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Everything posted by ~Keira~
The whole 9 yard : Bruce Willis. Thanks for straigtening that out for me Jen. :-)
17 again : Chandler Bing (who is that guy again?)
So when I got engaged I thought that it would be a good idea to go and see a doctor about getting my big english nose done. Met with the doc and it wasn't very encouraging, as he said the surgery most likely wouldn't take the first time around. Umm no thanks don't want to do that twice. Have you seen what a nose job looks like when they're doing it?? Ewwww! Anyways, now that that one is crossed off my list I'm going to go with boob job. I feel like they're no big enough for my body. I'm going to wait until after I have a baby though. You never know, I could be lucky enough to have that as a perk of pregnancy. I might also add some junk to my trunk. It's suitable now but a little more would do me just fine.
27 Dresses : James Marsden
I voted, and I want one. Oh and looks like you're doing pretting good in standings. Good luck!
Knocked up - Kathern Heigel (sp?)
Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Ooohhhh, how crappy Wonder if she's on this site already planning her DW Never thought of her being on here too. lol. If she is, well, perhaps it's good for her to hear the opinions of other people too. As far as what to do I suppose there isn't much more to do. If I were in this situation I would have my mum go to bat for me. I would get her to talk to my cousins mum to see if she couldn't work some magic on getting my cousin to switch dates. It's still over a year away so she can't have done much planning (if any) so I don't see why she would take offence to being asked to push it a little further. You never know though, I hate to admit but we brides can be pretty stubborn when we've got an idea in our heads.
Michael Cera - Superbad!! <--- I heart this movie
Calling all November 2009 Brides!
~Keira~ replied to beachbride2009's topic in General Wedding Planning Information
Quote: Originally Posted by Jess I'm getting these also Keira! And I never break out - what the heck? I think I'm going to try a facial I spoke to a skin care lady and she recommended that too. I wasn't sure if it was a cash grab or not though since she was pushing real hard. She also told me to only wash my face once a day at night and just tone in the morning. I'm going to try that and see what comes of it. -
Quote: Originally Posted by sunnyee Jananaz congratulations and welcome back! Can't wait to see your photos and hear all about it! I was especially happy to hear you had nice things to say about Karla. She is the coordinator for our wedding in February 2010. I actually get to meet her in November when 5 girlfriends and I go for a vacation in November. So when I get back I can let everyone know how it went. 79 more sleeps!! Hey, when in November are you going? We get there on halloween and get wed on the 5th.
Alright ladies, I'm a little wound up about this, though I probably shouldn't be. Little bit of background before I get to issue at hand. My FI has 2 sisters and a bother. I also have 2 sisters (just met this year mind you) and a brother. There has been a baby boom this year with FI's brother, older sister and both my sisters announcing their pregnant. 4 new babies, who wouldn't be excited?? Anyways, FI's brothers wife is a . I don't know how things got to where they are now. We're at a place now that Dee (the dredded FSIL) has blocked me, FI, and FI's older sister (blocked because she is expecting too) from facebook and any other form of contact we have. Here is the part that gets me. Dee's baby was due on September 1st. We heard through the grapevine that the baby was breech and they might have to do a C-section. On August 21st, baby Amalie (sp?) was born. When did we find out? 2 days later in an e-mail from my FFIL. When my FMIL asked when she could see her new grand daughter she was told "oh it's going to be a while." WTF!! They live about a half hour away and they're telling a grandmother she can't go see her first borns, first born! I am stunned that Fi's brother is allowing that to happen. Sorry for wittering on it's just been eating away at me. Why not let your family in on your happy news. How can a man let his wife dictate what he's allowed to tell his family?? I just don't get it! Well I guess I'll just have to suck it up and see her when I get to see her. On the bright side my sister Vickie is due in 8 weeks so I'll have a baby then that I can fuss over. I just feel bad for FMIL and FFIL more then anything. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Calling all November 2009 Brides!
~Keira~ replied to beachbride2009's topic in General Wedding Planning Information
I need to vent. With our wedding quickly coming up I've noticed a change in my skin. Suddenly I'm getting what people are calling "stress pimples", gross. I'm not one to have break outs maybe one or 2 little ones a month. What the heck! The only thing I'm stressed about are the pimples!! Not the wedding, it's smooth sailing in that department. So what the ?? Please tell me that you girls have some advise for me. -
Cheap - Chirp
LF: Birdcage veil, Aqua or Orange hair flower!
~Keira~ replied to August2010Bride's topic in Buy / Sell / Trade Archives
Quote: Originally Posted by staceysbride OMG that is FIERCE! I'm not usually a birdcage veil person but it just....wow. Now I'm wondering how I could fit a birdcage veil in on my ceremony....hehehehehe If you guys decide to do a pass a long, I think I'd like to be in on the chain I've promised to send it to August2010bride for her wedding which is just after yours. If she doesn't mind I can send it to you closer to your wedding and then you can send it to her and she can sent it back to me. Or something of that nature. -
LF: Birdcage veil, Aqua or Orange hair flower!
~Keira~ replied to August2010Bride's topic in Buy / Sell / Trade Archives
Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Ooh, that is SUPER cute! The blue doesn't quite go with my colours though Where did you get it? I am seriously thinking of undertaking a major DIY project on this thing after seeing some of these prices! I worked with a girl on etsy to have mine made. I paid $70 USD for it. qgdesigns on Etsy - Unique Jewelry and Bridal Accessories Here is a link to the girl I worked with. She was really helpful and had no porblem making a change I requested (changed the head band) after it was completed. I'm really please with it and love that I can still wear the flower head band without the netting. -
Mine was $300 pp too. I didn't think anything of it before. I'm nieve I guess.
And of course congratulations. There is tons of information on here so have fun checking it all out!
1. How old are you? 26 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 26 3. Do you have children? Not yet 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? I said it to a girlfriend but didn't actually think it would come true. :-) 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? Nope 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Something outdoors. 7. Where did you/will you get married? MEXCIO!! 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? Slow and awkward. It's how we roll. lol 9. How many guests did you/will you have? about 20 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? I don't really know what I wanted but I'm ending up with just right, simple. 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? What ever the minister has us repeat. 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? In Mexico just one, in Canada 3. 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? Hotel and AHR is at a pavillion 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Mid day 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? Dinner inside and dancing outside 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? I'm not that picky. 17. How did/will the bride enter? Good question. I'm going to skip down the isle/path. hahaha, kidding. I think I will decide that when I get there. 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: What ever the guitar trio is playing. 19. Song to make your exit: Really? Oh man too many choices to make. 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? A light one 21. At what age did you think you would get married? Think or wish? I would have been married at 23 if I had my way. 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? A select few 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious?Meat. mmmm. 24. Champagne or red wine? Cocktails. 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? A little after.COLOR] 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? Fingers crossed we make it to Europe. 27. Who will pay for the bills? We're pretty equal. 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? For sure before. 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? Woo hoo I'm going to be a Hansen!
Quote: Originally Posted by rhomarie Thanks Ladies! I was crying at my desk at work as my MOH just broke the news that she can't travel due to complications in her pregnancy. I feel much better now after reading this... And you're right. It is about us KLee147 - what an AHR? Oh don't be sad. It will all work out you'll see. Heck once you're there and you can see the sand and surf you won't even remember I bet. AHR is an At Home Reception. We decided to do a nice soiree so that a) no one would have an excuse to come celebrate and I want to wear my dress again! lol.
Check this place out. I'm getting mine from here. The organza sashes are only .79 cents each!! chair covers-chair sashes-chair cover sash-organza sash-chair ribbon-wedding supplies
The Game - Sean Penn Question: Where is Kevin Bacon? lol.
You're surely not alone. When we sent out our invites the response we got led us to believe that there would be about 50 guests coming. A year later and we're down to 17!! Some people just bailed, some got pregnant (2 sisters/2 FSIL) and so on and so on. I agree that it's a bit of a bummer but try not to let it get you down. I've gotten over it by spending more time and money (since I only have to make things to 17 ppl now) making it special for those that are going to be there. Oh and we're having an AHR too now so I'm excited for that. It's like I get 2 weddings!
Trust me, I've avoided many-a-petty arguments by doing just that. Men are so silly and women we rule the earth.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jananaz Keira, I love the photo in your signature of you and Steve at Niagara Falls. I grew up in Ontario, so I spent a lot of summers visiting there. Such a beautiful place. A couple years ago we went back and hit up all the horror houses and tourist attractions and that was lots of fun too! Nightmares scared the crap out of me!! Yeah Niagra Fall sure is something to look at. I really like going in the winter when the trees are all frozen and they put coloured lights all over the falls. We only live about 45 min away so we go every so often when we feel like a drive. I've been to them horror musems before too and yes they also scared my s***less. That was enough of that for me. Next time I'll stick with Ripley's.
Oh dear. I hear ya. Last night my Steven said something about me not letting him make any decissions. Where the heck did that come from? He hasn't said BOO since we started planning but apparently I don't take his ideas seriously. Meh, way I look at it is he just wants to put his 2 cents in so it looks like he's interested. At least you've got your beau helping out. I say give him a high five, let him put what he wants in the OOT bag and then you can fix it the way you like when he goes out. lol