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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by cruisebride2009 Hello ladies! I have my wedding dress and veil for sale. I keep trying to upload the pictures, but I get invalid file. I have tried to adjust the size but it won't work! I need help! Have you tried uploading them to photobucket and then using the IMG code from there? That should work. If you really want pics to be posted on here (might be easier for prospective buyers) you can e-mail them to be and I will post them here for you. [email protected]
  2. Have you tried on Spadina? I'm not sure if you would be able to find them there or not. Or perhaps even in Kensington? I would just order them online for ease.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM Ps Keira - saw your BD pics, they came out awesome!!! I'm getting so excited about mine. How many outfits did you do? Thanks for the compliments! It's nice getting a bit of an ego boost. I did 5 different "outfits" I guess you could say. The first one was in my FI wedding shirt, second was a cute skirt garter thingy with a white tank. Then there was black panties and fish nets with spray paint cans and caps all around (hubby to be is an artist) and then some nudes but I had a painting covering me so nothing showed. That one was hot because the angel you can see that there is nothing on but you can't actually see any nudity. Last but not least was a pair of just married panties and some black heals. It was sooo much fun and you are going to have a blast!! Since shooting I've thought of more ideas that would be hot and I want to go and shoot some more!
  4. My FI Steve is a self proclaimed nerd (note* he says nerds are hot and geeks are not, lol). He is 6 feet and 143 pound so very slim and lanky. He wears glasses and has cowlicks all over his hair which makes him look funny (but cute). You would never know by looking at him that he has an inner bad ass and does graffitti. Sneeks in and out in the middle of the night and puts his art up for all to see.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DRod0214 OMG ladies, we have close to 97 days till our november weddings, and sooo much to do, how nervous are you guys. I'm excited and nervouse and just want it to be here already,lol. How much are you communicating with your WC or are you putting it in their hands and waiting until you get there. I'm getting really excited too. Today is the 3 month mark for me!! I've been talking to the WC at our resort for a couple weeks now and its about every or every other day. Just putting the final details on the timeline for the day before we move onto the decor etc. I had my first stress out yesterday but that is becase people (mostly FI family) haven't even put deposits down yet and Steve and I are going to get stuck with the bill if they don't do it by August 15th!! Crazy but now that its down to the crunch we're hoping some folks get their butts in gear.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess Keira - can you take a picture so we can see how it looks? I just lost my camera and my phone takes horrible pictures. I'll see what I can come up with. I can't even find a picture of the shoes on the internet. :-( As for them and the dress, that can't be done either as it's being altered right now. I guess thats why its bothering me....the fear of the unknown. lol. Quote: Originally Posted by n&n112109 I bet you're the only one that notices You're probably right. I suppose it's a good thing my dress won't be touching the ground during the ceremony, I am the queen of clumsy. I wouldn't put it past my self to trip while walking down the isle and sliding face first into the altar. hahaha.
  7. Thanks again for all the positive comments. I'm meant to be shooting again sometime soon, however, my photographers wife is due to have a baby really soon. We'll see what pans out. I'm so excited that I've started putting a book together using blurb, so far, way to good. :-)
  8. Ok so that was alot easier to find then I thought it would be. Blackberry, I love you. lol So here is what Karla wrote to me when I asked about the required documents. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Valid passports. In case the bride's name is not the same in her passport than in her birth certificate and she wants to get married with the same name of her birth certificate she should bring her birth certificate (original) apostilled by the government of her country and translated into Spanish by a Mexican official translator (stamped). Driver license will not be accepted by the official. If the bride is widowed or divorced is necessary to bring her birth certificate (original) apostilled by the government of her country and translated into Spanish by a Mexican official translator (stamped), according to Mexican Law the bride must be 12 months divorced before remarrying. If the groom is widowed or divorced no additional documents are required. Tourist Card. Clients get this card upon arrival at the airport in Mexico. Medical Documentation: Blood tests (Sexually Transmitted diseases - VDRL, HIV, Blood Type) and medical certification stating that all results were negative and patient is physically in good health. Blood tests have to be done here in Mexico, we have a clinic at the Resort - (approximate cost: 90.00 USD per person). Four witnesses: two for the bride and two for the groom with valid passport. The witnesses have to be older than 18 years. All witnesses must come in person to the appointment with the wedding coordinator with their valid passport and tourist card at least 4 labor days prior to the wedding date. Kind regards, Karla Rabadan So thats it. Sounds like our resort is pretty accomidating and doesn't require much fuss. Thumbs up to that.
  9. Hey Nicole, I just asked Karla about the requirements and she basically said that all we needed were our birth certificate, the blood test (done at the resort) and 2 witnessess on either side. The only thing that will change anything is if either of you are divorced / widowed or the last name on your birth certificate doesn't match that of your passport. I'll see if I can find the full response she provided and I'll post it up here for everyone to read.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette So I was hoping I could get some insight from you girls. Im trying to figure out our reception. We should have about 25-30 guests, and our reception is at this beach house. The property is mostly sand. We are bringing in tables and chairs for dinner, and than wondered if we should make a dance floor? We didnt really want to rent anything to bring in a dancefloor, figured people could just dance in the sand. But will people dance with that small attendance? We were going to just do a ipod dj type thing. Real laid back. But now Im wondering do we need a dj? I cant picture how this is going to pan out..... Do I need someone to get things flowing? Firstly, fantastic invites! Second, IMO it's not necessary to have a dance floor for so few quests. I think the majority of people will only dance to the slower songs, while only some will get down to the whole array of music. Those people that dance the night away will have fun doing it no matter what is under their feet. I have a question for you girls too. I just bought a pair of shoes that are a half inch too high for my dress. Will it be tacky if my dress is half an inch off the ground while I walk down the isle? I these shoes so I really want it to work but not at the expense of looking tacky.
  11. Is 3 months in advance too early to send out AHR invites. The girls above are sending them out about 10 weeks. Our wedding is November 5th and I wanted to mail out the AHR invites so people get them while we're away. It's all becuase of the wording I've picked for the invites. WE’RE GETTING READY TO DEPART ON A ROMANTIC TRIP, WHICH IS ONLY THE START Keiraand Steven WILL BE MARRIED ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 05, 2009 AT THE GRAN BAHIA PRINCIPE , MEXICO PLEASE JOIN US FOR A RECEPTION WHEN WE RETURN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2010 AT 5:00 PM
  12. My vote is for D with E being a close second. Modern and I'm sure your girls would find a way to wear them again. Hot!
  13. Hi ladies, I've just e-mail both of you on behalf of Emme (hope you don't mind Emme). Enjoy! Quote: Originally Posted by Joss Hey Emme, thanks for emailing the pics. Unfortunately, i don't have enough posts to open attachments yet Can you forward those too? Quote: Originally Posted by swocanadianbride emme...could you pls send me the price list of the flowers, unable to open the attachment...not enough posts as well...muchas gracias --------------------------------------------------------------------- Elena
  14. Firstly, I just wanted to say thanks for the positive comments. Makes me more excited to make FI his book. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 hot photos...your FI will be happy for sure! i'll check out that photog too as i live in the GTA! If you want more information just let me know. I don't know if there are too much boudoir stuff on the internet but he does have a portfolio to show. Prices are good too. Quote: Originally Posted by Butterflyf369 They look great, your FI will love them. Thanks for the referral, I'd still be really nervous posing in front of a guy. I was nervous too but he makes you so comfortable that you almost forget that you're topless in front of a stranger. I figure it would be worth it because then you really get a mans perspective of what's hot for your future hubby to enjoy.
  15. Ok, ladies. I had a BD session done last Tuesday at my house. I was nervous but I had a girlfriend there for moral support. :-) I used Mike Streeter from Streeter Stevens. Girls if you live in the GTA and are looking to do a BD shoot, Mike Streeter is fantastic. I really can't say enough good things about him. As I said I was nervous, especially because he's a man but he made things so comfortable and professional feeling that the awkwardness didn't last long. I didn't even need a glass a wine for some liquid courage. He was got here a little early and had no problem waiting for me to finish getting ready. He talked me though how to pose (as I don't really know how to "look sexy") and made it fun. I had some ideas of my own which he was open to and he worked it out so I would have the pictures that I wanted. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic!! And now for the best part. Here are a couple of the many pictures I have. I can't wait to start putting the book for my FI together. He is going to hit the floor when he gets it. <---this will be my Steven's reaction. lol. These ones are me in the shirt Steve will be wearing on our wedding day. I think this outfit is hot and the pictures only get steamier and steamier. Last one. Gave the people outside a little show. Good thing I live on the 6th floor and not ground level! lol. All in all it was a lot of fun.
  16. Sunday August 2nd @ 10:13 am. Slowly getting myself ready for my second BD session. This is going to be fun....again.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Joss I think the pictures i got from the TA are outdated. Emme, KLee, lm1984 or Darya12 - can any of you gals email me the pics / prices? Muchos gracias. I think you may have got the right ones. lol. What's your e-mail address and I'll send the files to you.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Love3 Can someone please tell me what a BD shoot is?? Hey Heather if you want I can recommend someone to you. Mike Streeter of StreeterStevens in Oakville.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by julloy That's a really good idea! How many guests do you have? We've only got about 17 guests and most live within an hour drive. For my brother who lives 5 hours away I can just bring his bag to the airport.
  20. August 1st @ 9:15 am - Watching "Will and Grace" and waiting for the laundry to be dried so I can fold.
  21. I have a talent no longer. I got the pictures, thank you, but I cannot upload a word doc onto photobucket and subsequently here. :-( They are pretty flowers though. IM1984 would you mind sending me the price listing? I can't remember what flowers the package includes. Is it 1 bridal and 1 bridesmaid or just 1 bridal?
  22. If someone wants to send the flower pictures to me I will add them to the forum too. It's my secret talent. ;-) [email protected]
  23. Here's the posting I did with the cake options... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...164#post894885
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