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Everything posted by OchieBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Love3 don't you guys find them extremely expensive uuuhm yeah, I do. Im on the hunt for an alternative but nothing so far.
  2. I was pretty decided on Grand Palladium but I was just told my cousin works at one of the sandals and can get me a good deal...I like deals...so I might be jumping ship. I just want to book something!! Once I book I think I'll feel better
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KarlaS I am doing OOT bags for those staying at the hotel with us. My wedding favors will be 200ml bottles of Appleton rum used as place cards. Very cool idea...mind if I steal this? Are you buying them there?
  4. Speaking of movies about Jamaica. There is a really nice love story called One Love. Its staring one of Bob Marleys sons, Kymani Marley. Its very reflective of Jamaica..if you can find it I strongly recommend it.
  5. I also agree with Petals. Jamaican time is not like US/Canadian time. Things move slower and people are sooo much more layed back. Take a deep breath, smile and remember you're in paradise ~ Do some tours with your hotel (YS Falls is a great alternative to Dunn's River), Blue Mountain mountain bike tour and zip lining is SO much fun, Sunset dinner at Ricks Cafe is a must, Rafting at Marth Brae (sp), Bob Marley Museum and Chukka Tours has a Safari that I've heard is great (I haven't done it personally though). I don't suggest you go off on your own. Its not a matter of danger but in any country if someone feels they can rip you off...they will. At least with the hotel tours (or approved tour providers) you know what you’re paying for and you won't get a special 300% mark up tourist price! I also suggest being open to tying some of the local food (not just the Jerk). Have you decided which resort you’re marrying at? Jamaica is an amazing place...enjoy!
  6. Hope this helps someone... : VERT | Yoko Chapman http://averychocolatewedding.blogspo...ope-wraps.html
  7. I love the table # idea and how you tied that into the CD..I think I might steal that idea
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Danyelle I hope that shows up. I like this style, I think it'll be sweat and heat friendly for the big day and last for pix. Plus it's relaxed and easy so I can do it myself and not stress out about someone possibly jacking me up. I love this! I plan on doing something similar... For the brides who wear thier hair natural..any sugegstions on products to bump up and hol dyour curls. My profile pic my hair is staight because I flat iron but it isn't relaxed so will NEVER keep in JA
  9. Does anyone know how to create those stamps in the passport invites or have some they can post to share? I tries doing a serach for Passport Stamps but had no luck so if athread alreayd exsists can you point me that way as well...thanks!!!
  10. Thanks for the post. I think I'll contact your transportation vendor. I've eating at Evita in the past and really didn't like it (maybe it was an off day or differnt chef) but the cake sounds amazing. What was the cost for it?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by inspiredfyre I just ordered a dress from inweddingdress.com, which has a similar maggie sottero destination dress! I'm crossing my fingers it comes out great! I'll get it in a week, and let you know how it comes out!! It's dress number three for me, so hopefully third luck's a charm! Oooh..now I'm worried. Have you received bad product form these discount places is the past? What are the other two companies?
  12. Can I asked how much you spend pp on OOT bags (with all the fixins')?
  13. Hi Ladies, I thought I'd share this budget template I found. Hope its useful to someone! wedding-budget-template.xls
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan found it http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21375 I found the dress for $650 using one of your links. Thanks again!
  15. I guess I'm thinking more in terms of the air and getting a good rate. I probobly will just source local villas as a suggestion if they don't want to stay on property. Thanks for the feedback
  16. Thanks Morgan...you read my mind LOL! I was just online trying to find it for a good price. What is the thread called?
  17. I found this dress online and I'm just in love with it but the website I found it on is a chinese whoesaler and I'm not sure I trust it. Has anyone seen this dress or something similar OR know who the designer could be?
  18. Anyone know where I can get those wooven fans I see everyone with. Anywhere in the GTA, surrounding or within 45 min drive...?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by OchieBride in post 337 I put a link to a website with some ideas. I'm going with a straw set twist with a big flower on the side something like this; African American Wedding Hairstyles & Hairdos: Straw Set for the Natural Bride
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy I am having the same problem ochiebride! My hair is unrelaxed and really long, usually I wear it in twists. I can imagine going to the resort to get my hair done and them just staring at it not knowing what to do! I also contemplated getting it blown out (if they know how) but that takes so long, and I wouldn't look like myself. The other option is do it myself in my usual style but that is not special for the wedding. hmmm, did you find any ideas? in post 337 I put a link to a website with some ideas. I'm going with a straw set twist with a big flower on the side
  21. I just emailed her as well but if you cna get an answer sooner let me know. I'd love to use them.
  22. JerseyKitten, I just opened up the link to look at it again (I'm luvin it) and I noticed the photograher is sungold who I know are some amazing photgraphers in JA. Do you know if theyu have officially opened up to outside Jamaican photgraphers or do you still have to act like there family and wedding guests?
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