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Everything posted by azulskies

  1. They do look beautiful! Good luck and can't wait to see how it turns out.
  2. Ugh, I hate that! Hopefully it'll go down again soon!
  3. I think you're handling the situation as best as you can. Both of our parents are assisting with the costs, but I don't think it's something that's expected anymore. But, on the other hand, since she's not contributing a dime, she has to know that she's not in the place to negatively comment on your decisions. Props to your FI for having a backbone & limiting the amount of guests she could invite. Good luck with everything.
  4. They look really cute! And thanks for the tip on checking out Save on Crafts..I'm trying to figure out where to get orchids for my fans.
  5. That's pretty much how I found this site too! Well, congrats & welcome! And I agree with pp, Singapore sounds amazing!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by GinalynL Are you from the 757 area Just curious bc I know it takes 3.5 hours to get to the DC metro area I grew up there! Good luck to all going. I hope you find your dream dresses! Keep us posted if you find it! Yes! I live in Norfolk! Where were you from??
  7. That's just awful...family should make wedding planning stress-free, not stressful. I don't understand how someone could get mad at someone else for not coming to their wedding when it was so last-minute & they were already aware of your plans. Hello?!! I'm sorry and I hope everything works out.
  8. I'm planning on going Friday, too. It's a 3 1/2 hour drive for me so I hope I find THE dress! I also plan on getting there at about 10.
  9. Wow, that made me emotional! What a sad but inspiring story. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I'm getting married at Olowalu. I'm only having my ceremony there & then having my reception at a luau. That's the only way I could've afforded it! I'm getting it for 3 hours on a weekday for I believe $1120. It's definitely going to cost you a lot more than the Seawatch. If you can afford to, it's a really beautiful venue & there are ways to try and get around some of the high costs (i.e. getting married on a weekday & some DIY projects). I've heard really great things about the Seawatch so if Olowalu isn't in your budget, I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Seawatch. Good luck!
  11. If you can afford El Convento and it's in your budget, then I'd say do it because it seems to be the one you like most. Good luck!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by drucky14 I like the linen shirts, and the linen pants. We're looking for hot pink linen shirts. Has anyone come across those in their travels? I found this website with a hot pink men's linen shirt: Pink Mast Plain Men's Linen Shirt I'm not sure what your budget is but it goes for $165. Kinda expensive but it's the only one I could find. Hope that helps!
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