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Everything posted by jaynreneewed

  1. thanks for posting, glad yo had a great time! Pic's are great
  2. I heard that the flowers Tulum has are much prettier in person. The borchure pictures are old and need to be updated
  3. my resort offers them for $5 per chair- I know i can find them wayyyyy cheaper then that. Thats why i'm taking them down with me
  4. Do you guys have any site that will help with wording- I'm not sure what to write on the programs. If you have samples, please post!
  5. I'm looking for idea on wedding ceremony programs. I think AC Moore sells DIY fan programs. I just need help on wording. So if anyon one can could please post their program Please do so!!!
  6. I'm not a bow kinda girl either- I like the square knot too
  7. i want to wear a flower in my hair but i'm not sure how to do it- any ideas or pictures?
  8. you can narrow your choices by things like: adults only or kids friendly resort, all inclusive or not. I'm getting married at Dream Tulum and so far i am very happy with my decision
  9. your hair looked awesome- i might steal your hair style for mine!
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