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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Don't feel bad. You asked her to provide you a date and it was her responsibility to actually find out. Besides she's getting a trip to Punta Cana! I would take that over senior prom anyday!
  2. Oh man I hope I run into this schmuck!
  3. Leo DiCaprio - Romeo and Juliette
  4. Like you girls I too was disappointed with that stupid box thing. However, I was reading a theory on a BB spoiler site this morning that was quite interesting. Here is the link to the site I was reading. Big Brother 11: The Return Of Russell? Evidence Hidden In Plain Sight | Big Brother 11 Whether you believe it or not it's still something to think about.
  5. I just got a response from Karla re: the resort photographer. They have in fact changed companies so if you were planning on going with Conrado he is no longer available. If you're booked with an outside photographer then nothing has changed. Phew!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ 2. I love shoes!!!!! (You can gain a few pounds, and your shoes always still look good ) Good call. I'm going to start looking at my feet more when I'm feeling down about the rest of me. Thank heaven for sexy shoes.
  7. Mike Myers - Waynes World. Party on Wayne. Party on Garth. Shawing!
  8. If I could whistle I totally would! You look way better then the model does and I think your FH is going to be floored when he sees you in it. I bet he's not even going to notice the hair becuase he'll be looking at your banggin' bod. lol.
  9. 1. I could live off chips/doritos and peanut butter (and have for nearly 2 years) 2. I can chug a bottle of maple syrup (only the aunt jamima stuff) 3. I'm needy but I try to pretend like I'm not. 4. I listen to my ipod at work and sing out loud. 5. I'm obsessed with Coronation Street and secretly wish I lived there.
  10. Swingers - Heather Graham
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Mike&Wendy Also...I have a few questions.. We were told by Yuritzia that bringing in an outside photographer shouldn't be a problem..but we are worried as someone told us they may require a work permit? Even though they are only coming for 4 days? Also..there may be only about 10-12 of us..do we have to book at an a la carte because we are not fond of either Dolce Vita or the Seafood restaurant...and what should we do after dinner? It's a Thursday so I was thinking rather than spend the extra money on a dj and drinks on top of an already all inclusive resort...that we would pay for our guests to go to the Hacienda for live music and dancing at the disco after...we are having an At-home reception in Ontario afterwards so we want to keep the costs minimal but should we still do up programs etc? Thanks ladies for your help. Wendy I don't know anything about work permits. Our outside photographer is in Playa del Carmen so I believe we'll only have to pay for their day access passes. As for the reception I was told that there was a minimum number of 50 guests to do a private reception which runs about $50 pp USD. We are going to have around 20 people so we're having to do an a la carte. After dinner I'm paying to rent the speakers and to have a private cocktail reception where we will be dancing and cutting the cake. On Thursdays its Mexican Fiesta night and that doesn't start until mid night so you might want to consider a cocktail hour or 2 after dinner to fill in the time. I'm staying in the Coba section so I'm not sure if there would be a difference or not but that is what I know so far.
  12. That is annoying. With all the wedding things you're having to pay for the last think you want is money just sitting there. If that happened to me I surely would have spent the money by now.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by courtneybgorman Has anyone found out if we can still bring in our own photographer I won't be very happy considering i put down my deposit and I was looking foward to using my photographer I haven't heard back from Karla yet but will post as soon as I do. I too put down my deposit and with my wedding budget getting out of control the last think I need is to just lose money.
  14. We're you able to open the attachment on that e-mail? I can open it but its appearing blank. I'm going to e-mail Karla now to see what I can find out from her about this. I'll keep ya posted.
  15. Oh he does have nice stuff. Though I too don't really know what to look for. As long as the photog makes me look sexy I'll be happy. :-)
  16. I agree. That was the reason I didn't go with Conrado because I couldn't find any of his work anywhere. Even with the link they provided. Were you able to see his stuff?
  17. I'm confused too. I think that it means that Conrado is no longer there but what I'm really worried about is does this mean that we can't bring in a photographer too? I tried looking up the studio but I couldn't find anythign on Google. Have you talked to your WC about it? I tried to forward it to Karla but my bb doesn't seem to want to send e-mails today. It'll have to wait until I get home.
  18. Welcome to a fellow Torontonian (well I'm from Burlington, but I work in T.O). There is surely no shortage on information here so good luck with all your planning.
  19. I'm with you ladies. My personal fave is when I provided pricing information to everyone I told them there were 20 places held at 1199pp and should those not get filled by August 15, 2009 they would be forfeited and the price could change. That was in June of 2008. Now it's past August 15th and people are calling and getting all fed up that the price is now 139pp more. I love it when people read. Heck I even sent out a few messages before August 15th came up to remind them that the price could change if they didn't jump on the band wagon in time. Ta-da.
  20. I just received an e-mail from Russ Pla regarding photographers at this resort. Has anyone else received this?? From what I gather here on my bb all the wedding photography is going to be done by this person from Arrecife Studio. Is that right? I've already put a deposit down for my photographer and I'm not about to lose it over this. I'm freaking out a little so help me out girls. Does anyone know anything about this?
  21. Hoestly how is she still able to get pregnant. I should enlist her to have one for me. Call it a donation. lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Lashawn Stop sharing your great ideas with her...OR give her fake info. if you are feeling devilish I like this idea. My girlfriend is getting married next year here at home and she is trying to steal my ideas too. I keep throwing her off the sent though and telling her things that I would never do.
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