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Everything posted by azulskies

  1. I think those palm leaf bags are sooo cute but I don't think we're gonna go with them for the same reason you're thinking...I don't think they're big enough for beach towels. But I haven't seen them in person, so maybe someone else can help you more. As for the visors, is this sorta what you're talking about? Visor: Blue
  2. I think we're going to go with Macy's & Bed, Bath & Beyond
  3. I know that it can be hard, especially since his father just passed away...I think it makes for a sensitive situation. But while he may not like to, your FI has to step up and put up some boundaries. He doesn't have to be rude or nasty but there are limits! For example, if she's calling at 6:45 in the morning when she knew you got in late, he shouldn't be picking up the phone right away at her beck & call...he can call her back when he's able to. She's doing what she's doing b/c he's allowing it to happen and if he doesn't do/say something, she'll continue to behave that way just because she can. With the reservations, your FI should let her know that it's out of your budget and have some suggestions of places/rooms she can stay in that are in your budget. If she wants something grandiose, then she should pay for it herself. Ah! This woman sounds so selfish! Good luck to you & your fiance!
  4. I think they're both beautiful...and you seemed to love the way the 2nd one complimented you. Can't wait to see pics!
  5. Anyone have any ideas of what to get for the men? I don't think they want to lug around tote bags....we were thinking about maybe getting those drawstring bags or a duffel bag. Any advice? TIA!
  6. azulskies


    Congrats & welcome! I'm sure you'll find the forum as useful as I have!
  7. Hi..congrats on quitting smoking! I think this is a good article: Exercise for Beginners Hope that helps somewhat & good luck!
  8. Your dress is really pretty...the lace is beautiful and it's going to look great with a sweetheart neckline. And your ring is beautiful!
  9. Aww, it looks great on you! So romantic and classy..perfect for a French wedding.
  10. We love watching UFC! We normally go to a bar to watch the fights. GSP is my fave! And cdnvb9, I'm jealous! What an awesome bachelorette party!
  11. How much are you thinking about spending? I thought these were cute, going with the travel theme: Mini-Suitcase Tins Mini Rolling Suitcase Favors We were going to go with those, but are probably just going to have fans as our favors. I have pictures of those in my planning site in my siggy.
  12. This situation would be so frustrating...I really think that you should try and have a one on one with her. I know it can be hard and awkward and frustrating but if she's going to be in your wedding, you have to get to the bottom of it because you don't deserve to have such hostility, especially on your wedding day. I really don't understand why she's being so catty; it really sounds like selfish reasons, and as your bridesmaid, she should be doing everything to make this planning easier. Sometimes I feel like weddings really show people's true colors, which isn't always a good thing. Good luck with the situation and if possible, let us know how it turns out
  13. Oh my goodness. My jaw dropped when I saw that figure! I definitely agree with deciding what is actually in your budget and talking to vendors about where you can go from there. Good luck!
  14. I still can't believe sometimes how personal coworkers can try to get! And what is the big deal if having children is something you and your husband do not want to do It's so frustrating! If people want to have children, that's their thing, but you're not just here to be a baby-maker. We were in a relationship for about 6 years before we got engaged and when it happened, people were more like "it's about time" as opposed to "congratulations!" lol. Now, we're not even married and people are already asking when we're having children..
  15. I haven't really decided myself...I'm not really traditional either, but it might just be a fun thing to do. I guess I'll see once we get closer to the wedding!
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