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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. frail :grail <---the holy kind. Clipity clop, clipity clop. haha (hopefully someone gets that, I'm not good with funnies).
  2. Oceans 11 : Brad Pitt <--- hubba hubba
  3. Denzel Washington - The Pelecan Breif
  4. I'm so glad you posted about your experience with light in the box. I ordered a dress from there too and it's just been shipped today. I can't wait to try it on. A-line Strapless Knee-length Satin Wedding Dresses for Bride (HSX1205) - US$ 79.99
  5. I agree with Scott-Pierre. It looks like when you do it up there is only going to be a half inch of detailing showing. With a jacked overtop I think you will be able to pull it off.
  6. I will take the Spanish for Dummies books.
  7. I don't mind passing it along. I would like to be able to wear the hair flower for our AHR in February 2010 and then I could send it along to Staceysbride. I just need to reminded a little before it needs to be sent to get addresses and such sorted out. Staceysbride, that'll be up to you. :-)
  8. I used a guy in Oakville but of course he will travel for you. His name is Mike Streeter and his studio is called StreeterStevenS Photography | Oakville Ontario. He's super creative so if you really want something edgy he will surely produce. If you want something more classic he can do that too. Best part is IMO his prices are really reasonable. Good luck!
  9. Titanic - Leonardo DiCaprio
  10. Tom Cruise - Rain Man <--- love, love, love this movie!
  11. So I managed to get a picture of the new little one. I had the one sister in law that did get a picture send it to me. Who knows when I will actually get to hold her but she sure is a cutie. How dare they keep Aunty Keira away!
  12. Penelope Cruz : Vanilla Sky
  13. I feel done. Anything that needed to be bought is bought, and decision about anything else can be done when we get there. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping it all turns out alright. :-s
  14. Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump <--- one of my faves but it's already been used.... How about this one? Tom Hanks - The Terminal
  15. I LOVE ORION. That dress looks stunning and unique, classy and elegant. Gorgeous!
  16. Geena Davis - A league of their own
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J SKIN- I am having MAJOR issues. I have been mostly pimple free for months. NOW I look like a teenager, stress pimples and a big gross one. I am so annoyed. I hear ya this it's like I'm stressed becuase I have pimples and I have pimples because I'm stressed. It's a vicious cycle. Yesterday I went to the body shop and bought the tea tree oil gel "spot" (they should just call it what it is, a ZIT) treatment and I used it last night. OMG, they have gone down in size considerably and the redness has faded a little too. Now I can actually use make up to conceal them. Its only like 9 bucks so I recommend giving it a shot.
  18. Half baked - Dave Chappelle
  19. The Usual Suspects - Steven Baldwin
  20. Thanks ladies. It makes me feel better to know that you're on my side. I just hate that it's not my side of the family because I would surely be more vocal about my distaste for their decissions.
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