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Everything posted by Chelymo

  1. Congrats and welcome! I just got back from my wedding in Punta Cana at Dreams Palm Beach and have to tell you that it was amazing. Happy Planning!
  2. I had a couple of glasses of wine before hand to help me relax and feel comfortable. Once you get started and the feel of it you will know what to do and you will feel comfortable, just remember that he will love anything you do because he loves YOU!
  3. Oh dear! I leave tomorrow as well and was hoping I don't have to put it in overhead. Good thing the resort offers free pressing of my dress.. Good luck and Congratualtions have a wonderful wedding.
  4. The rates at Dreams Palm Beach for my guests ranged between $760 - $850 for 3 nights including airfare depending on where they were flying in from. Most of my guests are coming in from NJ and FL. These rates are for this upcoming weekend, we leave tomorrow.
  5. Congrats from one Dreams bride to another. Happy planning.
  6. Welcome to the forum. Hope you find lots of great ideas on here.
  7. Those came out really great and what a deal. After I printed the ones from Oriental trader they came out to about $3.25 each almost a dollar more than what you paid.
  8. Here are a few of my favorite shots taken by Terra Renee from TRoc Studios in Fort Lauderdale. She did my make up and photography - I love how everything came out. FI is a Rams fan so this one was to give him a little support with his sucky team (I'm a Jets fan). The rest speak for themselves.
  9. PS - the template for the matchbooks is on this thread in the beginning a few comments down.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by reaganlane You did an amazing job! I love the activity book for the kids! Did you order your matches or make them? I made the mint matchbooks on publisher.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SonyaR If anyone who has Dreams Palm Beach pirctures they could email me as well, that would be very much appreciated. My email address is: [email protected] Thanks!!! Sonya: I am leaving for DPB on Thurs of this week for my wedding on Saturday. As soon as I get back home I will post a review with pictures.
  12. Congrats and welcome. You will have a beautiful wedding in PR.
  13. Congrats - I'm sure that you will get lots of help here from other BDW Brides. Good luck with your planning.
  14. Congrats and welcome! It's great to see brides from all over the world.
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