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Everything posted by ~Keira~

  1. 4:31 pm and gloomy outside. :-( I'm gearing up to head out for my GO train commute home.
  2. No. I'm a wuss about that. What if it didn't turn out?? Too risky. :-S Would you ever...try a new hair cut for your wedding?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by emme I wonder if it is C5 where El Charro is supposed to be? This brochure and map was from 2005 so maybe they changed the name?? Ah ha. I think you're right. Thanks!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lm1984 Emme, do you mind emailing me a copy? I can't access attachments. My email address is [email protected] Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by C00KIE Hi, emme! If it's not too much trouble, could you please email me a copy as well? I can't seem to open attachments either. I'm at [email protected]. I would really appreciate it!! Quote: Originally Posted by JCrosby I'd love it too...thank you Emme. [email protected] Ladies I've just sent you all a copy of the .pdf. Emme hope you don't mind just thought I would help a sista out.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by emme I thought this might be useful for everyone... When we were there in 2007 we received a booklet that had a resort map as well as a listing of the pools, restaurants, etc...so I have cut, paste, typed, and scanned in order to get this information to fit to one page that we are including in everyone's OOT bags. This might be good for you ladies to take a look at so you can get and idea of where everything is located. I'm a very "visual" person so hopefully this helps a few others as well... This is fantastic! I just have one question, I don't see Portifino on there, am I missing it?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd I'm a fire fighter.....I totally love my job!!!! Really? A fire figher? I never would have guessed that when I met you yesterday. Coodos to you.
  7. I didn't know that a la cartes served breakfast. I'm not fussy so less selection wouldn't bother me. Thanks for the tip!
  8. I would if it wasn't the same credit card account thats in my wallet. :-) Would you ever consider having a joint bachelor/bachelorette party?
  9. Woot woot!! It makes me sooo excited to hear that your friend had such a gereat time.
  10. Thats a tricky one....I don't think so. I would feel bad if I did and then it didn't work out. I'd almost feel that my little bet jinxed their happiness. Would you ever, gamble your fiancé's money away?
  11. I've made arrangements to meet with Shankd tomorrow. If for whatever reason the sale of the items does not go through, I will keep you posted. Good luck with ebay. I suggest if at all possible taking a trip to target in the states. Seems like there are a ton of girls that get great deals on things there.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam Klee, where did you get your spanish for dummies books? I've just been buying them from various girls over the forum. They sell like hot cakes but I've managed to get lucky a couple of times. It's too bad that we Canadian girls can't get a hold of them so easily.
  13. I've started packing some of our wedding stuff today and I've come across a few items that I could sell. I am in the Toronto area and don't mind meeting up to deliver items. If shipping is required, please note the prices do not include the price of shipping. Spanish for Dummies - Pocket Books. 11 for $11.00 CAD OOT Bags with 4 window pockets on the front. 11 for $5.00 CAD Palm leaf hand fans. These are medium in size and I purchased them from this website, SALE Straw Hand Fans - $12.00 - Weddingfavours.ca 10 for $7.50 CAD Laminating Pouches and lanyard. 2pk + string for $2.00 CAD OOT Bag stuffers. Bubbles (1pk of 5), tylenol (8pk of 2) and hand sanitizer (6pk of 2) for $5.00 CAD
  14. After hours for sure! Nothing wrong with a little desk action. lol Would you ever have sex during someone's wedding reception? P.S. My FBIL and his wife did it at my FSIL's wedding....
  15. to another newbie!! I am freaking out ladies. I'm second guessing myself and I'm getting all nervous that I'm not going to have the correct paper work to get married down there. Ahhhh!
  16. No, that would be too much hastle and there would be no garuntee that it would be nice on the rescheduled day. Would you ever...wear a white dress to a friends wedding?
  17. Thats a tough one. I would say no, because my dream home would include a place for my pet. Would you ever, lie your way to a promotion at work?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sandshara Hey all you November brides!!! This is my first post, sorry for taking so long to get on here My wedding is planned for 11/11/09 at Dreams Tulum. My ceremony time is 2pm... I'm a little worried the sun will be too blinding at this time of day. Is anyone else having this issue?!? p.s. Is anyone just now starting to freak out about this whole "when you get there everything will fall into place" thing!!! I want it to fall into place now!!! I'm just now starting to freak out. Not about the "everything will fall into place" bit but the "I'm getting married in a little over a month" bit. I just can't believe that it's been 7 years together and nearly 2 years of being engaged and we're only 40 some odd days off the biggest day of our lives. AHHHHH!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Yup, you can totally get bouquets for around $30 from the resort! I did!! I spent $140 on 4 bridesmaid bouquets. So mine were $35 each. I did roses with green hydrangeas in the middle of them. Here is a picture Oh those are really pretty flowers! I was shown some less desirable flower options so I decided to forgo flowers all together and bought parasols instead. They were like $10 each and I've tied some ribbon around to dress them up a bit. I hope they work out alright on the wedding day.
  20. No. I'm not much into my girlfriend's sloppy seconds. Would you ever...hook up with a good friends brother without her knowing?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by emme Awwwww...maybe I could go again?!?! Come home...drop off my new husband...and go back to Mexico? Heehee...I don't think that would go over so well. I wish that we were going at the same time Keira Let me know how that pans out. lol. I've done that to my Steven twice now. Once to Cuba and the next to Vegas. Poor guy.
  22. If I noticed I would. I never count my change though so perhaps its already happened and I just walked out. Would you ever...take money for a siblings piggy bank?
  23. I'm pretty sure I've achieved that goal a few times over. lol. I have it open all day and at any chance I get I'm lurking around. Would you ever...tell on a co-worker if they did something you didn't agree with?
  24. No way. I'm scared of guppies coming to eat my toes! Would you ever go to a nude beach?
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