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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. Yes, for a thrill. I just hope they're not looking for someone to kill. eak. Would you ever...do anything to become famous?
  2. No more ladies are interested? Bummer. :-(
  3. Girl, Interupted - Angelina Jolie
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Are you girls doing favors? If so what? I'm doing swizzle sick favours. I have light (cotton candy) and dark (blue rasperry) flavours and I think they're really cute. I'll post a pic when I get home.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil Hey ladies, I wanted to add a post now that I can say "We are officially getting married at the GBP Tulum on February 18th, 2010!" I know that it has been said numerous times.....but I am soooooo thankful to have found this forum. All of your questions and comments have made our planning much easier and super exciting. Thanks to my friend Carie for telling me about the forum!!! I look forward to communicating with everyone about our upcoming weddings (Even though I feel like I already know some of you from the 190 pages of reading that I have done!) Any questions you have just holla. :-)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by swocanadianbride Hi Kiera & Emme Emme, thanks for the advice for the programs... so much going on so thanks this helps... Kiera, yes all of our guests have booked...woohoo no more headaches... Booked with DJ Bob today... another giant leap taken care of... Now all I need is a photographer...i`ll find one soon...i hope... Have you spoken to Karla about the new resort photographer? I've got mine all booked up but I'd still be interested in seeing what this new one has to offer.
  7. Do you have a mac? If you do you might be able to do somthing using the Garage Band program. It allows you to either remove the vocals or remove a certain instrumental bits.
  8. Oh nice! I agree the quality is there for sure but my impatience got the better of me and I ended up with a dress that I cannot fill out. hahahaha.
  9. I just got my dress from light in the box last week and the quality is really good. It's lined properly and the seams are straight. Only problem is that it doesn't fit. Mind you this is no fault of light in the box, as I gave them the incorrect sizing. It says to have someone else measure you, which I didn't do and ended up telling them I have bigger boobs and hips then I really do. Oh and I told them I was a few inches taller then I really am. lol. I would totally order from them again but this time have a seamstress measure me like the website suggested.
  10. Adam Sandler - Bedtime Stories
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Turtlewax15 HI, Yes we tipped Jazzmin at the end of our first meeting. We thought that if we tipped her at the beginning it would "encourage" her to work her butt off for us. We also tipped her at the end of the wedding day when everything was done. I think we tipper her $50 the first day we met her, and then $20-$40 at the end of the wedding day. Our day was perfect, but we were also her only wedding for the week, so maybe everythiing went so well cause she only had us to worry about I like the idea of splitting up the tip. I was planning on just giving Karla 75-100 at our first meeting but it's nice to be able to give her something after the i do's too.
  12. Here's a link to the new thread... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...022#post975255
  13. Hello all you Toronto area ladies!! It's been a couple months since we got together last time and it's been decided that it's time to do it again!! Last time was a little confusing with all the date choices and timing and everything so we thought it might be better to decide a date and place and then work out the timing. October 02, 2009 is the date thats been chosen and East Side Mario's on Front street is where we thought would be a good place to meet up. Location Details - East Side Marios Restaurant, 151 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario My suggestion on time is 6 or 6:30 pm to allow for travel time after work etc. , would be helpful when it comes to making reservations. I can add a poll if it's necessary. So all in all, if you're available after work on October 2nd and are interested in talking about weddings, weddings and more weddings then come on down for a girly chat...and of course drinks and eats. Hope you ladies can make it!!
  14. Sure. I'll create a new post with the date specified so everyone knows the plan right from get go. It got a little confusing with all the choices last time. :-)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ I am a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing. Today was the second day of school after summer vacation .... I miss it already! I went to school to be an ASL interpreter. I forget almost everything though because I haven't used it in years. :-(
  16. Sounds good to me. I can do October 2nd if that will work for you. We should make the meeting time for perhaps 6 or 630 this time for people to have a chance to get there.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Hey ladies my colors are orange and green. I was thinking ab fruit but I have to send everything down to my WC Oct 1 and she's already charging me an additional $55 to send items to her so I'd be afraid to ask her to pick up fruit for me lol. I also don't wanna do flowers bc we can't bring them back on the ship so they'd be a real waste of $$$. I'm thinking ab doing something with vases and sand and sea shells etc... I just keep putting it off. I was going to suggest fruit but I've just had another thought. Do you have a Bowring where you are? I'm not sure if it's just a Canadian store or not. If you do have one you should go and check out their beautiful potpourri. It's not like the stuff you grandma would have used. lol. It's really pretty stuff that always smells wonderful but not too potent. They have one called lemon sherbet (I think) and it has pieces of lemons, limes and other green and orange things is. You should be able to fill a vase with that and perhaps some coloured glass stones.
  18. I'm interested too. I'm sure I'm going to be busy in October but if I'm not on the day thats chosen I'll surely be there.
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