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Everything posted by azulskies

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Hey, how do you upload pictures? I just upload pictures onto Flickr and then use the URL to post them in the forum..make sense?
  2. I'll definitely be looking into this...if not for all the OOT Bags, at least for the kids. Thanks!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Also, he flosses and clips his nails in bed. Sometimes he just brushes the nails off the bed onto the carpet (he does this with the dog's nails too - I know, gross!). Then he says he will vaccuum them up tomorrow. Does he? NO!!! lol! I caught him clipping his toenails and just dumping them onto the carpet the other day! I was like whhhaatt? What are you doing?? And just like you said, they won't vacuum to clean it up...! Gross!
  4. This is all great advice. I've never heard of Tan Towels before but I'm definitely going to check it out!
  5. lol I also forgot how when he shaves, he leaves hairs all over the sink.. Great thread!
  6. I really like them...and it's great you get to support a cause at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Awww, everyone's babies are so adorable. Here are mine: We adopted both of them...Patches on the left & baby Jackson on the right (He's a year old now!!) Both of them again, on the bed...where they're not supposed to be
  8. I, too, completely understand! We take the time to do the website so people can have all the information they need at their fingertips. Yet, people will still ask you a bunch of questions! One of our groomsmen was almost making fun of me for sending out an STD and having a website..yet he still asks us a bunch of questions..lol! I just answer their question and kind of mention that the info is on the website and that we'll be updating it whenever we have new information...hopefully it's a big enough hint so that people will stop asking us the same questions over and over. Good luck!
  9. Personally, I don't get uptight with things like that so I wouldn't be offended at all! But brides are different so maybe you can ask someone who knows her a bit better? I would imagine if it's a beach wedding that it wouldn't be a big deal, especially if it's just the pants and not your shirt.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jamsmom Thanks for all of your support! Got home from work tonight and walked, lifted weights and did sit ups. I feel great...that is until tomorrow hits me. LOL Thanks for the tip of On Demand - I am going to do the one mile walk every other day! Nice! Congrats!
  11. My mom was a single mom and so I grew up learning how to clean/do laundry/etc. and it wasn't until I got college roommates that I even realized how much I took that for granted b/c they just didn't know what to do. So I definitely understand it can be frustrating for you! I think you should just start small. When I clean, I pick a room and I guess I kind of do it in sections. I think when you try to clean everything at the same time, it becomes overwhelming! I like to put on music b/c it makes it feel just a little less like a chore. As for cooking, my family was definitely a let's-go-out-to-eat family. So at first it was kind of hard for me to try and cook as opposed to going out and have someone do it for me! What I did was basically start off with small recipes of foods I really like. I find it helps to cook with the FI and also I usually get the dishes done while the food is cooking so that I don't really have to worry about them after we're done eating. Good luck! It'll come to you with time.
  12. Oh, I'm glad everything worked out! That has to feel great to have one less thing to worry about. (I really think vendors should use those "I'm away from the office" emails when they're going to be gone for awhile...I just think it helps reassure people who are going crazy trying to contact them!)
  13. Congrats on getting engaged! That's so romantic-getting engaged in Paris. I don't know much about Canada, but I hear there are so many nice places to get married on the US West Coast. Good luck with your planning!
  14. Congrats & welcome! I know picking out the location is so hard..I think all islands/states have their own personalities so once you figure them out, it makes picking a little easier. I'm sure the forum will help you out with your choice..good luck!
  15. Welcome and congrats!
  16. Congratulations & welcome to the forum..you'll find tons of help and inspiration here!
  17. This is a great thread! I really want to wear my hair half up and half down but I'm concerned b/c of wind & humidity. Here are some of my inspiration pics: Hair: Make-up:
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