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Everything posted by OchieBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by danalauren22 There is a lot of beach at this resort. Parts are very rocky and beautiful, but the rest is great for swimming. Sunset cove beach is the biggest and has all the water sports and doesn't have any rocky areas. We dragged along water shoes based on reviews, but all they did was take up space in our luggage. OMG I just love you guys!! I don't even know you but you've all been soooo helpful!! I was just about to have a panic attack because I thought I'd have to find somewhere else because the beach wasn't good and I had my heart set on GP. Jersey Kitten thanks for sharing that link...Its got me really excited! I'm just over a year out of my wedding day but know that time will fly by and I'm so looking forward to it. Thanks again guys!
  2. Great inspiration...thanks ladies. Anyone know how to do the name is the sand thing??
  3. I've heard the beach there is rocky..can someone who has been there please advise? I'm a beach bum so I NEED a good beach!
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Yeah the guest passes are a killer because I'm sure most of my out of town guests will stay with family and the others are local Grand Palladium is giving me a great rate with an event pass so I can avoid the guest pass thing but if the beach is no good I may have to reconsider. My mom, daughter and sisters just went down today for a month so I have them going by to check it but I'm going to have them look at Our Past Time Villas. Thanks again for help...I appreciate it more than you know!
  5. Thanks so much for replying Carla! I was feeling ignored for a minute. Yes the place I'm considering is a large AI so I'll go ahead source an agent...something tells me they still won't use him/her. Stubburn Jamaicans! lol Do you mind if I ask where your having your's ...I'm still not decided on the location and I have until Oct find my definite spot.
  6. This is a great idea...and since my BM's are my sisters adn daughter I think I may steal it
  7. Im getting married in Jamaica (where I was born), my FH is jamaican, 99% of our guests are Jamaican (living abroad)...so everyone is pretty familiar with the place...so should I still enlist a TA?
  8. User Name: OchieBride Location: Grand Palladium Wedding: Oct 2010 in JA: TBD **Mom's going to JA this week to "scope the joint"! If it passes the test we'll book~!
  9. Won't work for me either and I've dowloaded fonts before. I wonder if its because I have Vista...
  10. Sigh....ok I'm on a serious budget so I'm trying to make everything myself but I'm about to lose my mind! Can anyone suggest where I can find a good font/symbol that has a nice Palm Tree?? I have Tripicana BV already but i'ts not really waht I'm looking for. ANY suggestions would be great. THanks guys!
  11. Totally agree with you Jen! I'm so not a fan of rules
  12. I did a bit more digging and I guess it makes sense. Essentially they are saying: prior to the actual ceremony you don't use the monogram that has your married last name or initial. You would use one that just your first names. Then on pieces taht come after the ceremony..(menu cards etc) you can use the monogram that has your married last name. Appearently its a bad omen...I don't believe in omens though but the logic makes sense and I guess thisis why these designers sell the designs in packs of three. SO you cna use different ones at various points
  13. I read this statement "proper monogram etiquette states that the married monogram should not be used on anything prior to the ceremony" and I'm wondering if anyone used there monograms before the ceremony on invites, updates or anything else...I'm sure I saw people use them before hand on this site but I don't want to look make a fool of myself if I do!
  14. Thanks for the tip ladies! QQ - Is 12 montsh out too early to do STD's? ...just want to try and make sure everyone has enough time to save, book time off etc....
  15. Hey Ladies...check this link out. Its a blog about hairstayles for "chocolate brides" lots of pics and ideas.. African American Wedding Hairstyles & Hairdos: Short hairstyles for the modern Black bride.
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