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Everything posted by azulskies

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Here is a link to how I make the stickers: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39572 I attached the ppt file that has a bunch of seals I made as well as some address labels... good luck! The address labels really look great! Can I ask where you got that image of the palm tree in your last PP slide?? I've been looking everywhere for it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TerraDawnPhotography This is my girl Bella (not vampire name related...lol. I've had her for almost 8 years)!! She was digging a hole this day and instead of getting in trouble, I grabbed the camera. I don't know if you can see it, but her nose is covered in dirt in the last shot....lol. I luuuurve her smile. I just found out on Friday that this set of images is a finalist in the International Photography Awards 2009!!! So exciting!! Bella might be famous! lol. Aww, congrats! I loooove those pictures!
  3. That's so exciting! Congrats!!
  4. Congrats!! I worked as a dispatcher at our local police department and it's definitely a stressful but fun/interesting job! Our training was rough but yours sounds pretty hardcore lol! Well congrats & good luck!!
  5. I agree with everyone else. We're going to do bags per couple/family, get one main favor, and then everything else will be dollar deals. Coupons always help & we'll be looking for things you can get in a pack for a $1 (like hand sanitizers 3 for a $1, etc). So I think it can definitely be done on a budget. Happy planning!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Huey There are so many exciting options in Maui! Part of me almost worries that we made the wrong choice! I see you are doing a luau for your reception. I was leaning more towards hosting a catered outdoor event at Honua Kai Lani.... something you could have done at Olowalu Plantation House! What made you decide on the luau? Yeah, we could've done that but the costs really start to add up, especially at a private estate. We wanted to get married at Olowalu & that was really the only way we could afford it! I saw a lot of brides doing it & I thought it would still be a good time. When you say you think you made the wrong choice...do you mean in choosing your venue??
  7. So no one else on the board is going? I'm excited..it's only a few days away!
  8. Imppearl, I love how your puppies are laying right next to one another...mine do the same thing. They're inseparable!
  9. I bought one of these a few months ago for $2.50, but I haven't seen anymore at our Target lately. They're pretty good quality...great find!
  10. Your guest book looks fantastic! This is exactly what we decided we're going to do & it's so nice to hear that Shutterfly's quality was great...thanks for the ideas!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Huey Thanks Azulskies! We have plans to get married at Honua Kai Lani/Sugarman Estate followed by a reception at Spago's. I think the latest project has been to find a dress and worrying that I might overheat! Everything else is still up in the air! How about you? Oh that sounds amazing! And I definitely hear you about the dress..I'm hoping to find the least amount of material as possible! I'm still searching for my dress as well! We're getting married at Olowalu Plantation House & then having our reception at Old Lahaina Luau. Again, congrats! And let me know if you need anything!
  12. Wow, that is just crazy! I agree with Love3; don't worry about the things you can't control. As for your FSIL, if you can't afford to assist her, especially since she waited until now to book her tickets, you'll just have to let her know. Too much drama so close to your wedding date! Sorry you have to go through all that but I'm sure everything will work out in the end...good luck!
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