what time) so I tink I will stick with paying for the extras there rather then adding on a cocktail hour.
  6. Whatever colour shirt you decide, I am partial to the beige pants. Especially if you're thinking about a TTD session. White pants might not work so well for FH if he's going for a dip in the ocean. ;-)
  7. I'm with Crystal... "Nadine, I would have spent my night drooling all over myself if I was there!" Oh man. I'm pretty sure I would do anything to have been around when UFC 100 was on. YOU MET GSP!!! Super jealous over here.
  8. I like it. I think they look fantastic. As for seperating the GM and your FI I think using the bout would be fine. I was going to do the same thing until my FI found a white shirt that he had to have, so that settled that. My BM are in different colours from our GM too. Our colours are royal blue for the girls and aqua for the boys both blues but totally different. IMO what you've got planned sounds perfect!
  9. Well this is what I'm going to be doing today. Boss is out of the office and it's Friday. lol. Thanks for posting!
  10. I would just like to give Michael a high five from Ontario. You made my morning with your dear Bryce note. hahaha.
  11. I too am a UFC fan. My man and I download the events to watch them on Sunday mornings. I bake us some sort of quick bread or scones and we pig out and drink coffee for 2 hours in the morning. I love it! Who are you ladies calling to win the Griffin vs Silva fight? I personally hope Forrest wins, mostly because I have a huge crush on him.
  12. BME bride to be - It surely does seem like most brides are doing the TTD session. I'm going to be trashing my own dress but it seems like most other brides are buying a second dress to trash. IMO the pictures you get are too sexy and really once in a lifetime. DO IT!! :-)
  13. Boobs. A pain in the but for women. The closest thing to heaven for men! Love the shot!
  14. Here's a picture of my dress. I'm still debating a sash for some colour. I'm so indecisive. I want to look classy and like a bride but I LOVE colour!
  15. Next day now and I slept great. I wonder how this schmuck slept. lol. Someone had a really bad day yesterday and something tells me he's not going to be having a very good remainder of the week. Poor, poor, dinky little man. :-)
  16. Well said Steph. My particular favorite bit is... "Since you made such strong indications in what you look for in a client I have take the liberty of sharing this information with hundreds of other destination brides in order to save their time and energy before contacting you. Best of Luck in your future endeavors. I'm sure your perfect portfolio will get you far, just not with the average bride." You as good as said "eat it"! Well done.
  17. I just sent you a PM....Can I add the tylenol if available?
  18. 6:52 PM July 15th. I've been home for about half an hour and I'm all alone. Steven's gone to school and I'm expecting to be lurking around on here for way too long. :-)
  19. Just out of curiosity, how long were your TTD sessions? I'm just hoping we're going to be able to get some shots as HOT as you lot.
  20. I think I have made my decission then. I will go with the white shoes and royal blue on my toes...I think. Jets - Sorry I didn't mention before. They are on ETSY. Here is a link to the store. feesk on Etsy - Feesk Sandals by Fiona K
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