Quote: Originally Posted by angie8119 wow!! Thanks everyone for the tips! I guess the price she's looking to charge me is pretty expected then. I did check Invitations by Dawn and Einvite and like them the best, but if I'm paying the same money with them I may as well go with the custom invites? Since I'm not getting married until April, I have decided to do a save the date with her (50 std, addressed envelopes, and monogram stickers) for $115. Then whom ever RSVP by January I will send really cute invites to. Is that bad, to only send invites to those who are def coming? This is just my opinion, but I didn't send RSVP's with my STD's because a lot can happen in a year...those that say they can come may back out and those that say they can't make it may. Also, I've heard you should send invitations out to those you sent STD's to, but obviously that's up to you!