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Everything posted by inspiredfyre

  1. Welcome, and have a good time planning!
  2. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you're super excited your big day is almost here! Good luck planning!
  3. inspiredfyre


    Welcome to the forum!
  4. Hi Ashley! welcome to the forum!
  5. that's so awesome of you to run a contest for this site! I wish my wedding were in 2010!!! Good luck, everyone!
  6. Ha! In no way are you wrong! Especially to invite her into an intimate destination wedding? forget about it! She can cry all she wants! Don't feel bad about it, and just be forward with your family, you guys can only invite so many people, and it's hard to choose, but decisions have been made! She tried to set your FI up with another woman, anyway! how incredibly awful! If it were me, i'd even rub it in her face a little, lol! You've been gracious to just leave it as it is, she shouldn't play dumb, and try to victimize herself. Girl, you've got more important things to worry about!! Now, how are your other planning things coming along, accessories, shoes? Flowers? Serious, don't let her rain on your beautiful wedding planning parade! Best of luck, LaShawn!
  7. beautiful dress, that's a nicole miller, isn't it? I was going to go for that one, great choice! perfect dw dress, and it fits you perfectly! woo!
  8. awww, I think you should go for it! It would be a missed opportunity, especially since your friend graciously is doing it for free! it isn't every day that people get to have pictures taken like that, and especially to capture the moment of that small amount of time that you guys are actually FI's, to share the moment! Why not show him some nice pictures of other engagement photos, so that he doesn't feel like he's getting a sears portrait, and explain how special it could be to have later on, if you want to show your future family! Plus, you can make it tailored to you, it doesn't have to be anything besides what you two want it to be!
  9. Wow! Amazing story, best of luck to both of you, I really get a sense of that once in a lifetime love type of situation where "going for it" never goes out of style! Can't let her be the one who got away! Glad to see you two are trying to not let anything get in the way of it working out! The story made me smile, thanks for brightening my day with a nice story!
  10. Amazing for sure! What a stunning backdrop, I can see how you love these pictures! You two are so cute together, btw! Your smiles are so big and genuine, congrats to you both!
  11. I don't know how much detailing of blue there is, and how wide the stripes are, but I say if it's a great shirt, he can wear it on another occasion, so it's not as if it'd be a waste for having it! Perhaps a plain white shirt for the wedding might work better, so there are no regrets later. I don't think that the blue and green would match, i am sure the purple and blue would be fine, though. it's what you think is best, as always. good luck deciding!
  12. #1 is a beautiful ball gown style, which i think looks AWESOME on a beach! So flowy and beautiful! Just go with what your gut instinct tells you, it will never steer you wrong!
  13. Yay! I loved how everything turned out for the better for you! you know it's a good sign when your guests start crying! I remember when I went dress shopping, i did the same exact thing! I brought in pictures of the gowns i saw online, and even went up running to the dress I thought was going to be the one! It looked awful! Come to realize, a totally different style looked best, something i'd NEVER have tried on! So, I'm glad you went out of the box to try something else on, and found a gown that is so beautiful! Your dress has a lot of personality, too! So elegant!
  14. ....funny, I was just reading this thread about that, a reason you may not want to group book! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t48161 Really read through the contract, because you may not be able to get out of it later if you find a better rate for your guests! Best of luck to you!!
  15. I am so sorry for your less than stellar duties as MOH. You were very gracious not to pummel her before her bridezilla event/wedding! I APPLAUD you for speaking up for MOH's and the bridal party. I honestly hear a lot of complaining from a lot of brides about what they don't do, or aren't doing for the brides, but rarely do we get to hear the other side of them being mistreated, unappreciated, and seriously abused, as you yourself experienced! I've heard of some serious demands, but cleaning up after them? use the money you saved on the bridal party's gifts, and hire someone, cheapos! Sorry. In the long run, if you show her all the appreciation, and gratitude you were never given, it will hopefully show what a bigger person you are, and make her realize her mistakes (if she's a regular human being, and seeing that she must have had some good qualities to be your MOH, i'm sure she's got some civility deep down!) That way, you don't need to get revenge, she will suffer in the way of guilt! Best of luck, sincerely, and I hope everything goes alright! (if it hasn't already, i see this post is a little older!) I didn't speak to a best friend after being her MOH for reasons very similar, and wish friendship didn't have to break over something that should be a wonderful experience!
  16. wow, insurance definitely paid off in the end! glad that situation turned out for the better!
  17. Hi Marie! Welcome to bdw!
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